Your driving licence record is now online


can your employer log in and check this without your permission

Legally/Officially? NO

Technically? YES

Nearly all employers will have access to your driver number and NI number, so yes they COULD

Good point

Anyone with your driver licence number, NI no. and post code could do a check





Well I was going to have a look but it says it wants my Nat. Ins. number?
I don’t really see what business it is of theirs to have this info.
Bit too much of big brother methinks.

They already have the info - They want you to give it (and your postcode, driver number etc) to help confirm that you are who you say you are (and that you are entitled to see the driver record).

They do not already have the info, they are looking for your permission (given when you tick the box) to correlate all your personal info (HMRC records and NI details) with your drivers licence details. None of that information has previously been held by DVLA. If it was held by DVLA then they would not need your permission to correlate with other agencies, as according to you they have it. They don’t have it. Drivers licence number, name and DOB is already enough to verify your drivers details.

But in this case “They” are HM Government and its executive agencies (including DVLA) and so “they” certainly do have your NI number. If you enter someone else’s NI number on the site (even someone with the same name) it is rejected. Date of birth is a bit pointless to verify your details - it is already part of your driver number…

Google “correlate” . You’ll eventually discover that this (applying to see your licence details) will help the Government achieve its aim to correlate (or gather together) all your info into one place so they do not have to cross reference other agencies etc. This however is NOT made clear. So, no, in this case “They” are the DVLA or whatever they are called now. "They " do not hold all that extra info, and YES a drivers licence number, name , address, DOB IS all that is needed to identify your licence and confirm your identity. Thats all they ask for on a drivers licence form. And the DOB is not pointless as its usually obfuscated or shortened when its part of your licence number.
Also if you do enter someone elses NI number with the same name it will have a different address and DOB so will NOT match the drivers records held, thats why its refused. You never made a Detective when you where in the force did you i guess ? :smiley:

The information held by different Government agencies requires assembling in one place and rather than paying civil servants to put it all together they set up various websites and allow us to do the work for them for nothing. Seems they’re on to a winner there.