Your DCPC views


Fatboy slimslow:

Conor,… seriously mate, I don’t know if it’s your intention to come across as some" I know better than you all" patronising champion of the DCPC, but if you are you are achieving it with merit, trust me.

I seem to remember a while back you making a general comment about me supposedly asking stupid questions but when asked for an example nothing came back, feel free to trawl through my 2000+ posts as you appear to have done with Truckyboy to prove a point, as I am sure you will eventually find something.
I also notice you appear to have a problem with the more experienced drivers on here, I agree some are a bit misinformed, but certainly not the majority as in your opinion.

As for the DCPC question, here is my opinion set out at the risk of you belittling it in your own inimitable way. :neutral_face:

The question of professionalism, (or lack of) could be ascertained by an initial exam taken by all drivers, those that do not pass send on a DCPC course, those that do will get a certificate…simple.
The basis of the problem is with the lack of selection process, once over you needed a set of skills to drive a non Automatic truck, you needed to know how to put 3 sheets on a trailer neatly and secure, you needed to know how to read a map, you definitely needed to use and show initiative, a lot of wannabe drivers could not hack some or all of these so it was a natural selection process.
Nowadays you need none of these to obtain a licence so the f/whits are getting through the net that they once would be unable to get through, hence you get the bridge bashers, the special needs types and the list you came up with yourself.
I don’t know what the answer is to up the profile of the haulage industry, what I do know it aint the DCPC in it’s present form that you keep banging on about at every opportunity on here.

and not forgetting Conor hasn’t set foot in a truck for half a decade, as he was shunting round goole in green for tosscos! :grimacing: shunters = failed truck drivers as the keep going round in circles :sunglasses:

he got sacked from that job too :smiley:

I heard that too. Is his second name Torton or something like that? If it’s the same guy he was always arguing with the drivers on site and going crying to management at the slightest little thing.


I like the suggestions of a more piratical/ hands on approach

I aint going down the road dressed as a Pirate for anybody, wearing hi-viz is bad enough :laughing:

Disappointing lack of conviction to raising professional standards :angry:

Left hand down!:


Fatboy slimslow:

Conor,… seriously mate, I don’t know if it’s your intention to come across as some" I know better than you all" patronising champion of the DCPC, but if you are you are achieving it with merit, trust me.

I seem to remember a while back you making a general comment about me supposedly asking stupid questions but when asked for an example nothing came back, feel free to trawl through my 2000+ posts as you appear to have done with Truckyboy to prove a point, as I am sure you will eventually find something.
I also notice you appear to have a problem with the more experienced drivers on here, I agree some are a bit misinformed, but certainly not the majority as in your opinion.

As for the DCPC question, here is my opinion set out at the risk of you belittling it in your own inimitable way. :neutral_face:

The question of professionalism, (or lack of) could be ascertained by an initial exam taken by all drivers, those that do not pass send on a DCPC course, those that do will get a certificate…simple.
The basis of the problem is with the lack of selection process, once over you needed a set of skills to drive a non Automatic truck, you needed to know how to put 3 sheets on a trailer neatly and secure, you needed to know how to read a map, you definitely needed to use and show initiative, a lot of wannabe drivers could not hack some or all of these so it was a natural selection process.
Nowadays you need none of these to obtain a licence so the f/whits are getting through the net that they once would be unable to get through, hence you get the bridge bashers, the special needs types and the list you came up with yourself.
I don’t know what the answer is to up the profile of the haulage industry, what I do know it aint the DCPC in it’s present form that you keep banging on about at every opportunity on here.

and not forgetting Conor hasn’t set foot in a truck for half a decade, as he was shunting round goole in green for tosscos! :grimacing: shunters = failed truck drivers as the keep going round in circles :sunglasses:

he got sacked from that job too :smiley:

I heard that too. Is his second name Torton or something like that? If it’s the same guy he was always arguing with the drivers on site and going crying to management at the slightest little thing.




I like the suggestions of a more piratical/ hands on approach

I aint going down the road dressed as a Pirate for anybody, wearing hi-viz is bad enough :laughing:

Disappointing lack of conviction to raising professional standards :angry:

Yeh thats alright mate, but it could mean getting your leg taken off :open_mouth:




I like the suggestions of a more piratical/ hands on approach

I aint going down the road dressed as a Pirate for anybody, wearing hi-viz is bad enough :laughing:

Disappointing lack of conviction to raising professional standards :angry:

Yeh thats alright mate, but it could mean getting your leg taken off :open_mouth:

I’m more worried about having a parrot craping on my shoulder. :laughing:


Fatboy slimslow:
and not forgetting Conor hasn’t set foot in a truck for half a decade

Maybe that is why he is so ■■■■■■■ wise, he has maybe spent the last 5yrs studying the DCPC syllabus :smiley: …Sorry cheap shot :blush: :blush: :wink:

his words, not mine :sunglasses:

Left hand down!:


Fatboy slimslow:

I heard that too. Is his second name Torton or something like that? If it’s the same guy he was always arguing with the drivers on site and going crying to management at the slightest little thing.

dont know the surname, but it’s the same guy :sunglasses:

Fatboy slimslow:

Left hand down!:


Fatboy slimslow:

I heard that too. Is his second name Torton or something like that? If it’s the same guy he was always arguing with the drivers on site and going crying to management at the slightest little thing.

dont know the surname, but it’s the same guy :sunglasses:

The way you have edited that mate, makes it look as if I disclosed his name, where as I didn’t/wouldn’t, as I reckon that could be against forum rules :bulb: , and also I don’t really give a ■■■■ what his name is to be honest, or anything else about him.

‘…the DCPC has been a waste of time … I like the suggestions of a more piratical/hands-on approach to training …’

Brussels got it wrong? :open_mouth:

Quelle surprise :unamused:

Maybe remind your Lib/Lab/Green/Conster pro-EU candidate at next April/May election bun-fight :smiley:

Well i did learn not to buy cheap Xmas lights,because they will set my house on and safety mod.

Then sat through 4 days of first aid,because that’s the only cause they done on a Saturday.i’m already a first aider so i did not learn much.

so after spending £385 for a cpc card.i feel a little robbed.

I can’t wait to do it all again.

Article from a few weeks ago…

3 months until Driver CPC deadline
Fleets have been told to make provisions for the Driver CPC deadline which is only three months away.

Fleets have less than three months until the deadline for their HGV drivers to complete the mandatory 35 hours training in order to meet the approved Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC) standards.

September 10th is the final Driver CPC date and it has crept up on many operators in part due to its own provisions for flexibility. This has meant that apart from the most forward-thinking of fleets, not many companies completed the requirements in the first two years of the cycle and now a significant section of the industry are still playing catch up.

There was a marked rise in the number of drivers registering for training at the start of this year, but the Freight Transport Association (FTA) is still concerned that others may miss out.

June Powell, FTA’s director of compliance management, said: “FTA members have been sensibly balancing the requirement to keep the Driver CPC training schedule on plan whilst not wanting to train all their drivers too soon and risk losing them to job-market competitors who may pay marginally more in wages. It’s also become apparent that FTA members are looking for courses which fit with their own business needs and ultimately will represent a return on investment.”

DVSA figures show that at the start of last month, around 750,000 HGV and PCV drivers were already on its driver training database, but 10,000 more drivers were coming onto the system every month.

Ms Powell added the FTA had a clear message that it is not too late - even for those drivers that haven’t started yet. However, the association also warned all hauliers that they should not expect any exemptions or last minute reprieves, as the DVSA will enforce Driver CPC and the Traffic Commissioners will be looking to penalise.

For more information on driver training and fleet management behaviour monitoring contract MiX Telematics.

I’m quaking in my boots FTA and DVSA, :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: This you must do this/that before the deadline or…
smells highly of sales spiel to me , the same is repeated not suprisingly by those trainers or what ever they are classed as at every place that does dcpc courses no doubt

Thing is it wont change a thing, there wont be a significant number of extra jobs to suddenly choose from , nor are employers suddenly going to up their rates of pay , but it will make those of us who are faced with the choice(if you can really call it a choice) of shelling out a lot of hard earned on it,just so we can contnue to earn a wage come sept 10th 2014 or quite possibly out of work,skint and maybe on the dole ,unless your nearing retirement ,

tommy t:
I’m quaking in my boots FTA and DVSA, :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: This you must do this/that before the deadline or…
smells highly of sales spiel to me , the same is repeated not suprisingly by those trainers or what ever they are classed as at every place that does dcpc courses no doubt

Thing is it wont change a thing, there wont be a significant number of extra jobs to suddenly choose from , nor are employers suddenly going to up their rates of pay , but it will make those of us who are faced with the choice(if you can really call it a choice) of shelling out a lot of hard earned on it,just so we can contnue to earn a wage come sept 10th 2014 or quite possibly out of work,skint and maybe on the dole ,unless your nearing retirement ,

I spoke to a Dutch driver mate of mine, he told me that the DCPC deadline has been extended in the NL, as there are so many drivers at this point in time that will be unable to meet it. It appears that these guys did not bow to the pressure, it’s a pity drivers in the UK did not follow the example.

Left hand down!:
I heard that too. Is his second name Torton or something like that? If it’s the same guy he was always arguing with the drivers on site and going crying to management at the slightest little thing.

ROFLMAO. Yeah of course I did. You of course were there, worked with me and were in the meeting I had.

Oh that’s right, you weren’t.

The day I have such a pathetic life I believe every bit of ■■■■■■■■ I hear like yourself is the day I throw myself off the Humber Bridge.

I bet you think the Jeremy Kyle show is real as well. :laughing:

Must have hit a nerve to get the morons crawling out of the woodwork. Bit of a thicko are you? Find completing basic paperwork a bit hard? Incapable of working out simple things like drivers hours without having to resort to a timer? Your mate slimslow certainly sounds like a bit of a mouth breather in his posts. Kindred spirits and all that.

my wife has a 63 plate car paid for and we own our own house

And you only have to do twice as many hours as the average person and be away from home all week to manage it. Not doing that well are you?

I found your truckers bible…


tommy t:
I’m quaking in my boots FTA and DVSA, :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: This you must do this/that before the deadline or…
smells highly of sales spiel to me , the same is repeated not suprisingly by those trainers or what ever they are classed as at every place that does dcpc courses no doubt

Thing is it wont change a thing, there wont be a significant number of extra jobs to suddenly choose from , nor are employers suddenly going to up their rates of pay , but it will make those of us who are faced with the choice(if you can really call it a choice) of shelling out a lot of hard earned on it,just so we can contnue to earn a wage come sept 10th 2014 or quite possibly out of work,skint and maybe on the dole ,unless your nearing retirement ,

I spoke to a Dutch driver mate of mine, he told me that the DCPC deadline has been extended in the NL, as there are so many drivers at this point in time that will be unable to meet it. It appears that these guys did not bow to the pressure, it’s a pity drivers in the UK did not follow the example.

The Dutch like some other Countries, such as Germany have always had a 2016 deadline for HGV drivers, the lack of uptake of courses in those Countries is probably because the deadline is to far away for most to worry. bit like the UK a couple of years ago.



tommy t:
I’m quaking in my boots FTA and DVSA, :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: This you must do this/that before the deadline or…
smells highly of sales spiel to me , the same is repeated not suprisingly by those trainers or what ever they are classed as at every place that does dcpc courses no doubt

Thing is it wont change a thing, there wont be a significant number of extra jobs to suddenly choose from , nor are employers suddenly going to up their rates of pay , but it will make those of us who are faced with the choice(if you can really call it a choice) of shelling out a lot of hard earned on it,just so we can contnue to earn a wage come sept 10th 2014 or quite possibly out of work,skint and maybe on the dole ,unless your nearing retirement ,

I spoke to a Dutch driver mate of mine, he told me that the DCPC deadline has been extended in the NL, as there are so many drivers at this point in time that will be unable to meet it. It appears that these guys did not bow to the pressure, it’s a pity drivers in the UK did not follow the example.

The Dutch like some other Countries, such as Germany have always had a 2016 deadline for HGV drivers, the lack of uptake of courses in those Countries is probably because the deadline is to far away for most to worry. bit like the UK a couple of years ago.

Yeh ok, maybe I got the version wrong mate, I thought that their deadline was similar to ours, but the phone conversation with the Dutch lad was in the pub with a couple of pints of Smiths on board at my end and God knows how many bottles of Grolsch at the other end :laughing:

I would like to add im not anti cpc as I think it is needed (in a dif format n less hrs) and also think there should be a pass n fail test at the end of each course…ive recently finished my cpc and witnessed on every course drivers with no or hardly any english language at all sit through it not understanding or able to answer any question asked but just a blank expression and still walk out with a “pass” …complete joke I think …we all could do with some improvements and a little added knowledge no matter how long we have been driving and if you think you dont then theres your first problem. .things change rules change we have to go with the flow …but if dont understand you dont pass…simple

Well, did first 7 hours yesterday. In fairness to guy sat up front he was doing his best to keep it as interesting as possible, and failing. Other drivers chipping in and arguing helped pass the time. Guy sat up front kept saying well that passed 10 minutes.

Course was correct handling - driver daily vehicle checks. We spent an hour chatting outside next to a vehicle, which was nice in the sunshine. I learnt not to lift anything too heavy, and not to twist, but to keep a straight back. Didn’t take 7 hours really. We saw the old vosa walk around video.

I will be doing this self same course next Sunday.

Ongoing vocational training designed to improve safety within the industry it most certainly is not. This is the reason the dcpc was brought in, and it is failing. The people who designed and run the course are doing the same as all of us, just getting through it to tick the boxes.

It is a seven hour prison sentence / community service which I have the privilege of paying for, whilst losing a days pay. Lose / lose.

To be able to complete the next 35 hours by 19th September 2014, and not have to complete any more until September 2024 makes a mockery of the ‘ongoing vocational training’ aspect to it.

Anyone name any other ‘vocations / professions / jobs’ that are required to undergo these pointless exercises in futility just to be able to continue to work?


‘… we have to go with the flow …’

Apologies to those prone to dislike my submissions, but how meekly should we go?

Yes, there’s a case to have compulsory post-test training for lorry drivers, and yes, the conditions in advanced countries undoubtedly have social needs to acknowledge & formalise: There is where it’s gone to rats.

Whatever should be decided upon needs fairness & consistency dependent on many factors: That’s the kinda stuff that needs democratic agreement upon, since one EU-size in the form we’ve been shafted with shows not to fit all.

Q Re the DCPC and much else: What is the EU’s bulldozer, sorry managing the flow” tactic?

A Airfix kit painting with a 12 inch emulsion roller seems about it - with the mighty Spitfire/Hurricane combo doubtless relegated in status below the Me 109, etc (although the Dutch fighter gets a 2 year delayed reprieve before he too shall get ‘the treatment’ …most odd, but ‘huzzah’ for those pluckily resistant Cheese-noshers) :wink:

We’ve largely shown ourselves to have ‘gone with the flow’ but have been far too benevolent and passively silent of federal-focussed autocrats doing a needy requirement very badly albeit with a big stick with which to beat us, ie, immediate unemployment or slaughter when you’re caught running bently ‘un-trained’.

Giving feed back of discontent is surely reasonable and perhaps flippantly begs metaphorically asking ‘is the EU using Halal (‘Peace be upon Him’) methods of enforcing their training compliance when more advanced methods are available’.

Me? I make no secret of preferrence to be horsed in the line of flow by a more humane option resistant to ancient, thuggish & disrespectful methodology :neutral_face:

I would like to add im not anti cpc as I think it is needed (in a dif format n less hrs) and also think there should be a pass n fail test at the end of each course…ive recently finished my cpc and witnessed on every course drivers with no or hardly any english language at all sit through it not understanding or able to answer any question asked but just a blank expression and still walk out with a “pass” …complete joke I think …we all could do with some improvements and a little added knowledge no matter how long we have been driving and if you think you dont then theres your first problem. .things change rules change we have to go with the flow …but if dont understand you dont pass…simple

If the govt (or EU Just for Keith :smiley: ) feed the masses their policies, opinions and info for so long they accept it as the norm ie. Brainwashing :bulb:
My point being it has gone from everybody on here (except Conor :unamused: ) saying a couple of years ago it aint needed, it’s a waste of time, we don’t want it, to “It IS, needed, we accept it in principle, but in a different format”

OK, IN THAT CONTEXT, (ie. ignoring for a minute I still think that it aint needed end of) a proper course where you are getting intense classroom tuition with a test under Exam conditions sounds feasible, and it will get rid of the “Never be REAL drivers as long as they have a hole in their arses” crew :unamused: (of which there are many) at a stroke. But what about the lads that are in practice good drivers, but a bit say… academically challenged, that left school with no qualifications because of that, and find this sort of environment difficult and in a lot of cases impossible. Do they really want their licences suspended until they repeatedly try and fail the new DCPC exam, it could be months in some cases, and the more times they fail, the worse it becomes financially and with confidence issues.
Yet another good argument for leaving things alone and not having it.
So as I have said before on here Be careful what you wish for as it could come back and bite you on the arse