Yorkshire Truckfest Anyone?

Is anyone going to Yorkshire Truckfest at Driffield on June 16/17th ? I’ll be going at least one day if anyone else is going from South Yorkshire wanna car share ?

I will be going but only since i can get free entry. Went last year and paid and was more than a little dissapointed! Nothing like the proper truckfests

Probably won’t go this year I was disappointed last year lots of “tat” stalls and the trucks relegated to an are away from the main show arena.

Went to the Barnard Castle show and it is much better - friendlier people showing the trucks and they are more accessible.

can’t do Driffield, … getting married, hope to do Barnard Castle though

forget the marrage bit do dfiff instead, you know it makes sence :wink: :wink: :wink:

It’s in my town but even though it’s only a 15 minute walk away, I really can’t be bothered anymore.

Seems to be the same old stuff and I’m sick of seeing them during the week, let alone in my time.

Wife and kids will probably go, come back with tales of how a can of pop was £2 a go, carrier bags full of tat and a nice sunburn.

OTOH I could go there and stand outside the Protemp stand and warn people off them. Not satisfied with screwing me out of holiday pay, they’ve done it to my mate twice now.

We’re only 10 miles away but seeing as we would have to pay to get in I’m pretty sure we won’t be bothering.


We’re only 10 miles away but seeing as we would have to pay to get in I’m pretty sure we won’t be bothering.


Well why should it be free ? Still half the price of a football match.


We’re only 10 miles away but seeing as we would have to pay to get in I’m pretty sure we won’t be bothering.


Well why should it be free ? Still half the price of a football match.

but then again football matches are well over priced.


We’re only 10 miles away but seeing as we would have to pay to get in I’m pretty sure we won’t be bothering.


Well why should it be free ? Still half the price of a football match.

I think he’s commenting on the fact that it was truly crap last year and the year before, toby. Not worth the money in any way.

ya so tight :wink: JD just like ya dad … sandy how is the old bugger anyway■■?
yep we will be there drinking plenty of the amber stuff :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

globby 480:
ya so tight :wink: JD just like ya dad … sandy how is the old bugger anyway■■?
yep we will be there drinking plenty of the amber stuff :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

he is doing ok. just been round giving everyone the hump. :imp: :wink: :laughing:

nothing changes then ey jd?