XGODY help required


First of all I must admit to being an interloper - I am not a Trucker, I am a bus driver (don’t shoot me)

I have joined in the hope that someone in here can help me with a little conundrum, and then maybe some further advice.

So as stated above, Iam a bus driver. The company I work for also do National Express and private hire coach work.

Yesterday I was approached by the head of our training school.

The company has recently acquired an XGODY Sat Nav - sorry, I don’t have the specific model number to hand, I forgot to write it down!

They’ve plugged in the vehicle dimensions for one of the tri-axle Levante’s, and then took it on a test run in a car.

I apparently routed around low bridges, but when that routing was ignored, there were no audible warnings that there was a restriction ahead.

This is apparently the prime reason for getting the unit, to an extra layer of security to avoid bridge strikes and the like.

It’s a little ironic that the day after I pick up my new Mini Cooper Clubman, they’r asking me to test a Sat Nav for large vehicles, lol.

Anyway, I tested it on the way home last night - just plugged in my post code without changing any of the other settings - and it didn’t even avoid the low bridges. However, I have to admit that I did not check the vehicle dimensions, so it may have been OK…

Having done some research, it seems that the biggest issue are the lack of “.ftr” files, however - having plugged it into my laptop, I can see that the ftr files exist.

I’m going to factory reset it tonight. Can anyone guide me on how exactly to get it to not only avoid restrictions, but also to alert if there is a restriction coming up that will require a U-turn to avoid.

I bought one of wish and had exactly same problem and cant seem to get any answers on how to sort it :angry:

There is a great page on Facebook that tells you all about XGODY and NOZATEC sat navs and how to set them up and download updates.


Just reading this post, I have an XGODY 520 and a NAVPAL something or other and they both use the same iGO Truck software, anyway, just to give you a heads up on these NAVs, I updated mine a few weeks ago, cant remember the software number it should be 2020-2021, but seems to be a bit strange on the directions as well, I had post code for an address, when I put it in it gave me a completely different road name to the one I had so I checked it with my Google maps on my phone, sure enough it was the wrong address, I did input the post code again just to make 100% sure I didn’t make a mistake but it said the same thing again so I have no idea as to why it did that, that was the first thing, also It has taken me on some stupidly longer routs than I originally could have taken in the first place, one rout I did, I could have taken was about 10 or 11 miles no restrictions (class2 18tn), but this was like 18+ miles the long long way round, although I have mine set to fastest rout, and have inputted the dimensions of the truck, it shore wasn’t in the end, anyway, just be careful of these satnavs, check where you are going first on a computer or even your phone, if they address match, that should be ok, if not then be very aware of where this thing takes you. Just also to confirm what Sapper said, they have a Facebook page with all the help you need for it, I could possibly do it, but to be honest, I am not great at explaining things, also, you can get them to send you an update link, as these are supposed to be free updates for life, well so they say lol…

I too am not a trucker though it says that on my licence, but that goes back 35 years.

All my time now is spent on a full sized coach around UK.

I purchased a Garmin Dezl 560 sat nav specially because it catered for large vehicles as well as cars but that feature, which I paid more for on the purchase price, was really a waste of money.

True enough it identifies low bridges and gives alerts as you get close. There is a very low bridge close to the depot and it always picks it up OK.

However for coach use specifically, it is not good. Many routes have restrictions for trucks but not coaches which basically can go anywhere a local bus can, that is through town centres, up bus lanes, through bus gates, etc. at any time of the day or night.

Driving round London on this sat nav is definitely not recommended since for example, it will take you miles away from the shortest and legal coach route when your destination is just round the corner. I always have it set for a car and do a bit of homework before setting off.

In any case I thought National Express banned sat navs on their coaches.

Hope this helps,
