Wtf is that all about?

what’s going on with the professional drivers forum?
there’s a thread with responses been on it since thursday about polish food :unamused:
WTF has the water content in meat got to do with a truckers forum?
its just getting silly now no wonder JD asks whats going on :unamused: :unamused:


It has now been moved. :smiley:


It has now been moved. :smiley:

still more obtuse than even toby’s posts, even too daft for bully’s :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well I happen to think that the water content of polish ham concerns all professional drivers, it’s of the utmost importance.

Well I happen to think that the water content of polish ham concerns all professional drivers, it’s of the utmost importance.

only if you eat the crap, personally iberico ham is my favourite :laughing:

True. I personally steer well clear of any meat that’s formed. I’ve seen where it comes from.

True. I personally steer well clear of any meat that’s formed. I’ve seen where it comes from.


I’ve just been out and got something for my sandwiches to take to work tonight. I went with Pastrami, which is the correct forum to enquire about it’s water content and origins?

You know what? I like it so don’t really care where it came from or what’s in it. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve just been out and got something for my sandwiches to take to work tonight. I went with Pastrami, which is the correct forum to enquire about it’s water content and origins?

I would have thought it should be as a sticky in the PDF :laughing: :laughing:
just be careful where you get your pastrami from after all the polish stuff is much better quality :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Yes of course Polish food is of the highest quality so I hear. Much higher standards apparently :slight_smile: