Struggling to understand the wtd between 0 and 6 hrs you need a 15 min break if you’re shift is between 6 and 9 hours you need a half hour anything over 9 you need a 45 …
So could I for example take 15 min break just shy of 6 hrs and a half hour anywhere between 6 &12 hours providing I don’t work more than 6 hours ?.. Some ppl say it has to me taken by 9hrs, thanks in advance
That is correct. If its purely for WTD purposes you could even have 3x15mins.
Just remember, “some people” are often wrong.
Cheers for that it’s just the way the word it they don’t really make it clear , I guess that’s just the amount of time needed for a certain amount of time , so it doesent have to be taken by 9 hours if working over that just never work more than 6 hours with out a break cheers for youre reply
You are spot on. Cheers
Lets say you are doing a 15 hour shift - this is legal providing the driving time is under 4.5 hours so no driving time breaks are needed
work 6 hours
break 15 mins
work 6 hours
break 15 mins
work 2 hours
break 15 mins
work 15 mins
For 10 hrs shift can I take 45 minutes break within first 2 hrs and not take any more break.
For 10 hrs shift can I take 45 minutes break within first 2 hrs and not take any more break.
For 10 hrs shift can I take 45 minutes break within first 2 hrs and not take any more break.
No, you mustn’t work more than six hours without a break of at least 15 minutes.
In your example, the earliest you could take your break (45 minutes because you’re working over 9 hours) is after 3 hours 15 minutes work. This way, four hours have passed from starting and you have six hours left till finish.
WTD has me confused too…
So I assume if you did a 15 hour day… But drove for almost 9 hours and took all your driving breaks… they count as the breaks you need for the WTD?
I’m currently looking for class 2 work and although I know the rules for driving time and WTD etc… I’m so scared I’m going to do it all wrong!
WTD has me confused too…So I assume if you did a 15 hour day… But drove for almost 9 hours and took all your driving breaks… they count as the breaks you need for the WTD?
I’m currently looking for class 2 work and although I know the rules for driving time and WTD etc… I’m so scared I’m going to do it all wrong!
BUT they have to fall at the correct times. So you don’t work for more than 6 hours continuously without having a break.
For example.
0600-0615 daily checks o/w 15mins
0615-0900 drive 2.75hrs
0900-0915 BREAK 15mins
0915-1045 drive 1.5hrs
1045-1115 BREAK 30mins
1115-1400 unloading o/w 3.75hrs
1400-1800 drive 4hrs
1800-2030 unloading o/w 2.5hrs
2030-2100 drive 30mins
2100 REST 9 hours
In the above example a 15 hour day(hopefully the timesnare correct, i’m knackered ) you have satisfied your EU hours, driving breaks, had 9 hours rest etc. BUT you haven’t satisfied the WTD because the last break too early in the day, so you’ve worked more than 6 hours continuously.
They could satisfy all break requirements in a different example though. Only stopping for 45 minutes in 15hrs ■■■■■ by the way!
Spot on rog just never go longer than 6 hours with out some kind of break
My day today was :
07.11 o/w 3hrs 17mins
10.28 driving for 1hr 14mins
11.42 28 mins rest (waiting on customer & WTD break)
12.10 to 16.13 mixture of driving and o/w
16.13 to 16.48 rest 35mins (refresh driving)
16.48 to 21.10 mixture of driving and other work
21.10 weekly rest started
Pretty sure I’ve got the hang of the regs and that’s within scope for driving and wtd but would appreciate your experienced guys feedback I’m on class 2 multi drop (4th week next week) and just want to make sure I’m getting my tachograph right Ryan
My day today was :07.11 o/w 3hrs 17mins
10.28 driving for 1hr 14mins
11.42 28 mins rest (waiting on customer & WTD break)
12.10 to 16.13 mixture of driving and o/w
16.13 to 16.48 rest 35mins (refresh driving)
16.48 to 21.10 mixture of driving and other work
21.10 weekly rest startedPretty sure I’ve got the hang of the regs and that’s within scope for driving and wtd but would appreciate your experienced guys feedback I’m on class 2 multi drop (4th week next week) and just want to make sure I’m getting my tachograph right
That’s fine as long as you never went over 4.5 hours driving before your 35minute break at 16:13.
That was a fair old day by the looks of things! Who was that working for out of interest?
Brilliant thanks for confirming F-reds, I work for H T Gardner Distribution out of Exeter, was my longest day by far yet everything was just against me yesterday right from the get go. At the time I took the 35 mins I had clocked up 4hrs 10mins of driving Ryan
That’s fine then mate. Nice one!
Hell of a day for a Friday!
Tell me about it mate, when I saw my run 1st thing I thought that’s not to bad at all really, seems as though it wasn’t to be! Loaders couldn’t get my load right lorry was loaded and reloaded about 4 times before a decent forkie got it bang on for me. No way was I taking it anywhere how the other was doing it. One pallet of slate tiles had to be broken down in 2 pallets as it was like 1.5 ton for a private address so they took their time with that. I ended up giving a hand just so I could get it loaded and off. Then the other hold ups were on the road I had 12 drops spread over 250kms and 8 were farms / private addresses that were a pig to get in to no fork lift etc etc. Hey ho some days are like that though
That’s the way it goes sometimes, nice one for mucking in and helping them get it right for you. Time spent in the yard “getting it just right” can save you double that, and then some, when you are out on the road.
I had a nice easy day, only 11 drops, 230kms. Had lunch down on the river Thames watching the totty get into their Boats at the Fulham rowing club.
Amen to that, no reason why I couldn’t muck in as I’d done all I was duty bound to at that point, and as you’ve said if it’s to our benefit out on the road then bonus sounds like you had a nice one mate, I had a few real ■■■■ easy days through the week like 13 stops in Exeter and surrounds total kms couldn’t of been anymore then 100 / 150 then just waiting around for colls other drivers couldn’t make. No such luck on the totty front though, don’t seem to get much good “scenery” in the places I end up ha!
That is correct. If its purely for WTD purposes you could even have 3x15mins.Just remember, “some people” are often wrong.
I’ve done 15, 15, 30 to stay within regulations.
Struggling to understand the wtd between 0 and 6 hrs you need a 15 min break if you’re shift is between 6 and 9 hours you need a half hour anything over 9 you need a 45 …
The first part is incorrect. If your shift is less than 6 hours you do not need a break. The rest is correct. A few things to remember …
0-6 hours - No break required
6-9 hours - Breaks totalling 30 minutes required
Over 9 hours - Breaks totalling 45 minutes required
You must not work longer than 6 hours without a break.
Breaks must be at least 15 minutes long.
Breaks must interrupt periods of work to qualify. Immediate start and end of shift doesn’t count. 1 minute work is enough.
This is work time not duty time. Breaks and POA do not count towards work time.
You will hear a lot (and I mean LOTS) of people spout all kinds of stuff about this. The 2 most popular being needing 30 minutes by 6 hours usually coupled with needing 45 by 9 hours.