So I’m new to this agency and they seem ayight but client pushes for max weekly hours which as we know is 60. How do you regulate average 48h in 17 weeks? Do you alternate weeks or after 8 weeks you notify agency your available for only 36h per week?
Sometime I get a feeling that nobody bothers with that and they just work maximum allowed. Is DVSA even enforcing that?
Whole 48 hrs a week is a con .
as breaks don’t count so you work 5 days take 45 mins break each day that’s 3 hours 45 mins saved / which doesn’t count so that’s so that’s 51 hours 45 you can work.
Plus if you use poa and another breaks it all adds up.
Plus I’m almost certain you have to opt out /in to do 48 hours a week. And your more than like told you can’t opt out due to nature of the business can’t guarantee what traffics like etc.
So In short if you want to work it out work out how long you work each week minus Any breaks and poa. That gives you your working time keep track.
But can almost guarantee if you go look I’ve worked over 48 hours for past few months I want shorter weeks to compensate your just get laughed at and work will dry up on agency
I personally wouldn’t worry too much as the onus is on the employer to make sure you are compliant.
As alluded to above, it normally works out okay without too much effort. On agency there can be times that are quieter for whatever reason and that will bring your average down.
You cannot opt in or out of the 48 hour WTD regulations.
It is a directive by law.
You should never work more than 48 hours over your reference period your company uses to keep track.
It is the companies responsibility to monitor is drivers average hours not the driver (but drives can monitor it themselves). But as also said breaks and use of poa or breaks everyone your sat around doing nothing will bring the average down.
Just walk away, get something else.