Couple of legal Q’s. I’ve got a copy of VOSA’s regs regarding driver’s hours and the appendices they attach re the working time directive. I’ve still a couple of points I wasn’t sure about maybe you could help?
I understand the limitation to 10 hours work applies if you work between the specified period. I had a scenario the other day. I started at 10am. I was planning a 15 hour spread over. Does this mean I couldn’t continue past midnight as beyond midnight the shift would be limited to 10 hours which of course it wouldn’t, it would be 14 hours long the minute it passed midnight. I know this work length is minus breaks, poa etc but these often don’t cover 5 hours in my work that would allow you to add the, to 10 hours work to create a 15 hour spreadover.
I’ve read that a WTD break must be 15 mins long, a single break if working up to 6 hours, then 30 mins if working 6-9 hours and a 45min if working over 9 hours. Is this the total of the lengths of the breaks throughout the day? For example if you do a 7 hour shift you (driving hours notwithstanding) only need a 30 min break in total in the day as opposed to a 15 to cover the first six then a 30 to cover the bit over six hours and a 45 for the bit over 9?
The second bit of my legal questions is regards to POA and breaks:-
where I work we have to wait before we start to be given a duty or a run. You’re sitting in a canteen. You don’t know how long you’ll be waiting, it could be 30 mins, it could be hours. Is this POA or other work? I always thought POA was like standby But Maybe I have this wrong.
I’ve read a couple of threads about tacho mode on break. When tipping on a bay is it wrong to have it on break if you’re listening to the radio/ watching iPad tv in the cab?