WTD infringement. Where?

I got a work time infringement on this. Can someone tell me where I have gone wrong?

You went from 06:05 to 13:08 (7 hours 3 minutes) without a qualifying break of 15 minutes or more.

You cannot legally exceed 6 hours working time before having a break of 15 minutes or more.

It’s only a WTD infringement so learn from it and move on, it’s not the end of the world :wink:

Actually it’s from 06:23 (when his 18 min break ended) to 13:08, non? (still over 6 hours without proper break though)

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For future reference, when you’re told you have an infringement you’re supposed to have it explained to you what the infringement is for, and how to avoid getting it again, not be left to figure it out for yourself.

Yes that’s my bad, it was about 2 in the morning when I posted the reply and I was tired.
That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it :smile:

At 11 41 you had a 14 min break. Why o why didn’t you wait another min and make it 15.or maybe you thought you had 15 mins hence infringment.
Always best let tacho move to 15 mins then. Wait a short time before setting off.
Not setting off as soon as it changes to 15
Plus later on you took 31 mins.
Yes 31 + 14 makes 45 but remember 1st break to count it has to be 15 mins

Worked it out you took a break at 6 05 for 18 mins. Your next break should be 6 hours later 12 23 you took your next one at 13 39 so over 6 hours.

Few things. Can’t work over 6 hours without a 15 mins break.

Why. Are you taking so many random timed breaks. You have a tacho that. Defaults to rest? If so remember to change modes as it looks like your putting it on break while being tipped which is illegal
Also it’s good your asking why your getting an Infringement
But as soon. As the office tell you to sign here for it they should also be able to explain why. If they can’t tell you why refuse to sign it

Many thanks fellas.

I should have waited past 14 on the 2nd one.
Was sure it was 15 but maybe tacho didn’t match the cluster in my Volvo.

Also, it’s a 2022 plate but the VDO head seems to be missing the work time on it.

Can this be turned on by company card or workshop main Volvo dealer?

Never mind a WTD infringement, why aren’t you doing any vehicle checks? :grimacing:

Hammers are showing at the start of shift for daily check?

Also, it’s A VDO gen 2 tacho. I put the Stoneridge miles ahead of it for ease of use.

I do hope working time can be switched on. It’s a 4.0e

Only for 2 minutes, then 6 minutes. You should be showing at least 15 minutes of working time for the vehicle checks at the beginning of each shift.