WTD infringement 15 mins not 30

Hi. I got an infringement for taking 15 minutes break instead of 30.
I had done a 7 hours and 10 minutes shift. I took a 15 minute break after 5 hours then went home after 7h 10m. Why did I need to take half hour? When my shift finished I basically went on break by going home. As I understand it I should have had 30 mins before 9 hours but I didn’t get to it.

I’m a bit out of touch with such things these days but one thing that leaps out at me is

I thought the max was 4 and a half, is it not?

No it’s 6 hours for WTD. I’m not talking about drivers hours.

HGV drivers must take a 15-minute break after working for six hours:
6 hours: Drivers must take a 15-minute break
6–9 hours: Drivers must take a 30-minute break, which can be split into two 15-minute breaks
9 hours or more: Drivers must take a 45-minute break

Yes I’ve found that too but it doesn’t answer my question. So basically you have to take 15 mins by 5hrs 59mins and another 15 mins before 6h 1m. I thought because I had gone home before 9 hours I didn’t need to take a 2nd 15 min break. Why don’t they just say you must have 30 mins break before 6 hours instead of being all clever and making it complicated.
But technically I did have another 15 minutes break before 9 hours as I went home and lay on my sofa

Any experts here? I don’t believe I should have had an infringement. My manual entry says bed at 7h 11 mins until I started my next shift so I have had half hour of break before 9 hours

For the working time regulations you need to have a break/breaks totalling 30 minutes for a shift that consists of between 6 and 9 hours working time.

The infringement was correct :wink:


No you never you went onto a rest period, a daily rest period to be precise, which is different to a break.

A WTD infringement is not the end of the world so learn from it and move on :wink:

But I did manual entry on my next shift so I went on break at 7h 11 for 15 mins then rest after that. That’s what I’m saying. Nothing to learn I say I’m in the right and thats it, I’m not the type to just give in to anything and everything that’s how people especially companies walk all over you. :wink:
One thing I’ve learned is next time I will do a manual entry for 15 min break then add 1 minute other work then go on rest. That will sort it :wink:

You cannot have a wtd break at the immediate end of the shift.

Edit: I see you’ve got it sussed :slight_smile:

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So when would you have it? :thinking:
I will add half hour work on the end with manual entry will that suffice?

Sorry I was editing the post as you posted, a minute or two other work after the break is fine.

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The tail doesn’t wag the dog. Your TM needs you to do things properly, they have responsibilities you aren’t appreciating. If you want to square up to them over something so trivial, then be aware that there are at least 100 drivers for every job available.

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Absolutely. There’s so many drivers now that will take my job, I know that hgv jobs are now very rare compared to the amount of drivers, although labour voters will tell you different because the want more people here. But I wont compromise my principles and let them mug me off. I won’t bow down just to keep my job. Life is too short to be a yes man, and there is more to life than work .
Edit: I’m also an international CPC holder. I am aware of the rules.

It is one of those rules that does seem a bit daft and you can get caught out by it, but only once to be honest.

The only people that probably don’t want to take half an hour are on job and finish type work where they get paid for 8 hours (or whatever) come rain or shine.

The way to stay squeaky clean is to take the 30 minute break, simple as. Manual entries such as the ones mentioned could attract attention to a trained eye.


Thanks mate. That’s the most sensible reply I’ve received and I 100 percent agree. That’s exactly what I was getting at. :+1:t2:

Its definitely right. You’ve done between 6-9 hours so computer says you need 30mins. Forget the 6 hour working time rule. As you say it’s easily sorted with a manual entry, suppose it depends who you work for if they’re fussy.

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I did similar tonight. Only clocked 15 mins break for 8.5 hours. Be reet :slightly_smiling_face: