wtd help

looking for help again guys and gals :blush:

been told by TM and other drivers in my work i’v broken the law :open_mouth: with my driving hours (will try to explain as best as i can)

i do multidrop on a set run, sumdays in a van other days in a 7.5ton, its when im in the 7.5ton everybody seems to think i’v broken the law :exclamation:

ok here goes :confused: start at 0630 and stop before 1230 to have my 45mins, in total i have only driven 4 hours max the rest of the time is unloading, so in a 6hour period i’v worked 2 hours driven for 4 :exclamation: i know this because i use a stopwatch every time

but this is where i have been going wrong (so they say), driving and other work (unloading) count as one, so no matter i must take a break after 4.5hours starting work, this means at 1100

so am i wrong :question: :question: have i broken the law :question: :question:

i have asked this before and was told yes this is ok on here, but is there anything i can download and print off,could anybody point me in rite direction, i did have look my self but not that techno up (took me about an hour to do this) :blush:

The people telling you this are dumb. You need a total of 45 minutes break before exceeding 4.5 hours driving and that’s just driving, nothing else. It is also nothing to do with the WTD, it’s the tacho rules. For the WTD you need a break of at least 15 minutes before exceeding 6 hours work, that’s driving and other work. What you are doing, as you have described it, is perfectly legal for both sets of regulations.

Everything you need is here, Article 7.

It’s shocking to think that a TM doesn’t understand the difference between driving time and other work :open_mouth:

According to your TM VOSA have got it wrong because on page 17 of Rules on Drivers Hours and Tachographs they clearly show an example of working 5.5 hours (2.5 hours driving, 1 hour other work followed by another 2 hours driving) before having a break :laughing:

thanks for the links guys :smiley: hopefully after reading them both TM and other driver will stop there rants :exclamation:

sum of the stuff thats going on with WTD,logbooks and handing in tachos are just crazy :unamused: