Sorry Coffee, I know you’ve gone over this before but I cannot see how, ignoring any driving time in this, you can wipe the slate clean and work another 6 and, if I’ve got understood you correctly, only have another 15.
I think you have misunderstood a little. I said he wouldn’t need another break until 17:45.
Pasted this from the board sticky from the VOSA link, which I know you don’t need to see again
— Mobile workers must not work more than 6 consecutive hours without taking a break.
— If your working hours total between 6 and 9 hours, working time should be interrupted by a break or breaks totalling at least 30 minutes.
— If your working hours total more than 9 hours, working time should be interrupted by a break or breaks totalling at least 45 minutes.
— Breaks should be of at least 15 minutes’ duration.
I cannot see how after working 9 hours you don’t have to take 45 mins before that 9 is up as it clearly states it.
For working time between 6 and 9 hours you only need 30 minutes break, so for 9 hours it would be 30 minutes. The requirement for 45 minutes break would not start until you have exceeded 9 hours working time, so 9 hours and 1 minute.
Here is the actual wording from the regulations.
7.–(1) No mobile worker shall work for more than six hours without a break.
(2) Where a mobile worker’s working time exceeds six hours but does not exceed nine hours, the worker shall be entitled to a break lasting at least 30 minutes and interrupting that time.
(3) Where a mobile worker’s working time exceeds nine hours, the worker shall be entitled to a break lasting at least 45 minutes and interrupting that period.
(4) Each break may be made up of separate periods of not less than 15 minutes each.
Where, in the above, does it say you must have 45 minutes before 9 hours is up? It doesn’t.
It states you must have break totalling 45 minutes for working time of over 9 hours, and interrupting that period, that period being the total amount of working time, not 9 hours. It does not say that break must be taken at the 9 hour point.
Take the following shifts as an example, there is less than 4.5 hours driving time in each.
Shift 1
Start of shift 06:00
6 hours working time.
15-minute break
6 hours working time.
20 minute break
1.5 hours working time
15 minute break
30 minutes working time.
End of shift 20:50.
For this shift Article 7, sections (1), (3) and (4) apply. Section (2) does not apply to this shift because there is more than 9 hours working time so it is ignored*.
Does the above shift satisfy the requirements of those sections of Article 7 that apply to it?
7(1) No mobile worker shall work for more than six hours without a break.
Yes. It satisfies that as at no point in the shift was there more than 6 hours working time without a break.
7(3) Where a mobile worker’s working time exceeds nine hours, the worker shall be entitled to a break lasting at least 45 minutes and interrupting that period.
Yes. It meets those requiremnets as we have 14 hours working time, the break is 50 minutes so is at least 45 minutes and it interrupts those 14 hours because there is working time before the first break and after the last.
(4) Each break may be made up of separate periods of not less than 15 minutes each
Yes. The 50 minute break is made up of 3 separate periods, each at least 15 minutes.
Shift 2
Start of shift 06:00
6 hours working time.
15-minute break
2 hours working time.
20 minute break
1 hour working time
End of shift 15:35.
For this shift Article 7, sections (1), (2) and (4) apply. Section (3) does not apply to this shift because there is not more than 9 hours working time so it is ignored*.
Does the above shift satisfy the requirements of those sections of Article 7 that apply to it?
7(1) No mobile worker shall work for more than six hours without a break.
Yes. It satisfies that as at no point in the shift was there more than 6 hours working time without a break.
7(2) Where a mobile worker’s working time exceeds six hours but does not exceed nine hours, the worker shall be entitled to a break lasting at least 30 minutes and interrupting that period.
Yes. It meets those requiremnets as we did not exceed 9 hours working time, the break is 35 minutes so is at least 30 minutes and it interrupts those 9 hours because there is working time before the first break and after the last.
(4) Each break may be made up of separate periods of not less than 15 minutes each
Yes. The 35 minute break is made up of 2 separate periods, each at least 15 minutes.
All the requirements which apply to each shift are met and they are legal shifts for the WTD. Each break ‘wiped the 6 hour working clock clean’ and gave another 6 hours working time before another break was legally required, or before the end of the shift whichever came first.
*You only apply section (2) OR Section (3) to a shift depending which one applies to the amount of working time done, not both.