As I understand it, when calculating your working time directive average hours over say - the 17 week reference period - if a weeks holiday is taken during that period then for the purposes of calculating average working time, a “48 hour working time week” is applied to the holiday period.
Ok, but who would know whether it’s holiday or rest
The reason I ask is that, like many, I work (including POA and breaks) long hours and have to watch the average constantly. Between now and the end of March I am taking a number of odd days as leave but then working an extra day at the weekend in these weeks. From a personal point of view, my records will merely show a change in shift pattern i.e Tue to Sat as opposed to, Mon - Friday.
Am I to assume that the company will view the holiday days as 8 hours when calculating working time for the purposes of their records / compliance, or, is it a case that 5.6 weeks holiday is applied across a year anyway