WT Sea Air merges with Unique Logistics!

I work for WT from Nottingham depot and we were told yesterday that we have bought out or have merged with Unique Logistics. I have heard of them but dont know how big or small they are. Been lucking for some evidence to back up these claims as two of the lads at work yesterday said they have seen confirmation on internet somewhere so will start looking now.
Anyone know what might hapen regarding our depot or job if this is true? Surely if there is no depot in Nottingham they could ship all our work to these other depots and have their drivers doing our work> :confused:

unique-logistics.com/directo … /sd-uk.htm
Well no definative answer as of yet but the directory is giving new company name and my head office details in Heathrow. So must be true, just wish I knew what was going on, we are always last to know on such matters :unamused: