Would you stop?

Wednesday night just after midnight, (i guess that makes it Thursday then) i was parked on the side of the road outside Coca Cola Northampton having a 45 before i collected my load, when a truck passed me a little too closely and destroyed my mirror. Glass shattered and plastic backing in bits. Ok, accidents happen but did he stop? Did he hell. Got his reg though. Thought it was an Asda lorry (it was green and white) but do Asda have 53 plate Mercs anymore?

Now those who know this road will know that many drivers park overnight here so maybe he was thinking he could get away with it if i was sleeping. Sorry chum, i was awake. He definitely knew he hit me cos it was his passenger mirror that did it!

So here’s the question. Would you stop? I know i bloody would.

No brainer course i would…

And tell you off for parking so bloody close to the road :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course, we could sort out a cash deal, no need for police or insurance.

Yes I would. A few years ago coming down the M1 I needed to pull out to overtake and had the flasher on for quite a time watching one of Pete Osbourne’s gaining in the middle lane. Shortly before commencing his pass he flashed his lights and appeared to slow down so I pulled out, thanking him in the process.
When I had completed my own pass and pulled in he raced up alongside flashing, blasting and gesticulating towards his shattered n/s mirror, so I pulled up further down and he did likewise.
He was very angry but I merely said that he appeared to give way and exchanged details before driving off. Never heard another thing.

blasting and gesticulating

Well there’s a lot of it about these days. I think it’s catching. :laughing:

I had an accident once (apparently) which ?I was blamed for the rear of my trailer causing damage to a car b roekn down on a slip road.

The Police came to interview me and said they could charge me with leaving the scene of an accident without reporting it, idnt klnow anything about it whatsoever and asked how they could charge me with that if I didnt know I had had the accident.

It turned out that I was nowhere n ear the accident at the time and it wasnt taken any further funny that eh?.

Wednesday night just after midnight, (i guess that makes it Thursday then) i was parked on the side of the road outside Coca Cola Northampton having a 45 before i collected my load, when a truck passed me a little too closely and destroyed my mirror. Glass shattered and plastic backing in bits. Ok, accidents happen but did he stop? Did he hell. Got his reg though. Thought it was an Asda lorry (it was green and white) but do Asda have 53 plate Mercs anymore?

Now those who know this road will know that many drivers park overnight here so maybe he was thinking he could get away with it if i was sleeping. Sorry chum, i was awake. He definitely knew he hit me cos it was his passenger mirror that did it!

So here’s the question. Would you stop? I know i bloody would.

yes most def stop,you never know who else has taken your reg plate etc,and before long it’s not just a wing mirror…door,wing,bumper etc you know what i’m saying■■?

maybe his/hers mirror arm only bent inwards,may not have even moved?
so probably thought the same of yours?no excuse for clippin it tho :imp:

i would stop, like it has been said you never know who is watching. if the curtains were closed i would wait and see if the twitch after i have stopped if not i would leave a note under the windscreen wiper, saying something like “im leaving this note so people think i am leaving my contact details, so long sucker” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: (only kidding)

its just a common courtesy to stop and make sure everthings ok :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I had an accident once (apparently) which ?I was blamed for the rear of my trailer causing damage to a car b roekn down on a slip road.

The Police came to interview me and said they could charge me with leaving the scene of an accident without reporting it, idnt klnow anything about it whatsoever and asked how they could charge me with that if I didnt know I had had the accident.

It turned out that I was nowhere n ear the accident at the time and it wasnt taken any further funny that eh?.

I had this pretty much identical happen a while ago, thought no police interviewed me, just a letter to my company. Sat tracking proved I wasn’t there at the time, and my digitach prinout, turned out whoever reported it got the real truck’s reg wrong by one letter, nothing more was said.

I would’ve stopped to scream at you to fold ya bloody mirror in when parked…i do know the road yes!!

Had this cattorpe roundabout top A14 monday about 0630 inside lane going to M6 under M1 when a container truck which has come up my offside to go M1north cuts across forcing me to swerve left up the kerp and stop he had only his unit past me luckily my mirror only pulled forward he was emty i was 44t not a hope of catching him pulled up at hilton park to have break who sat in said truck reading paper justice done did break at stafford :laughing: :laughing: