Would you grass for money?

i’ll own up, i reported the driver of a 04 plate black vectra in rotherham an hour ago for drink driving after watching him come out the pub across the road stagger 40 feet up the road unlock his car and get in and drive away, hopefully the rozzers have the arrogant sod in there care before he either kills himself or kills someone else


Dan Punchard:

i’ll own up, i reported the driver of a 04 plate black vectra in rotherham an hour ago for drink driving after watching him come out the pub across the road stagger 40 feet up the road unlock his car and get in and drive away, hopefully the rozzers have the arrogant sod in there care before he either kills himself or kills someone else


Or lifesaver :wink:

my cousin got killed in the early 80,s after being knocked down, the driver was a local guy who every sunday picked his father in law up and took him to the local for a couple of pints… he had been doing this for years, just happened on one day the inevitable happened… even though the guy was a usual heavy drinker he was still over the limit after 2 pints…

so yes i would grass a drink driver up…

done it last night. stopped at shop on way home from town at 11pm bloke in front of me staggering and smells of booze .
I go out as he drives off in a van. i think “■■■■ head”
Rejoin road and in front of me is police van which is following him. i phone 101 say that i am following one of their police vans and in front of him is a van which the driver is i believe to be over the limit.

few minutes later said van hits kerb police van lights up and stops him

now was it me being a grass or suspected DD hitting kerb which brought said van to coppers attention?

Hope were hands free !

Dan Punchard:
Hope were hands free !

oh yes car has built in blue tooth!! :slight_smile:

For a reward or not, Id be straight on the phone.

Dan Punchard:

i’ll own up, i reported the driver of a 04 plate black vectra in rotherham an hour ago for drink driving after watching him come out the pub across the road stagger 40 feet up the road unlock his car and get in and drive away, hopefully the rozzers have the arrogant sod in there care before he either kills himself or kills someone else



As an RMP I nicked 3 drink drivers and since being a civvy I’ve had 1 ASDA car park. He hit a tree on the way in got out of the car lashed as ■■■■. I detained him and rang old bill.

I’d do it again tomorrow the opportunity presented it’s self. I hate drink drivers

its not shopping or grassing
its doing whats right by decent people

Tipper Tom:
As an RMP I nicked 3 drink drivers and since being a civvy I’ve had 1 ASDA car park. He hit a tree on the way in got out of the car lashed as [zb]. I detained him and rang old bill.

I’d do it again tomorrow the opportunity presented it’s self. I hate drink drivers

the guy i was double manned with was ex RAFpol. We were chatting and both noticed the bus in front driving oddly. Couldn’t keep on our side of the road, suddenly pulling into bus stops for no reason then pulling out again without looking. It was enough to stop us both talking and we decided to report it as a non emergency. If we were wrong then no harm done but if we were right then the guy deserved to lose his licence

its not shopping or grassing
its doing whats right by decent people

^^^^^^this all day long^^^^^^

Without a seconds thought and I’d do it for free or donate the money to a charity that provides support because of those selfish ■■■■■■■■ that have taken someone’s loved one.

I wouldnt think twice and with the reward id get snarleys cutrain fixed as he is cracking up over it

Would you grass up a drink driver for money?

A Crimestoppers spokesman said that the average payout would be between £80 and £120. But if the case was serious enough, a maximum of £500 could be handed over.

dailymail.co.uk/news/article … z2X2ZUY8UO

Is that why you always get away with it your the number one informant? interest of your work huh they paying out


Would you grass up a drink driver for money?

A Crimestoppers spokesman said that the average payout would be between £80 and £120. But if the case was serious enough, a maximum of £500 could be handed over.

dailymail.co.uk/news/article … z2X2ZUY8UO

Is that why you always get away with it your the number one informant? interest of your work huh they paying out

I get away with things by being innocent. I got out of prison just less than 2 weeks ago as it happens.
I was guilty that time. Propper guilty.

Grass on some one , depends , I served two weeks in prison when I was in my early 20s for some thing I never did , because didn’t want to grass on a so called mate , he still went round telling every one he was going tear our heads off , any how my older brother give him a wack and he stopped his bleating , so now if my own son would ever get in the same situation , I would tell him yes bloody grass . oh the offence was affray .

Yes, I would grass someone up and for nothing, indeed I have done, but the police just didn’t seem interested. Watched a guy drink for hours in a bar, and then just after we left saw the same guy leave, stagger to his car and drive off. Was amazed at the attitude of the police.



Would you grass up a drink driver for money?

A Crimestoppers spokesman said that the average payout would be between £80 and £120. But if the case was serious enough, a maximum of £500 could be handed over.

dailymail.co.uk/news/article … z2X2ZUY8UO

Is that why you always get away with it your the number one informant? interest of your work huh they paying out

I get away with things by being innocent. I got out of prison just less than 2 weeks ago as it happens.
I was guilty that time. Propper guilty.

You’re nicked!



Would you grass up a drink driver for money?

A Crimestoppers spokesman said that the average payout would be between £80 and £120. But if the case was serious enough, a maximum of £500 could be handed over.

dailymail.co.uk/news/article … z2X2ZUY8UO

Is that why you always get away with it your the number one informant? interest of your work huh they paying out

I get away with things by being innocent. I got out of prison just less than 2 weeks ago as it happens.
I was guilty that time. Propper guilty.

This is the real world now, not GTA 5