Dan Punchard:
I don’t always agree with the law ,but my grandad was on his way out in a breakdown lorry and a drunk driver crashed in to him he hit a tree and died in hospital ,If i was out and saw a drunk attempting to drive I’d only tell them once or it would be 999.
Well said…people that drink and drive are the scum of the earth but some on here seem to think if they feel ok but still over the legal limit it is ok to drive>>>
Alcohol is a sedative, because of this people tend to shrug off any mistakes they make while under it’s influence, they’re simply too relaxed to care that much. It also has the psychological effect of impairing the ability to make a balanced judgement. This is why people often think their driving isn’t impaired when they have had alcohol, indeed in some cases the more one drinks the more they feel they can drive better. They’re certainly not driving better, test have proven driving ability is impaired by alcohol, it’s that they do not notice their mistakes therefore will not acknowledge they made any.
This is summed up by the guy stating he has 4 pints and gets home perfectly well. He probably doesn’t, he just has the perception that he does and genuinely believes it himself.
For those quoting statistics, just because it doesn’t always, doesn’t mean it never will. If you don’t want to grass someone up, perhaps you’ll feel more comfortable knocking on someones door and telling them their husband / son / father won’t ever be coming home again because a drink driver thought they were driving perfectly instead…
Well said…people that drink and drive are the scum of the earth but some on here seem to think if they feel ok but still over the legal limit it is ok to drive>>>
For me, I wouldn’t grass, I just have a fundamental problem with grassing, there’s a reason that grasses and kiddie-fiddlers are kept in the same isolation wings in the nick.
It’s not that I condone drink driving in any way shape or form, but where does it stop? Bald tyres are potentially dangerous, if I spot a car parked in my street with tread that looks a little low, what should I do, run home and get my tyre depth gauge, then ring the Fuzz to report it? Insecure loads are potentially dangerous, should I get on the phone to VOSA every time a flatbed comes past and I think the driver hasn’t put enough straps on?
If I wanted to have a role in Law Enforcement, I would have got a career in Law Enforcement.
I’ve always believed, that a driver who ‘thinks’ they ‘might’ be ever so slightly over the limit, is going to be driving with a lot more thought, care & attention, than they probably did on the drive they did to their first drink !
Alcohol is a sedative, because of this people tend to shrug off any mistakes they make while under it’s influence, they’re simply too relaxed to care that much. It also has the psychological effect of impairing the ability to make a balanced judgement. This is why people often think their driving isn’t impaired when they have had alcohol, indeed in some cases the more one drinks the more they feel they can drive better. They’re certainly not driving better, test have proven driving ability is impaired by alcohol, it’s that they do not notice their mistakes therefore will not acknowledge they made any.
This is summed up by the guy stating he has 4 pints and gets home perfectly well. He probably doesn’t, he just has the perception that he does and genuinely believes it himself.
For those quoting statistics, just because it doesn’t always, doesn’t mean it never will. If you don’t want to grass someone up, perhaps you’ll feel more comfortable knocking on someones door and telling them their husband / son / father won’t ever be coming home again because a drink driver thought they were driving perfectly instead…
Agree entirely and exactly what I would have said if I was not so angry!
He may of not been over the limit on some of those days, but one day he may off been over the limit. The body acts differently with the amount of drink in you. No one will know if there over, or under, but will base it on “Feeling ok” to drive. Each to there own
Do you not know that someone who feels ok is still more than likely to be over the drink drive limit so you do not drive because it is dangerous and illegal.
I am fully aware of that and I have said a number of times on forum that drinking alcohol and then driving is a stupid idea. If you asked milkchurns why he drinks 4 pints and then drive he might say “I feel ok” People seem to base it down to that feeling ok and then drive WHEN deep down there slightly over the limit, but each body is different at handling the drink
I am aware of that but each to there own as they will get caught
People with small minds springs to mind
How hard is that. have a re-read and come back to me
Well said…people that drink and drive are the scum of the earth but some on here seem to think if they feel ok but still over the legal limit it is ok to drive>>>
For me, I wouldn’t grass, I just have a fundamental problem with grassing, there’s a reason that grasses and kiddie-fiddlers are kept in the same isolation wings in the nick.
It’s not that I condone drink driving in any way shape or form, but where does it stop? Bald tyres are potentially dangerous, if I spot a car parked in my street with tread that looks a little low, what should I do, run home and get my tyre depth gauge, then ring the Fuzz to report it? Insecure loads are potentially dangerous, should I get on the phone to VOSA every time a flatbed comes past and I think the driver hasn’t put enough straps on?
If I wanted to have a role in Law Enforcement, I would have got a career in Law Enforcement.
So if you had seen a car weaving about on the road, or had seen a gent get in to his vehicle after knocking a few back and then drive, knowing he is a danger to other people, you wouldn’t call it in?
So if you had seen a car weaving about on the road, or had seen a gent get in to his vehicle after knocking a few back and then drive, knowing he is a danger to other people, you wouldn’t call it in?
No, I wouldn’t, same as I wouldn’t grass somebody up to the Police for having a bald tyre or perished windscreen wiper rubbers, both of which are potentially dangerous. How would you feel if one of your children was killed by somebody with a bald tyre and perished windscreen wiper rubbers etc etc etc?
The Police and I have a deal. They don’t help me to drive the lorry and I don’t help them to catch drink-drivers.
Harry lets put this in perspective.Drivers that drink and drive are arrogant fools who only think of themselves.
Someone who reports a drink driver before he drives may just save a life but is only known as a grass by someone on here.
Ask the general public what they think about someone who reports a drink driver and the biggest majority will praise him and not call him a grass.
Usually a grass in a prison is kept separate because he has committed a serious crime but has grassed on someone else to get a better deal.
So if you had seen a car weaving about on the road, or had seen a gent get in to his vehicle after knocking a few back and then drive, knowing he is a danger to other people, you wouldn’t call it in?
No, I wouldn’t, same as I wouldn’t grass somebody up to the Police for having a bald tyre or perished windscreen wiper rubbers, both of which are potentially dangerous. How would you feel if one of your children was killed by somebody with a bald tyre and perished windscreen wiper rubbers etc etc etc?
The Police and I have a deal. They don’t help me to drive the lorry and I don’t help them to catch drink-drivers.
That’s your choice, weird thinking, but that’s your choice but lets hope he/she don’t crash in to your lorry or a loved one. I was also aiming the question at the drink driving not the bald tyres
No I wouldn’t…pan calling pot black ■■■.Idrive to the local 1 night a week and have 4 pints and drive home.iI have been doing this for years.I live 1.5 mile from the local and there is no way I would walk home or pay a taxi
If it’s only a mile and a half why not walk rather than rush your licence and job
Because some of the other drink drivers leaving the local might knock me down
I’ve always believed, that a driver who ‘thinks’ they ‘might’ be ever so slightly over the limit, is going to be driving with a lot more thought, care & attention, than they probably did on the drive they did to their first drink !
i’ll own up, i reported the driver of a 04 plate black vectra in rotherham an hour ago for drink driving after watching him come out the pub across the road stagger 40 feet up the road unlock his car and get in and drive away, hopefully the rozzers have the arrogant sod in there care before he either kills himself or kills someone else