Would u have rang police [Merged]

Last Tuesday was in dendermonde Belgium was stopped at set of lights when the car infront started to roll back i hit the horn kept in on as i kept coming then bang car pulls forward 10ft i jump out to see he’s got a can of jupiler beer between his nees he talks in flemish i ask if he speak English as he replies yes starts rolling back and hits me again i was going berserk got him to stop other side of lights he was ■■■■■■■■■ stunk off it anyway i got his insurance and licence details got him to sign accident form and went our separate ways but it’s been playing on my mind should of rang police just hope he got home without incident and slept it off
what would you have done bear in mind forms and info i had to get off someone ■■■■■■ and language barrier dint think to much about police

I would prepare myself if I were you for an incoming barrage of abuse and how you did wrong…just a tip :wink:

I would prepare myself if I were you for an incoming barrage of abuse and how you did wrong…just a tip :wink:

That’s what i was thinking got big shoulders

I would wait for the letter that says in Flemish that you ran into him whilst he waiting for the lights to turn green :stuck_out_tongue:

He has got a signed copy of the European Accident Statement too, who will the Police believe?

It’s difficult to know what to do.
Some countries insist that the police are called to all RTA’s, But they usually only want to be there if there are any injuries.
Then you have to think about his insurance, Would it be void if he was drunk?
Was there any damage to your lorry?


He signed accident form that stated he reversed into me so he’s admitted guilt, damage to my bumper a new one will be welcome as its a daf just less than 2yrs old but bumper looks 5yrs old with rust typical daf

that’s if his insurance is still valid after mowing down 6 school kids and then killing himself ploughing through the old peoples home hitting the gas bottles blowing the whole place up whilst being totally and absolutely out of his skull :unamused: why worry

that’s if his insurance is still valid after mowing down 6 school kids and then killing himself ploughing through the old peoples home hitting the gas bottles blowing the whole place up whilst being totally and absolutely out of his skull :unamused: why worry

What if he ploughs into a neucler reactor and blows half of Europe up how do u think my claim will pan out

Should have called the Police as It’s the law here If you’ve been Involved In an accident (your fault or not. Minor shunt or not)…

It would have certainly helped your claim with Police present, as they would have breath tested the drunken bum & been able to directly point the blame at him… Do you have witnesses ■■

If none of the above, then your Insurance claim might now be deemed worthless…

Should have called the Police as It’s the law here If you’ve been Involved In an accident (your fault or not. Minor shunt or not)…

It would have certainly helped your claim with Police present, as they would have breath tested the drunken bum & been able to directly point the blame at him… Do you have witnesses ■■

If none of the above, then your Insurance claim might now be deemed worthless…

No witnesses looking back now could kick myself for not ringing them not just cos of claim but its on my mind he could of hurt or killed someone later on but i was that busy making sure i got all info could which int easy of some one drunk,he wasn’t blitzed but was way over limit will have to hope his signed addmision is ok

yes always

Should have taken his keys out of the ignition and chucked them .

Can’t disagree been on my mind since

Should have taken his keys out of the ignition and chucked them .

^^^^^ this

New rusty bumper for the win! Leave it at that & you’re on top. I wouldn’t have bothered ringing 5-O personally but each to their own. They’d have probably locked you up instead.

done one uk about 30years ago bloke signed to say it was all his fault got name address car number when boss claims …it turned out wrong address /name /etc… boss had to pay for own truck to be repaired in the end …

Got his insurance name & policy no driving lic no so if address wrong still got main details