Would concrete barriers STOP a terror truck attack?

express.co.uk/news/world/791 … e-barriers

RESEARCHERS have carried out tests on the effectiveness of concrete barriers to protect against terrorist truck attacks - and found them to be close to useless.

Local authorities and event organisers have been increasingly using the barriers since last July’s attack in Nice when Tunisian delivery driver Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel killed more than 80 people as he ploughed a rented 19-tonne lorry into Bastille Day crowds in the southern French resort.

A copycat attack on a Christmas market in German capital Berlin in December left 12 people dead and 56 others injured.

But tests on the barriers carried out by German current affairs show Umschau appear to show they would fail to prevent similar attacks in the future.

Well what do you expect if you can almost drive between them? :unamused:

Pointless as there would need to be gaps for pedestrian crossings and entrances to driveways, bus stops etc.

Anyway, as soon as they eliminate the danger of truck terrorism, the nut jobs will just go on the rampage in a different way.

The cause of the problem needs eliminating, not just the symptoms.

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I believe Stobarts have been testing the effectiveness of bollards in stopping trucks and they appear to be far more effective than the concrete blocks. :laughing:


It might not “stop” a truck but it might damage it enough so it loses a lot of its speed and gives people time to dive out of the way.

I believe Stobarts have been testing the effectiveness of bollards in stopping trucks and they appear to be far more effective than the concrete blocks. :laughing:



As above, you can only do so much to plug the gaps before the measures you have taken ruin the lives of everyone, the enemy wins by default.

There is only going to be one solution and that is to tackle the people responsible in the only language they understand (tip, it doesn’t involve discussion), if someone at the top of the food chain doesn’t grow a set and make the necessary decisions then even old buggers like me will witness and be part of the civil wars that will rip our societies apart.

Standing round in huddled groups holding candles chanting kumbaya clutching cards saying ‘not afraid’ isn’t going to cut it.

We all know who is responsible for the atrocities, which arn’t going to stop, though ironically those like a certain blair who helped instigate the acceleration of this will both walk away scot free with £millions and be among the protected few, you couldn’t make it up.
See doing the wrong thing does pay hansomely, it always has and it always will, for those who worship power and mammon surround themselves with others of the like mind.

The cult responsible for these foul actions can’t even live with their own kind without killing each other in sectarian mass violence, it’s the modern bloodthirsty medievel version of the Christian religious wars that europe and indeed Britain went through in the middle ages, though there were several wars against the eastern religion over the centuries if you check your history.

A terror cult of this type, an invasive army actively wanting to die in their perverted idea of glory can’t be argued or reasoned with, they can’t live with western freedoms because they don’t value it like western people do, they see it as weak, quite why they wanted to go live in such places which they despise as much as the people there is a mystery.
Our problem is that our leaders lack the guts to stand up and admit that this social experiment of the past 30 years in particular was a mistake, one that they made but one that they will in most cases profit by and live their lives out in places where the results of what they have done simply won’t touch them.

What puzzles me the most is why the west is still deluding itself, why are we still turning the other cheek only for it to be slapped just as hard, why are we voting time and time again for our own destruction, how far does it have to go before the largely feminised neutered snowflaked young men of the west stand up and do their duty (with honourable exceptions, Tommy Robinson and such as you stand up and be applauded men), like their forefathers had to do.

A glimmer of hope was raised last year when we voted Brexit, 17 million of us told them we’ve had enough of all their shenanigens, but the conditions of Brexit are being negotiated by dyed in the wool Remainers, us 17 million had better realise the fight isn’t over by a long chalk, a tick in the wrong box was only the first blow, our forefathers had to get their pitchforks sword and arrows bloody and do their part to save their loved ones, i suspect they won’t be the last generation to be doing so for the same reasons.

If we don’t stand our ground, start saying NO and be prepared to back it up all the way, we will become Sweden present day in less than a generation.
It’ll be sustained volley fire again one day in order to live.

As always its educational to see how other groups are quick to defend themselves and their areas, in the street violence a few years ago following that Tottenham shooting by police of some chap in a car, Sikhs and others were soon out armed as required to protect their areas, i have every support and respect for people like this who live their lives peacefully in our great country but refuse to bend over and lube up, though it was marked how the police attitude differed when it was unarmed groups of, how shall we say, more naturalised for many generations, others who went out to defend the innocent.


I believe Stobarts have been testing the effectiveness of bollards in stopping trucks and they appear to be far more effective than the concrete blocks. :laughing:



Just a normal P&H delivery.