I currently have my class 2 and looking to go for my class 1 to open more doors up to me and get less multi-drop type work. I am 18 and, luckily, managed to get full time employment directly with a nearby company which pays rather well, whilst also giving me the hours that I want etc.
In order for you to answer this question you’ll need to know how much I am earning class 2 and how much I would be earning after I get my class 1 in the same company - I hate revealing how much I earn publicly, but I am really unsure whether or not the step up will be worth it; I earn 32k per year on class 2 averaging 10-11 drops per day. Stepping up to class 1 would get me up to 36k per year.
With the class 1 costing £1300 in the first place, and then 40% tax on most of that income increase, would it really be worth it? For the experience? What would be the chance of getting a job at a different company class 1 paying higher when taking into account my age? (I already consider myself lucky enough to be where I am).
Or do you reckon that I should just stick with class 2 for now? I would love to drive the artics however! Thanks
EDIT: I am supposed to also get a bonus every 6 months provided that I have good attendance and don’t crash! This is also taxed, of course, but it’s the same for class 2 and class 1 so I guess it doesn’t make much of a difference.
I currently have my class 2 and looking to go for my class 1 to open more doors up to me and get less multi-drop type work. I am 18 and, luckily, managed to get full time employment directly with a nearby company which pays rather well, whilst also giving me the hours that I want etc.
In order for you to answer this question you’ll need to know how much I am earning class 2 and how much I would be earning after I get my class 1 in the same company - I hate revealing how much I earn publicly, but I am really unsure whether or not the step up will be worth it; I earn 32k per year on class 2 averaging 10-11 drops per day. Stepping up to class 1 would get me up to 36k per year.
With the class 1 costing £1300 in the first place, and then 40% tax on most of that income increase, would it really be worth it? For the experience? What would be the chance of getting a job at a different company class 1 paying higher when taking into account my age? (I already consider myself lucky enough to be where I am).
Or do you reckon that I should just stick with class 2 for now? I would love to drive the artics however! Thanks
EDIT: I am supposed to also get a bonus every 6 months provided that I have good attendance and don’t crash! This is also taxed, of course, but it’s the same for class 2 and class 1 so I guess it doesn’t make much of a difference.
Firstly, The tax 40% tax kicks in well over £40K doesn’t it?
If you’ve got the money and want to do it I’d do C+E now, then you have it even if you don’t use it straight away, because the point you do want it you’ll suddenly find you have loads of more important things to spend the money on.
And besides muckles excellent advice of getting your 1 before you spend the money, having an extra qualification for whenever you need it, is always a good thing.
As for 18, well you know the score. I don’t know how long you’ve been working where you are, I’d say get some time under your belt and then you are 19 with a years experience and that year will count for a lot.
If you do decide to jump, make sure it isn’t grass is greener syndrome, it doesn’t sound too bad a gig you have now.
Albion, I 100% agree with you; I understand exactly what it is like for youngsters. Not just in this industry but everywhere I guess, so I do plan on staying where I am for a while whether that be continuing with class 2 or jumping to class 1.
You might be 18, but you come across 28 in the head - that’s meant as a compliment.
Youngest I’ve taken on is 23 and 24 and they are both good lads, I think there are more employers that will give your age group a chance now, and not always because they are desperate.
I’m sure at 18-23 I was nowhere near that sensible
Thanks very much If I were similar to some of my friends, I’d be very worried that I drive lorries for a living! Fortunately, I care too much about sorting my life out than going out and getting drunk all the time
Not to say that I don’t like doing that occasionally
Firstly, congratulations on getting a well paid CAT C job at your age. You must have impressed and I hope you continue to do so. My advice is always to go for CE but don’t go into debt for it. In your situation the sums add up with no problem. An extra £4k will put around £3k in your pocket. If you spend £1500 getting CE you’ll recoup it in 6 months. Surely a no brainer?
Any qualification is worth having. Even if you don’t get to use it straight away, it’ll help as and when you fancy a change. Remember, you’ll be a very young driver for the next 3 years - and then you’ll be a “young” driver for another 4 years. But if you can get to 25yrs and have 7 years CE experience, this is very, very good.
I started on coaches at 18 and trucks at 21 so I amassed a huge amount of experience before I was 25.
All the very best with your decision.
And, if you want to take advantage of the Trucknet offer, a full CE course with me is £1395 all in. Choice of artic or w+d. Plus all the benefits that go with training with us.
Thanks Peter, I am always seeing your name about on this forum, always replying and helping others - I’ll take a look into PSTT and the trucknet offer and see if it’ll work for me
40% tax is charged on income of 33500 above your personal allowance, (typically 11500, but it does vary). Hence albion’s £45001
Your first 8160 is free of NI, then its 12% on income between 8160 & 45000, over £45k it drops to 2%
If you look on them both as tax, you’re paying 32% on most of your money and 42% if you get over £45k
Unless you do loads of hours/tramp, work nights or do weekends, it’s very unlikely you will get £36k on artics mate
Do you have ADR?
Typed out a post and it didn’t send… lol.
But yes; Our class 1 drivers rarely spend nights out as I’ve found out from the drivers I see in the morning. Working weekends, yes, although I’ve always worked weekends even when I was working at the supermarket rhyming with ‘Prosecco’, so I’m used to it.
Go for it. Even if the pay difference is minimal if it makes the job more enjoyable then it’s worth it.
Kinda curious where you work that pays that much for class 2
If you got the money then go for class 1 even if you dont use it straight away it will be there for the future and gather experience on it,
I take it your at pcl hatfield? Should be pretty easy moving to class 1 I would say pretty big depot, at least you know where routes go and have a good idea of whats involved.
If you got the money then go for class 1 even if you dont use it straight away it will be there for the future and gather experience on it,
I take it your at pcl hatfield? Should be pretty easy moving to class 1 I would say pretty big depot, at least you know where routes go and have a good idea of whats involved.
Indeed PCL. We have only around 15 rigids and the rest are artics and I have been told that there are class 1 routes available for me once I do get my class 1.
Go for it. Even if the pay difference is minimal if it makes the job more enjoyable then it’s worth it.
Kinda curious where you work that pays that much for class 2
■■■■ it. If you want to drive artics, get the licence! We spend all the best years of our life working, so why spend sooo much time doing something other than what you want?!?!