Few years ago, going westbound on the M67 just before the roundabout to get on the M60, saw 2 white vans in lane 1 and 2 gradually get slower and slower until they were both doing about 30mph. The window went down on the drivers side of the van in lane 1 and the passenger side window went down of the van in lane 2, they both drew very near and the driver in lane 1 leaned out of the window and passed a cigarette to the passenger in the other van. I did a double-take of what I had witnessed. Also seen a lad sprawled on top of a car roof whilst being whizzed around The Meadows roundabout by his boy-racer mates near Camberley. Seen cyclists cycling against on-coming traffic on the hard-shoulder of the M25 near Heathrow. Also had the on-coming vehicle on the motorway scenario too recently, must have been doing about 30mph down the fast lane of the M6 near Keele, thankfully about 2am in the morning so traffic was only light. Haven’t seen any naked women or flashers yet though
I’m not a trucker but a few years ago was going round M25 towards M40 junction when three cars came up behind really fast weaving in and out of the traffic.
IDIOTS was the polite word for what I was thinking. Anyway, a couple of miles further on, all three cars are on the hard shoulder with a marked police car facing the wrong way blocking them and several Asian looking guys trying to leg it up the embankment with coppers in hot pursuit.
On the news that night they said something about a terrorist cell being broken up around High Wycombe way and I’ve often wondered if it was anything to do with that.
a strap break on a trailer of hay !
was just about to in past it at 70mph on m55 when half of
farmer piles load came off. directly in front of me.
stood on the cars breaks and did my best.
all i broke was a fog light! unlike the other 4 cars following,
2 which were written off.
took ages to clean the drivers seat,
still don’t know how i managed to get throu almost undamaged .
guy behind said my car just seemed to swerve through the load.
i just shut me eyes and prayed was my reply.
It’s about '75 or '76, I’m driving a Leyland Lynx with a '40 trl and with a M/T '20ft container on the arse end.
I’m heading into Leeds to tip off the container, it’s drizzling.
I stop and ask directions from a local delivery van, he puts me right for the container depot.
I’m dropping down into the centre, it’s on a dual road, I’m in the right hand lane as I approach a huge one way system, it’s not a roundabout, but oblong shaped, with shops in the centre… There is a removal van along side me on my left.
The majority of traffic that is already on the one way wants to get over to the left, I need to get over to the right.
Good news, there’s a lot of room and time to make the maneuver, no rush, it’s drizzling, '20 container, arse end, caution is the word…
I’m almost on to the system, keeping an eye on matey in the removal van on my left, and watching for a gap in the traffic on my right to enter…
A Morris Minor traveler is approaching on my right, he see’s me entering the system, he wants to go left, there is plenty of room. As there is nothing behind him I’m ready to ease over to the right…he’s past me, and starts to move over in front of me to go to my left… Then it happens…
The passenger door of the Minor fly’s open, a women falls halfway out the door, a child sat on her lap isn’t so lucky, it comes flying out onto the road….
I’ve a split second to react… Removal van on my left, drizzle, ’20 container on arse end, none of that matters, there’s a child right in front of me 10 ft away….in the middle of the road….exactly where I am….
I brake ….hard, some sort of miracle happens,… it doesn’t jack-knife, I stop…
I can’t see the child, it’s under the wagon, It’s got to be dead. I’m shaking, I can’t move, my heart is racing, my legs are like jelly, the world seems to have stopped….
I look over to the left, the removal driver has stopped along side me, he’s white as a sheet, looks horrified, he’s looking down at the front of my wagon… the worse has happened…
I’m still sat there, It’s only been a few seconds, feels like hours,
The Minor has stopped maybe 20 ft away, a women gets out, runs towards my wagon, she’s gets so close I can’t see her, she must be bending down, to recover the child…….she is…
She picks up the child, runs back to the car, gets in, shuts the door, and without a backward glance…. they drive off……
So i was driving into Calais Port, when i spotted a ship out at sea on its side
So i was driving into Calais Port, when i spotted a ship out at sea on its side
So i was driving into Calais Port, when i spotted a ship out at sea on its side![]()
look at my post about gassing and see how lucky I was not to have you see me as well!!!
imagine the scenario…1979…ford transcontinental,no cameras,mobiles,police presence negligable,no limiters,just flat to the mat coming down lancaster bank heading north just crossing the river, mid summer,both windows wide open as well as the roof hatch.,t shirt and shorts on,elbow hanging out,full pose on,load shoving me down the hill approaching a genuine 75mph…hits the bottom and starts coming up the hill watching a cattle float overtaking in the middle lane ahead of me,judging it nicely that just as he will be pulling back into lane 1 il be splitting lane 2 and 3 and about to take his elbows off as i pass him still doing abour 70 at this point slowing down as im heading up the start of the climb,then,just as im right up his backside and ready to flick out past him,a cow,or at least it looked like 10 cows let go out the offside vents with a torrent of whatever cows get rid of when they need to go,and wallop, 70 mph straight into the windows,all over the inside of the cab,all over me,and i cant see cos the wipers cant clear the crud as its covering the windows quicker that they can wipe…after months of cleaning,i could still smell it in mid winter…daisys revenge or what??
Driven past Stonehenge and Madame Tussauds.
I’ve been unfortunate enough to see some of those new Renault premiums in the last few weeks.
■■■■■■■ woman eating an ice cream. It looked like a white chocolate magnum too…
ok, not worst, but…Country lane, following a car and horse trailer. I was in a rigid. The outfit starts to indicate right and moves to the right had side of road and slows down to almost a stop. I do a double take as I can’t understand ‘why stop there’ and ‘why on the right’.
I start to tentatively pass, half on verge, and then the thing lurches in front of me heading for a farm gate on the left, apparently oblivious to my presence, trailer about to hit me. I grab reverse and back very fast out of harms way. So I get out ‘politely’ ask what on earth the bloke is doing. He responds ‘I was indicating left’. So I tell him to go and turn on his left indicator, and sure enough no lights at all on the back of the car, and the RIGHT hand flasher flashes on the trailer. His face was a picture