work hours

How many hours a day can you work in total inc driving breaks ect and how many times can you do it is there a limit ■■?

A driver may have at most three reduced daily rest periods between weekly rest periods. (notice that is not in a fixed ‘week’)

A daily rest period may be reduced to a minimum of 9 hours so that leaves 15 hours (other stuff) within a 24-hour period.

You could do more 15s if you have SPLIT daily rests but there must be a 3 hour continous rest followed by a 9 hour daily rest which then counts as a FULL daily rest. If you get paid from when you start a shift to when it ends and you get paid for the 3 hours taken during that shift you will get 15 hours in.

so you could do 15 hours every day :wink:

You would have to get in a lot of POA or breaks during the week to do this as there are the RTD (WTD) regs to think about