Work for this week

3 drops a day wooooohoooooooo

A nice picture of a working vehicle which can and does earns it way.

i have one questionhow was or is the load restrained front and sides.

Very Nice :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

haha I like the motor :laughing:

That’s the one thing I miss about agency is the variety of vehicles. I’m getting very bored driving my Dinky Toy around, but the actual work is easy.

I don’t miss the lieing two faced agencies themsleves though.

I’d love a few days driving something decent…half of the places I go they greet me with “they letting you out on the lorry then!” cos they think I’m an yard order picker who’s been thrown the keys to what they assume can be driven on a car licence, cos the regular driver is ill or something. :frowning:

brit pete:
A nice picture of a working vehicle which can and does earns it way.

i have one questionhow was or is the load restrained front and sides.

Head board supports the front and the curtains support the sides :sunglasses: .

It looks to be wrapped fairly tightly so I wouldn’t bother with the straps on that, but then I drive sensibly, aware that fast cornering could upset the lot. :wink:

Robk if that is true then here in mainland europe and defnitely in GERMANY you would get done for a insecure load, to-days distributors of
of goods carried by road have to use stringent and safe methods of carrying the load and curtians are not safe,side boards ,straps and restraining /lockable boards HAVE to be used, the amount of loads spread overthe roads has decreased immensely since this system was introduced,and the fines and other measures that the enforcement officers
take are not to be scoffed at,

Good Pics ROGUE :smiley:

Robk if that is true then here in mainland europe and defnitely in GERMANY you would get done for a insecure load


not many of the curtainsiders iv’e used have sraps in them, the brewery ones have nets that run the full length of the trailer inside the curtains.


Rob over here in germany it is now so strictly controled by the authorities that builders of TRAILERS which are carrying palletised drink loads have to pass a safety and security standard test. this covers all aspects of the load restraing methods used, and the law is also amended so that the person who has loaded a vehicle is also held responsible for the insecure load when the vehicle gets checked out and a offence is comitted,

psROB i will have a look around and see if i can get some info on the trailers and system to put out as a poston the site,

i used the 2 bars, one you can see still locked in place for the support…and i had all the pallets strapped running from the centre roof bar, over the sides of the pallet, and ratchet strapped so the load was secure…my mate took the sister of this wagon out today, and took a corner too fast, he thought he was going to tip it… which, with these loads are easilly done, either that or his load would have come through the curtain if he hadnt corrected his mistake


Robk if that is true then here in mainland europe and defnitely in GERMANY you would get done for a insecure load


not many of the curtainsiders iv’e used have sraps in them, the brewery ones have nets that run the full length of the trailer inside the curtains.


Ours at Bargain Booze also have the nets along the inside of the curtains, not necessary over pallets of cans but as I don’t fancy having a pallet of wine and bottles of cider falling on me as I open the curtain (a possibility when it’s been picked by muppets and has two layers of wrap round it) I always net everything else. The same goes for straps, I don’t use them over cans but definitely over wine or boxes of bottled beer. A steep hill can lead to them going over, which takes some explaining later on (and it makes a real mess, too). BB are having a clamp-down at the moment though with random checks of wagons as you leave in the morning. They expect all nets and all straps to be used - if they aren’t it’s bollocking time when you get back.