Work experience

This is going to sound strange to a lot of you but I just got my licence and I don’t at this stage want a job.

I want to see how the pros do it first, but I don’t know any!

This is a bloke’s job I get that, so I’d expect a lot of “Go jump in the deep end, that’s how I learnt to swim” but I just spent a lot of time, effort and money getting this licence and I don’t intend to play games with it. So what I really want to know is:

  • Do work experience/volunteer posts exist? I don’t mean apprenticeships, I mean drivers/operators themselves adopting a rookie and getting them used to the industry 1:1.
  • Are drivers even allowed to adopt newbies and show them the ropes? As far as I can tell picking up hitchhikers is generally against all companies’ policies and for good reason. Would I be in the same boat?
  • Would I have to approach a Transport Manager/Company owner? Going through the company might seem like the wisest choice but won’t they consider me a time-waster?

I wouldn’t expect to drive; I wouldn’t even expect to get paid. I just want to hop in a vehicle with a trustworthy driver for a few weekend shifts and see how they deal with stuff: Planning routes; handling tachos/ driver hours; interacting with employers/customers; different vehicles/ loads/assignments; handling detours/roadblocks; taking a turn down the wrong B-road and rolling over a couple of sheep by mistake.
Also chat about any £@*& experiences they’ve had and what I could to do to avoid them: Dodgy drivers/faulty vehicles/bad employers/bad agencies etc.

I understand this forum covers quite a bit of this but I have the theory, I’ve done the tests, I’m talking about experience without the liability.

Also, I want to know the best I can expect before taking the plunge because I’m the type of person to stick with a job even though I know it’s awful. (Plus I have a really cushy job right now, giving it up for the wrong employer would be the stupidest thing I could possibly do.)

Sorry for the wall of text and thanks.

If you go for a job not through an agency they tend to give you a training phase? That can last for a week or longer. If you get this you will be 2 manned and you will get all the answers you require once training.

My first job I was training for 5 days with another guy before being let out alone, and my second job was actually 7 weeks before being let out alone.

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Doesn’t sound strange at all. But most good jobs will give you on the job training. Our firm will give you up to a week with a second man/gaffer so you have a handle on how we want stuff done.

If its more of a “taster real world” you want then that is different.

If you go for a job not through an agency they tend to give you a training phase? That can last for a week or longer. If you get this you will be 2 manned and you will get all the answers you require once training.

My first job I was training for 5 days with another guy before being let out alone, and my second job was actually 7 weeks before being let out alone.

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Nope I was told where the lorry was pick up keys go

If knew where you were it may help I am allowed to take passengers they only prob is I do nights out & only 1 bunk sorry but you just not my type :laughing: :laughing:

Some companies will give you the training, I take new class 1 drivers out for a few days on the job training, concentrating on reversing & manoeuvring, I find that most newbies need a week, 3 days training & the last 2, I try to let them have a play, with little input from me, but my TM keeps telling me “we’re not a training school”. True, but then again if they let an inexperienced newbie loose with 44 tons, the potential for some serious damage makes 5 days training look pretty cheap.
They try to get new drivers out on their own within a couple of days, obviously while I’m training, they’re paying twice & they don’t like it.
Try approaching local transport companies explain where you are coming from & I’m sure something will come your way, after all, they reckon that there’s a Driver Shortage & they need new blood to replace us Old Uns. [emoji6]

Bullet Points? :open_mouth:
You sure you want to be a trucker, as text formatting isn’t part of the job! :wink:

Ok Hazel, from what you say I can see that “liability insurance” is going to be your biggest problem. An employer should, or has to be very careful with letting people who are not employed within the company in their trucks. As if their is an accident/incident you won’t be insured and there is a chance you could sue them. They obviously don’t want that, and while you can ask to sign a disclaimer, they may just not want the hassle. Your best chance of getting experience is finding an employer where you can possibly do a bit of casual work around trucks. This may be doing a bit of yard work on a Saturday morning in a builders merchants, or whatever is nearby you.

Sadly I think you will struggle going through an agency, as they want drivers and are not really interested in training you up with no potential long term benefit to them. However, agencies do have positions for drivers mates, which basically translates to helping the driver handball goods. So if you’re up for breaking your back all day for minimum wage, then you could give that a go for a few days and try to extract information from the driver. I say extract, as there is a fair chance his/her first language won’t be English. So don’t use big words or bullet points! :laughing:

This is not a blokes job anymore there are plenty of women working in the industry now a lot more then 20 years ago

This is not a blokes job anymore there are plenty of women working in the industry now a lot more then 20 years ago

I think the term “working” could be a bit strong… :wink:

That should get me an appointment with the firing squad! :smiley:

Thanks for the responses, some of these are awesome.

True, but then again if they let an inexperienced newbie loose with 44 tons, the potential for some serious damage makes 5 days training look pretty cheap.

This is exactly what I’m talking about. The idea of screwing up so badly that my license evaporates gives me heart palpitations (Figurative, I passed my medical).

I’m perfectly happy to do this in my own time and help out with whatever is needed; I’m just trying to avoid “Here’s your key, don’t be late” on my first day. Which as has been mentioned, happens:

Nope I was told where the lorry was pick up keys go

If knew where you were it may help I am allowed to take passengers they only prob is I do nights out & only 1 bunk sorry but you just not my type :laughing: :laughing:

:stuck_out_tongue: Matlock, but yeah nights/1 bunk might be a stretch.

Bullet Points? :open_mouth:
You sure you want to be a trucker, as text formatting isn’t part of the job! :wink:

Lol I’ve been working in admin for the last 6 months :confused: … It’s boring as hell but the pay and the hours are way better than what I’m used to.

However, agencies do have positions for drivers mates, which basically translates to helping the driver handball goods. So if you’re up for breaking your back all day for minimum wage, then you could give that a go for a few days and try to extract information from the driver.

I worked 60 hour weeks picking microwaves/ironing boards for a year and a half; I’m not afraid of hard work but I would be very surprised if there were actual employment opportunities that fit my hours.

Anyway I found an advert on Indeed for weekend agency work, I’m interested to hear what they say if/when they respond… Wish me luck…