Wolf International -Marbella / Essex

Does anyone know about this company wages,conditions ect ?

The word “Essex” tells you all you need to know :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

You should do a search on here mate, i remember replying to someone who asked this question a few months ago, all i know is they came from Chadwell St Mary nr Tilbury, from what i remember about the other posts they are best being given a wide berth.

the words essex

how very dare you
same can be said about peckham

fred kelly:
the words essex

how very dare you
same can be said about peckham

No offence Fred, but I used to run out of “Borassic Park”, just outside Braintree.


So did i :blush: :blush:

i know someone who works for them in spain ,i dont have his number but he lived near gib , did 2 weeks on 2 weeks off , he was very happy with the job , drove a wagon and drag for them ,

will You leave there?
could also see here
boss is a Lady :exclamation:
just be friendly

Harry Monk:
The word “Essex” tells you all you need to know :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Oi watch it monksey, I could say the same about sarf Londoners :wink:

i have a mate lives in spain and did some work for wolf (used to be called silver wolf).
it was cash in hand and the job was supposed to be 6 day round trip, he took a loaded truck into gib, tipped and reloaded then came over to uk, tipped london and reloaded, spent the weekend in ashford before setting off back to spain, 10 day trip and the boss wasn’t happy because he took 10 days, all the other drivers were doing it in 6 but obviously it wasn’t possible to do it at a leisurely legal pace in 6 days which is why my mate who runs everything legal took 10 days, no extra money either, i think he was paid 500 euro for the trip.

i have a mate lives in spain and did some work for wolf (used to be called silver wolf).
it was cash in hand and the job was supposed to be 6 day round trip, he took a loaded truck into gib, tipped and reloaded then came over to uk, tipped london and reloaded, spent the weekend in ashford before setting off back to spain, 10 day trip and the boss wasn’t happy because he took 10 days, all the other drivers were doing it in 6 but obviously it wasn’t possible to do it at a leisurely legal pace in 6 days which is why my mate who runs everything legal took 10 days, no extra money either, i think he was paid 500 euro for the trip.

can’t be right johnny - it’s always drivers who want to do the trip in illegal time, never the operator, just ask montana man

can’t be right johnny - it’s always drivers who want to do the trip in illegal time, never the operator, just ask montana man

jeez are you done “■■■■ KISSING” jj72 :unamused: :slight_smile: :wink:

Steve, try looking at this link…might give you a bit of an insight!!! :laughing:

trucknetuk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic. … ilver+wolf


so is there anyone that runs legal exept us :astonished: