Wireless Access Points

Hi Folks

I’ve noticed over the last few days that there are quite a few Wireless Access Points in the various service areas around the place.

Primarily I have been looking at the motorway network ones, as those have been the time that I have looked/switched on.

Do any members here use them, and if so what are they like and what do they cost? As things are rarely free at MSA’s I would figure they’re charging for these?!

When I’ve stopped in cities I usually find there are unsecured wireless networks there anyway to surf the web. I know that bit there is illegal, as it is unauthorised use of a connection, but the machine only connects for web and not file access and what do they expect if they don’t even load basic security?!

Anyway, digressing as usual…

Cheers :slight_smile:

Their are various service providers, such as Cloud and Tmobile who run these hotspots, you will also find them at Mcdonalds anf alot of pubs and also texaco petrol stations, I cant quite remember the cost but it was not too bad, you could pay hourly, daily or monthly, you can pay online when you hook up or buy vouchers. Hope this helps.

This might help it looks quite expensive to me but im sure you can make that decision yourself.

This is the ones used in Mcdonalds i dont know about msa,s but im sure if its typical of the msa,s in this country it will be double the price of anywhere else for the same thing.

Thanks :slight_smile: