Wincanton/Hanbury Davies

They are wanting drivers at Immingham, for trailer or containers, are they a decent firm to work for, or are they crap, Wages, trucks, any info welcome.

i went for a interview at Hull. they said they were impressed and said they would get back to me.

However. Big shock, i didnt hear from them. I rang them 3 times, and each time they said they would get straight back to me.

I went for another interview with another company and got the job. That same day i got a call from Hanbury asking if i was still looking for work!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I politley told them no and put the phone down. 30 seconds later, same call!!, am i looking for work!!!

Only had 1 experience of them and it was a bad one im afraid. However i think there is 1 or 2 on here who work for them!

Hairy Gorrilla works for them and I have a mate who is on the WIgan Heinz contract and he seems to like it.

already sent a message to bob more info to follow

Hairy Gorrilla works for them and I have a mate who is on the WIgan Heinz contract and he seems to like it.

Lets hope your mate isn’t one of the ones who has just been finished up at Heinz, Wigan. Cutbacks !!!