WI-FI Question?

Just wondering wot you boys and girls use when on the services ?
was down at leicester taking a mate to c a car (sold) , needed to use laptop for to look on auto trader but couldnt find any services with wi -fi either free or avaiible to buy on the A1(M) ! or M62 or the M6 !

Was hoping that most services would have it , even thought some Mc Ds would have it ended up, ended up getting it at mc ds at carlise just around the corner from truckstop/stobbies place !

So wot did i do wrong other than use a pre pay dongle etc■■?

Deleted, didnt read the post properly !! DOH Supid me. :blush:

But added to say, I assume by pre-pay dongle you are are referring to a USB Modem.

A WiFi adapter, USB or PC card has no cost if its free wifi, as is McDonalds.

If you have the Modem type, you should be able to get online anywhere as it uses the same frequencies as a mobile phone.

Theres a WIFI hotspot next to asda ADC wakefield …Foxbridge way
opposite to the asda staff car park theres a automotive parts place, was sat there last week after getting kicked out of the NHS place for being 3hrs early, and my PDA picked up the signal, (in fact several)… giving me ample time to browse this fine forum and others. :slight_smile:
when I looked …youtube wasn`t available, and once on the bay at NHS no signal was available :frowning:

I know its a bit off topic, but theres a corking place on the Mardy Road in Cardiff.

Its on an industrial estate so you can park for the night, the local indian will deliver to you (found with said wifi) and you can access everything. :laughing: RESULT

PS: Its near the “Home” distribution place.

a mate of mine has a mobile modem,pays £15 per month contract,like a phone i suppose,so gets broadband anywhere :laughing:

a mate of mine has a mobile modem,pays £15 per month contract,like a phone i suppose,so gets broadband anywhere :laughing:

They are the best priced per MB too if you go over your allowance.

That’d be on ‘3’ I take it.

I’ve got a ‘3’ usb dongle, pay as you go, I havent put any money on it for months and the £3 odd I have left on it just stays til I use it up.


wifi at the services and McD’s is ok for checking email, but not for full on web browsing. If you park close enough to the services building or a McD’s you can get a weak signal and it can be very slow, and they won’t let you access “adult” sites :imp:

Anyway, I’ve got mobile broadband from 3. Contract on £15 a month for 5GB allowance and get speeds upto 2mb, which is enough for 3 hours daily browsing - more than enough - but I get music and videos etc so it soon adds up - but i never exceed the limit. Also use it at home - just plug it into the pc.

I don’t think you did anything wrong, more like you just didn’t pick up any WI-FI hot spots.

PS I’ve moved your post to the Computer and tech forum :wink:

Heres a link that may help

Wi Fi Hotspots

Type in town name and you should get a list of Wi Fi hotspots.