Why ??????

Can somebody make a sticky on driver assessments as there are quite a few in both the PDF & New & wannabes forums

Surly there is a basic assessment drive for that all companies use then this might stop all the post on it

sorry just a thought as I have never done 1 dont really know what is involved :frowning:

This is a subject that I’d thought about covering, but after speaking to several driver-assessors who work for different companies, my conclusion was that there are no one-size-fits-all hard and fast rules, because driving assessments are usually a ‘company policy’ thing.

Generally, I’d say it’s all about safety, competent use of the vehicle and pretty much the same as being on a DSA test.

The common theme I’ve noticed in the posts is that the posters are asking about a specific company/contract/depot, so I’d expect some variation in the answers and, from the answers given, this does seem to be the case.

I guessing here, but I imagine the posters asking the questions are looking for an ‘edge’ and some comfort at a nervous time by reading specific tips from folks who have actually had the assessment at the particular company/contract/depot which gives rise to the question.

I think that any post I could construct on this topic would only be very general in nature, and probably wouldn’t stop the flow of (IMHO perfectly understandable) questions about assessments at company X, Y or Z.
TBH and all things considered, I’m not inclined to make a post on this topic.

Anyway, remember the advert…?, it’s good to talk, and IMHO it doesn’t harm the page-view and post stats either. :wink:

Now you’ve raised the point, I’d like to read what other posters say on this subject. :smiley: