Why won't my profile update?

I’ve attempted to update my profile at least 10 times and it claims “your profile has now been updated” but it’s doing absolutely zip. What’s going on ?

What exactly are you trying to change■■?

My location and add a signature (105 characters so within 255 limit). It says it’s been updated but when you go back in it appears as the info to the left. :imp: I’ve tried doing it when logged out but that doesn’t do zip either. It’s buggered.

Eh? Location’s now changed ok but it won’t add signature :angry:

Fixed it now I think… :laughing:

No :angry: Still no signature appearing although it’s showing in my profile :imp: Or doesn’t the signature appear on one’s own messages :question: :question: :question: :stuck_out_tongue:

Rob K… it helps if you ensure you tick…
Always attach my signature option… have done it for you… :grimacing:

Oops :laughing:

Ta Rikki :stuck_out_tongue:

:astonished: ive tried to put my picture on but its not working i followed the instructions and all that happens is it resets and tells me to sighn i again ■■ can anybody help :blush:

Bigrig, Ive sent you a pm mate…

:frowning: cheers buddy :wink: