Why when I type trucknetuk.com

into the address bar I end up here instead of the road transport website? Are you trying to confuse me? :slight_smile:

Temporary home page

Read it again Rog before I give you the WHOOSH!!! :smiley:

Read it again Rog before I give you the WHOOSH!!! :smiley:

Well, I just typed roadtransport.com/StaticPages/drivers.htm :exclamation:

Does the same if I type trucknetuk.com without the www bit

into the address bar I end up here instead of the road transport website? Are you trying to confuse me? :slight_smile:

Can you show us the exact URL you are typing. :confused:

Bollox! I thought I had him there! If I enter that in the google box then it comes to RT as you say but I’ve tripped myself up by clicking on the addy brought up by the browsing history which brings you here, if you get me? :blush: :laughing:

Bollox! I thought I had him there! If I enter that in the google box then it comes to RT as you say but I’ve tripped myself up by clicking on the addy brought up by the browsing history which brings you here, if you get me? :blush: :laughing:

You clicked on where you had been instead of where you intended to go :question:

No Rog, the very top address bar but when you enter trucknet or just tr there then it brings up the rest of the addy from the browser history, so in trying to be a smart arse I end up looking a diddy! If you do a search for it then it takes you to RT, I’m losing the will to live now how about you? :smiley:

Can you show us the exact URL you are typing. :confused:

I use a URL too. :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: It’s called a Uniform ROG Locator and it brings me here every time. :grimacing:

:open_mouth: Blimey, is that the time, must dash…

I use a URL too. :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: It’s called a Uniform ROG Locator and it brings me here every time. :grimacing:

:open_mouth: Blimey, is that the time, must dash…

OOOPS, sorry Dave, I did not mean to stick my leg out and trip you up as you were dashing out :wink: :laughing:


Can you show us the exact URL you are typing. :confused:

I use a URL too. :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: It’s called a Uniform ROG Locator and it brings me here every time. :grimacing:

:open_mouth: Blimey, is that the time, must dash…