Why was my thread deleated censorship,pro EU?

As above

It was deleted as we expect people here to debate all views in a civil manner, calling entire nations savages is not civil, or even a debate just a rant.
Either post within the bounds of decency or don’t post at all…

Anyway back to the question of taxes within a federal single ‘free market’. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

nfib.com/content/resources/t … now-55300/

Anyway back to the question of taxes within a federal ‘free market’. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

nfib.com/content/resources/t … now-55300/

But when there is a big element of truth in what someone says why erase it? it is in part why were we are currently at , i don’t do PC ,nor lies that affect the majority of us, Rubber duck the tory elites , As i said we need to bin all our politicians and start again ensuring that they aren’t eton toffs for a start

Its not what you say, its how you say it on here that’s important. some folks on here have some quite radical views ( from both ends of the political spectrum) and they manage to get their arguments across without resorting to stereotyping or being offensive. Their posts remain yours went because your post crossed the line between putting a point across and being offensive.

Either learn to post in a civil manner, or post your comments on another website that allows such crass comments- this one doesn’t.

tommy t:

Anyway back to the question of taxes within a federal ‘free market’. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

nfib.com/content/resources/t … now-55300/

But when there is a big element of truth in what someone says why erase it? it is in part why were we are currently at , i don’t do PC ,nor lies that affect the majority of us, Rubber duck the tory elites , As i said we need to bin all our politicians and start again ensuring that they aren’t eton toffs for a start

We seem to be ok with Socialist/Federalist zb wits which probably covers all the bases and they can get away with calling us xenophobic nazis so all’s fair in a good natured civilised argument. :smiling_imp: :wink: :laughing:


tommy t:

Anyway back to the question of taxes within a federal ‘free market’. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

nfib.com/content/resources/t … now-55300/

But when there is a big element of truth in what someone says why erase it? it is in part why were we are currently at , i don’t do PC ,nor lies that affect the majority of us, Rubber duck the tory elites , As i said we need to bin all our politicians and start again ensuring that they aren’t eton toffs for a start

We seem to be ok with Socialist/Federalist zb wits which probably covers all the bases and they can get away with calling us xenophobic nazis so all’s fair in a good natured civilised argument. :smiling_imp: :wink: :laughing:

Sturgeon can have Scotland , unless the Scots don’t want to be independent , in which case she really needs to go, or stfu maybe the scots should make their feelings known by being more vocal,? But hypothetically speaking if they got what she wanted, and the border controls and big security fence was erected , with cctv and border guards patrolling , and they had to have the euro for currency , what then, ?

We need to get out of the EU and then should have /force a general election and rid ourselves of the toxic tories

I’d be glad to be rid of the Scots. We pay the same tax/national insurance as them yet we subsidise their free tuition fees/care homes/prescriptions and more.

The other issue that I have is that they have different speed limits/drink drive limits. So surely it’s only fair that if prosecuted in Scotland yet not illegal in England, you should only receive a ban/points whilst in Scotland and if you had not broken English law the points/ban would not affect driving in England.

I’d be glad to be rid of the Scots. We pay the same tax/national insurance as them yet we subsidise their free tuition fees/care homes/prescriptions and more.

The other issue that I have is that they have different speed limits/drink drive limits. So surely it’s only fair that if prosecuted in Scotland yet not illegal in England, you should only receive a ban/points whilst in Scotland and if you had not broken English law the points/ban would not affect driving in England.

I would go with that, a bit like France starting to do the same as scotland when you can bet safely that if some frog is caught speeding or being ■■■■■■ at the wheel over here that their French licence will remain un touched by the DVLA ect

It would be easy to police, just add a restriction, like the 107 etc. Why should an English citizen who had not broken an English law be prevented from driving in England? If they are over the English limit in Scotland a complete ban is justified. Maybe Scotland ought to issue separate licences as they have separate laws.

I’d be glad to be rid of the Scots. We pay the same tax/national insurance as them yet we subsidise their free tuition fees/care homes/prescriptions and more.

The other issue that I have is that they have different speed limits/drink drive limits. So surely it’s only fair that if prosecuted in Scotland yet not illegal in England, you should only receive a ban/points whilst in Scotland and if you had not broken English law the points/ban would not affect driving in England.

You don’t subsidise us honey, we pay more tax per head than rest of uk. £400 according to national statistics office for 2012/2013. That’s why the vote no in independence campaign couldn’t use that myth. It’s to do with there only being 5 million of us and we have younger population due to our low life expectancy.

I’d be glad to be rid of the Scots. We pay the same tax/national insurance as them yet we subsidise their free tuition fees/care homes/prescriptions and more.

The usual misguided and misinformed nonsense from people who dont really know what they’re talking about
Scottish tax payers pay an average of £800 more tax per head than the rest of the UK. That’s £4.2bn.
Dont flatter yourself its coming out of your pocket

In 2012-13
Tax revenue generated by Scotland
9.1% of UK tax revenue came from Scotland
8.3% of the UK population live in Scotland
£10,000 tax per head in Scotland
£9,200 tax per head, rest of UK

Not the same as each person paying £800 a year extra in tax. The rest of the U.K. Figure also includes Wales, who unfortunately have quite high unemployment rates.

According to the Institute of Fiscal Studies Scots on average pay £290 less income tax.

And here we have the ■■■■ of the whole problem.
You read something that says one thing, I read something that says another.
The biggest problem with these sorts of things is there is so much misinformation and misleading “experts”, so many people and websites all telling you different things, that no sod really knows where it all goes. Everything gets manipulated and twisted
Its rather childish to hit out with “Its not fair, they get something we dont. Wah wah wah” and act like a kid crying because the boy next door got a bike and he didnt
It says a lot about you to be honest that you come out with “id be happy to get rid of them” rather than think “Here, WE should be getting that as well” and fight for your right to get them. Nope, you’d just rather whinge someone is getting something you’re not.
Incidently, im dead against the free tuition fees as well. I fail to see why anyone should have to pay for someone else’s uni education

I agree with you ^^^^

Everyone acting like children “well if I can’t get it no one else will” I don’t understand why the English put up with so much of this stuff,like prescription charges and water bills? It falls from the sky ffs.

How much do you pay for water per month? Scottish water is paid through council tax. ( for me £200 a year for water)

i pay £90(give or take) a year on water and sewerage bill. i have a meter and i live alone.

£360 a year for water here for a family of 3. And we’re on a meter.

Sent using smoke and mirrors