We work now on a 24 hour clock, 0000hrs to 2400hrs. You do 13hrs that’s 11 hrs left to make up 24hrs. You do 14hrs that’s only 10hrs left to make 24hrs. Not enough break to make 11 hrs off. If you have lets say 15hrs break after working your 14hrs that would only still be recognised as a 9hr break. Over 13hrs work you can’t make 11hrs off. Under 13hrs you can. Clear as mud.
What about a situation where you start at 6pm monday and work through till 9am Monday, starting again 8pm monday, finish 11am Tuesday, start 10pm tuesday and so on. Youve done 15 hour shifts but still got 11 hour breaks within the 24 hour day.
Like you said, clear as mud. There are so many different circumstances that a cpc course or booklet can’t cover them all.
your 24 hrs begin when you start work, whatever time it maybe. So work 13hr and 1min and there is only 10hrs 59mins left until your 24hrs is up so regardless of when you commence work again its a reduced rest
Sorry I was quoting my present shift, midnight start. Yes it’s a rolling 24hrs, like I said clear as mud.
Captain Caveman 76:
We work now on a 24 hour clock, 0000hrs to 2400hrs. You do 13hrs that’s 11 hrs left to make up 24hrs. You do 14hrs that’s only 10hrs left to make 24hrs. Not enough break to make 11 hrs off. If you have lets say 15hrs break after working your 14hrs that would only still be recognised as a 9hr break. Over 13hrs work you can’t make 11hrs off. Under 13hrs you can. Clear as mud.
What about a situation where you start at 6pm monday and work through till 9am Monday, starting again 8pm monday, finish 11am Tuesday, start 10pm tuesday and so on. Youve done 15 hour shifts but still got 11 hour breaks within the 24 hour day.
Like you said, clear as mud. There are so many different circumstances that a cpc course or booklet can’t cover them all.
It’s only as clear as mud because of the misinterpretations of the regulations.
The 24 hour period starts when you finish a daily/weekly rest period and ends either 24 hours later or when you start work again after a daily rest period, whichever comes first.
If you start work at 20:00 Monday and finish at 11:00 Tuesday then start again at 22:00 Tuesday you’ve had a reduced daily rest period of nine hours, this is because you must complete a daily rest period within 24 hours from the start of the shift, any rest taken outside of the 24 hour period does not count as part of the daily rest period.
Therefore in your example where you start at 20:00 Monday the 24 hour period ends at 20:00 Tuesday and the rest taken after that time does not count as part of the daily rest period.
Rules for multi-manned journeys are different though.
Some of the trash given out on my DCPC was terrible, the instructor told drivers they couldn’t have breaks at their steering wheels and even told of a driver that had been done for this
She told them that reducing their daily rest was actually 3 times in a fortnight and this was effective from the date of the course because VOSA could see that they had done a “drivers hours” module and therefore would know this one driver even stated that he gets infringements for too many reductions and he never even reduces, I thought it was strange that he worked for us and never reduced so I asked him “so you never work over 13 hours then?” His reply was “yeah, most days, but I always have 11 hours off”
I must admit I have asked for help on here and the questions I have asked may have seamed basic to those that knew the answers, but it’s good to get clarification if you’re not 100% especially if you have someone with more experience telling you something to make you doubt yourself.
I had a JAUPT auditor here today and showed this thread/post to him. I was kind of annoyed as I was audited on Tuesday this week and then again today yet there are courses such as you mention getting away with it. I have been audited twice this week so maybe I’m one of the ones doing a ■■■■■ job eh?
The auditor has assured me that if you let me know a name or location and I pass it on to him this matter will be investigated.
This sub-standard ■■■■■ will never stop until the culprits are reported and dealt with.
i’ve been driving hgv’s for 30 plus years,and these days generally do 0500-1500hrs.but if something out of the ordinary (for me) crops up,it’s easier to ask tachograph,ROG etc.,than trawling through the rules and reg’s.
A big THANK YOU should be said to Tachograph , Rog and others for helping by some on here. An unpaid charitable action to help some of less informed brethren on the regulations we all work to…Supposedly. But at least we stick together ( ish ) even if we are a ■■■■ taking bunch of ■■■■■ .
It might have helped if the DVSA guide to the regs gave more examples based on what a driver might do
It would make the guide a lot bigger but I believe it would help those who have issues with understanding how it is written
Les Shoes:
one driver even stated that he gets infringements for too many reductions and he never even reduces, I thought it was strange that he worked for us and never reduced so I asked him “so you never work over 13 hours then?” His reply was “yeah, most days, but I always have 11 hours off”
Sorry if I’m being one of the idiots but I need this bit explaining to me, why is it a reduced rest if you work over 13 hours but still take a whole 11 hours daily rest?
I wouldn’t say the guy was an idiot for not knowing the rules, we all had to learn at some point, this particular rule I learnt from my truckertimer app, I was having more than 11 hours off and it was stating that I was on a reduced rest. I therefore did what he should have done and looked into the reason for this and not simply ignored it.
The guy in my opinion was an idiot but for ignoring infringements instead of querying them to get the proper facts rather than simply bury his head because he knew he was having 11 hours of so the infringements must be wrong.
I have used this site a lot and learn most of the stuff I know from reading the replies to other drivers “silly” questions. And also asking my own silly questions, I would rather look like a fool on here and have a little ■■■■ taking done than look like a fool at a roadside check and get my wallet out
Les Shoes:
one driver even stated that he gets infringements for too many reductions and he never even reduces, I thought it was strange that he worked for us and never reduced so I asked him “so you never work over 13 hours then?” His reply was “yeah, most days, but I always have 11 hours off”
Sorry if I’m being one of the idiots but I need this bit explaining to me, why is it a reduced rest if you work over 13 hours but still take a whole 11 hours daily rest?
I wouldn’t say the guy was an idiot for not knowing the rules, we all had to learn at some point, this particular rule I learnt from my truckertimer app, I was having more than 11 hours off and it was stating that I was on a reduced rest. I therefore did what he should have done and looked into the reason for this and not simply ignored it.
The guy in my opinion was an idiot but for ignoring infringements instead of querying them to get the proper facts rather than simply bury his head because he knew he was having 11 hours of so the infringements must be wrong.
I have used this site a lot and learn most of the stuff I know from reading the replies to other drivers “silly” questions. And also asking my own silly questions, I would rather look like a fool on here and have a little ■■■■ taking done than look like a fool at a roadside check and get my wallet out
Totally agree and exactly why I asked
I think in a lot of cases it because you only learn what you need too know too do your job ,then your job / work content changes so there’s new things you need know ,so where better too ask than on here .
I recently did a test on the rules which I got 19/20 right ,only because I’ve learnt a lot of the answers on here by reading drivers queries on hours
With the DCPC much depends on the trainer, some of 'em just drone on and on they simply aren’t worth listening to, others, like the ex VOSA ste who took our last course was worth listening to, we learned more from him in one session than from all the previous 35 hours.
The hours are far too complicated now, much simpler (and better for everyone) years ago with a 12.5 hour spreadover, start at 6 off the road at 6.30, with a 12 hour day you seldom gave your overnight rest periods a second thought.
So many questions on drivers’ hours because they spend their time on speaking about this issue instead of presenting interactively which could get in our minds in few minutes plus practical application - not just theory.
Obviously the dcpc trainers haven’t done there jobs properly in making sure the drivers have understood what they were there to learn ours went on about vosas latest guidance rather than what was actually law I pulled him up as alot of what he said contradicted what he’d ram through earlier
Right then, if I have a 13 off every night, Monday to Friday, which equates to 10 hrs of ‘compensation’ a week, does that mean I can work every Saturday?
Daily rest cant be used for gaining back hrs on weekly rest as the pay back has to be en block by the end of the 3rd week. How ever as long as you get 45 hrs weekly rest every week and you have duty and driving time available then you could work every Saturday
Right then, if I have a 13 off every night, Monday to Friday, which equates to 10 hrs of ‘compensation’ a week, does that mean I can work every Saturday?
As Alix said compensation for reduced weekly rest periods must be paid back in one lump.
But regardless of that the regulations require you to have a rest period of 45 consecutive hours at-least every second week.
And you can’t compensate for a reduced weekly rest before it happens
Daily rest cant be used for gaining back hrs on weekly rest as the pay back has to be en block by the end of the 3rd week. How ever as long as you get 45 hrs weekly rest every week and you have duty and driving time available then you could work every Saturday
the compensation can be attached to one daily rest though