Why oh why?

I know this has been done to death before, but why do car drivers drive so slow that they get overtaken by trucks then just as you get level they floor it leaving you in the middle lane :imp:
And why do other truck drivers speed up as your level with their cab so your running at the same speed as them for a few miles until a hill when you can get past them (take a bow the container driver on the M1) :unamused:
And well done to the 7.5tonner who as I was about to overtake him then swerved into my lane :open_mouth:
Th th th thats all folks :laughing:

So it’s not just me that happens to?!!

I know this has been done to death before, but why do car drivers drive so slow that they get overtaken by trucks then just as you get level they floor it leaving you in the middle lane :imp:

Because you wake them up. Their right foot has been slowly putting less and less pressure on the pedal as they pay less and less attention to the road ahead. You come alongside and suddenly they wake up and speed up.

And why do other truck drivers speed up as your level with their cab so your running at the same speed as them for a few miles until a hill when you can get past them (take a bow the container driver on the M1) :unamused:

A. you’ve woken them up or
B. they are idiots who’ll be par of the reason for major overtaking bans throughout the UK like there are already in the rest of Europe. Of course the other problem are the driver who stick alongside.

And well done to the 7.5tonner who as I was about to overtake him then swerved into my lane :open_mouth:
Th th th thats all folks :laughing:

Expect the unexpected. :smiley:

patience, judgement, and experience is the only thing you can gain.

firstly be patient. a lot of car drivers are women since they got the vote, and these big things can look a bit scary to some folk so they need to run away from you. also the ■■■■■■ in his BIG bmw realises his BIG bmw isn’t so big after all.

Then there’s judgement. after a while you will recognise the signs of what they are about to do next, i can’t explain it, you just do. but as for the other lorry drivers who speed up when you are next to there cab and stay with you, just stick your indicator on, then he knows everyone is looking at him, and nobody likes that.
you will notice things like. tippers 57mph, sainsburys dangerously slow, asda 54mph, culina logistics hard shoulder.

then there’s experience. You can’t ever be over experienced in this job, You’ll never have enough.

sainsburys dangerously slow,

Yes unfortunatly, ive been doing a few shifts for them recently, stuck at 52mph on the speedo prob more like 50mph, its a nightmare, used to have decent Volvo’s which seemed to be limited to the legal max, used to go past most other motors on the road.

I’m glad only really do central Scotland for them, cause couldnt stomach a trip down to haydock at 50mph i would fall asleep !

It’s the fully laden truck that overtakes you downhill not realising that you are empty and won’t have to slow down to 48mph to get up the next hill, which he will stay in the middle lane for because there is a clapped out ERF piled high with straw in the distance only doing 47.5mph! You know who you are… :imp:

Then there’s judgement. after a while you will recognise the signs of what they are about to do next, i can’t explain it, you just do. but as for the other lorry drivers who speed up when you are next to there cab and stay with you, just stick your indicator on, then he knows everyone is looking at him, and nobody likes that.

I remember once overtaking one going up Keele bank & was almost past him when he regained speed so I indicated left as I wanted J16. At the 300 metre marker (& lots of left indicating) I had to take the appropriate action & brake, lucky for me the LGV in the granny lane saw what was going on & flashed me in. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in the ‘offending’ drivers’ office after the phone call I gave his boss. :imp:

Had two car drivers do that today…Trick is to get by them without waking them up!
I overtake most trucks in my XF105 460 DAF :grimacing: :grimacing: :laughing: :laughing:

Like you, I am a newbie and have already noticed what is stated above :laughing: Add tesco to the Sainsbury list, they must be paid by the hour to drive as slow as they do. :wink:

The South side of the M25 is a lovely place to be, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that somebody would actually pay me for being there…Funny old world innit… :laughing:

Funny you should bring this up, had two numptys do the same thing on the A303 on my way back from Torquay early this morning, 1st a BMW then a MR2, both flew past me then slowed down, sped up, slowed down. Flashed my lights as i approached but they just went even slower.

In the end i got fed up, managed to overtake them on a downhill stretch and they start to drop back, see them in my mirrors starting to speed up to overtake, so seeing as it was quiet with no other vehicles around i decide to hold them up by sitting in the middle so they couldnt get past for a couple of miles, at least til other vehicles started to approach and i pulled back in, did they not like that :smiling_imp:

I know this has been done to death before, but why do car drivers drive so slow that they get overtaken by trucks then just as you get level they floor it leaving you in the middle lane :imp:
And why do other truck drivers speed up as your level with their cab so your running at the same speed as them for a few miles until a hill when you can get past them (take a bow the container driver on the M1) :unamused:
And well done to the 7.5tonner who as I was about to overtake him then swerved into my lane :open_mouth:
Th th th thats all folks :laughing:

Thanx for that Topic,but you forgot the White Van :grimacing:

firstly be patient. a lot of car drivers are women since they got the vote, and these big things can look a bit scary to some folk so they need to run away from you.

I wasn’t going to dignify this with a responce but well just had to :smiling_imp:
Why should the ■■■ of the person matter ■■ and the vote step out of the fifties mate …We are “PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS” and we should rise above :slight_smile:
But i admit it does screw with your mind " how can someone be so thick as to do that and most turn and give you the two finger salute :imp: i think more car drivers should be taught about LGV’s and maybe it would make our woking day a little easier. I must admit it does make for good storie telling thou while you wait for your paperwork :smiley:

‘…Add Tesco to the Sainsbury list, they must be paid by the hour to drive as slow as they do…’

Consider other supermarkets in this bracket too - it’s a reality that many ought to accept for their health.

I’ve seen logistical sub-contractors recently congratulating themselves on the mph fuel costs saved with reduced limiting. Meanwhile, ad-hoc trolley-dolly jockeys need to decide whether to race home (with many on a recently cropped hourly wage) or stay legal and meet the running sheet. The company statisticians mull & drool over these for many reasons - including how to identify rascals for them to get rid of/suppress in order to bring in any (Euro-bod?) driver on a lower wedge via agencies, etc.

The blame (for those that feel a need to identify it) should perhaps consider:

  1. Supermarket PR: Their liveried wagons are lane one, non-confrontational plodders that passively maintain the company’s advert. Intended amongst the gross impression is a demonstration of their steadily reliable & law abiding credentials: A good image is priceless in this sector.

  2. The Reality: Pro-Euro-Britain is showing us much brilliance at penny-pinching whilst dismissing quality of life wholesale - to include inefficiently managed traffic foisted onto us from Strasbourg complete with with malaligned LGV diktats. Through governmental arrogance, The Reality is very capable of demonstrating an unprecedented ability to ferment within our society a disenfranchising demeanour that is increasingly exploitational & devoid of much honourable welfare or intent as it slavishly worships the one-size-fits-all Brussels rule-book.

They’re only ideas & I’m only a messenger who likes to be polite on the road without cheesing off unliveried nutters…

They’re only ideas & I’m only a messenger who likes to be polite on the road without cheesing off unliveried nutters…
Be careful there Keith mate, you know what they do to messengers! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

a lot of companies are cutting the limiters back to 53mph now…some dhl trucks i drive are on 53 now…another supermarket company i drive for reckons to have cut the feul bill by 3 grand a week by going down to 53.


Happy Keith:
They’re only ideas & I’m only a messenger who likes to be polite on the road without cheesing off unliveried nutters…

‘…Be careful there Keith mate, you know what they do to messengers…’

Oh no, I’d sooner be shot than the genital cuff.

…or being morphed into an angry Tesco-man in a van.
…or become a (more rabid) cyclist.
…or connive my way to an executive bog-key & company motor but with a static office.
…or drive a rigid/bus, etc

a lot of companies are cutting the limiters back to 53mph now…some dhl trucks i drive are on 53 now…another supermarket company i drive for reckons to have cut the feul bill by 3 grand a week by going down to 53.

one big supermarket did it and in one year there saved 3 million pounds buy just cutting there speed done to 52mph

Happy Keith:

‘…Add Tesco to the Sainsbury list, they must be paid by the hour to drive as slow as they do…’

Consider other supermarkets in this bracket too - it’s a reality that many ought to accept for their health.

I’ve seen logistical sub-contractors recently congratulating themselves on the mph fuel costs saved with reduced limiting. Meanwhile, ad-hoc trolley-dolly jockeys need to decide whether to race home (with many on a recently cropped hourly wage) or stay legal and meet the running sheet. The company statisticians mull & drool over these for many reasons - including how to identify rascals for them to get rid of/suppress in order to bring in any (Euro-bod?) driver on a lower wedge via agencies, etc.

The blame (for those that feel a need to identify it) should perhaps consider:

  1. Supermarket PR: Their liveried wagons are lane one, non-confrontational plodders that passively maintain the company’s advert. Intended amongst the gross impression is a demonstration of their steadily reliable & law abiding credentials: A good image is priceless in this sector.

  2. The Reality: Pro-Euro-Britain is showing us much brilliance at penny-pinching whilst dismissing quality of life wholesale - to include inefficiently managed traffic foisted onto us from Strasbourg complete with with malaligned LGV diktats. Through governmental arrogance, The Reality is very capable of demonstrating an unprecedented ability to ferment within our society a disenfranchising demeanour that is increasingly exploitational & devoid of much honourable welfare or intent as it slavishly worships the one-size-fits-all Brussels rule-book.

They’re only ideas & I’m only a messenger who likes to be polite on the road without cheesing off unliveried nutters…

I see exactly where you are coming from and agree.
In my previous life I was an Opps Manager for a food manufacturer…I worked closely with the supermarkets (all of them) and was instrumental in cutting out some of their overcharging to our company for backhaul and cutting costs for depot drops via our own vehicles. All the time they have been cutting costs, they have been raising them to the manufacturers.

I won`t go into the various ‘firms’ that service the supermarket contracts, but if I had a penny for every artic that turned up empty for just one or two pallets…And not doing backhaul, but had been sent out from an RDC just for this small collection, I would be a very rich man…And the fact that you could get 3 atics throughout the day for the same collection, all empty!!!
Exel, NFT but to mention a few, if there planners could actually get to grips with what it was they had to plan, we would probably have double the il reserves we have left today :laughing: :laughing:

I won`t mention coolchain/Corby chilled and the others who all considered they were giving superb service :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry to deviate above from your thread, Daffers …but it seems that although much consideration is due to us from others doing their ‘different speed’ malarkey, we ought to frequently reciprocate & perhaps accept that as long as no-one is busting the law or blatantly ripping the pee, a chill & smile is often the best solution.

what i am going to ask is

when is Garner and Daf going to do a blog?

what i am going to ask is

when is Garner and Daf going to do a blog?

+1 :smiley: