Why lock a thread

I see a thread has been locked, as it’s a blaten advert for I’m guessing a shark type agency, why not let us post the obvious questions, like how much is competitive, is that paye, etc…

Because if you let one stay then you need to let them all stay and before long the whole board could be getting them 5 or 6 times a day

He did have assets of £15 in the bank according to last accounts so I’m sure he can pay a competitive wage with a smiley face AND pay for proper job adverts too

And don’t forget he posted here the other day asking how subcontracting works and how much do maritime pay so form an orderly queue please. I’ve jacked my job in already on the chance of a start

It was locked for the obvious reason that advertising without Rikki or dieseldave’s prior permission is not allowed, the thread crumb (ie the locked remaining thread) was left there as a heads up to the original author.

Oh and I’m moving this thread to the feedback forum as it’s not truck related. :slight_smile: