Why is it so unacceptable to ask others a question?

but some people are scared to ask when they are new to the industry, Ive been in that situation, faced with a canteen full of experienced drivers just waiting for you to ■■■■ up…

yes there is some good advice but i certainly dont agree with some of the tactics used by members to ridicule others…

hotel magnum:
you are right about the only silly question is the one not asked . I bet the train driver in Canada wished he had asked how the handbrake worked on the train.

Yes, or the newbie pilot in San Fransisco!

How high is this trailer? :stuck_out_tongue:

Newbie had 1000’s of hours on heavies though not on 777’s.
Go around decision should have been made 30 - 60 seconds earlier.
Gunned it too late, it ducked the tail where there was no room left to duck it.
Too slow, too low. Go around!

Newbie had 1000’s of hours on heavies though not on 777’s.
Go around decision should have been made 30 - 60 seconds earlier.
Gunned it too late, it ducked the tail where there was no room left to duck it.
Too slow, too low. Go around!

Even more shocking was the fact they now think one of the fatalities was a girl run over by a fire engine attending.

I know, total cheers moment. You get taken out by the rescue team after surviving a plane crash. Bet the chap driving the ? Truck is totally gutted if true.

I know, total cheers moment. You get taken out by the rescue team after surviving a plane crash. Bet the chap driving the ? Truck is totally gutted if true.

Just think Final Destination

I’ve just been reading comments on another thread where a poster was ridiculed for asking a question. It’s not the first time I’ve seen it and was wondering why this attitude exists?
Surely those prepared to ask questions shouldn’t be shot down for it.

Your thoughts?

Simple, because sadly a minority of the elite who frequent these forums think they are over and above everyone else.

These are the same people who park everywhere on one shunt, can get to Spain on back on 5 litres of fuel with overheads to spare on their 11hr driving session, never speed 1mph above the limit, never been in the wrong lane, never had an accident or bump of any description, who know shortcuts which take them 25% less time to do a job that everyone else, who drive trucks 1000bhp and pull loads of 100tons daily, rumour has it they even have their very own special chalk for RDC parking and a cone in their locker just in case.
