Why is it so unacceptable to ask others a question?

Own Account Driver:
I don’t mind answering any questions but do wish that more of those that do continued to contribute to the forum afterwards rather than register ask their question and never be heard from again.

Do you think if some of the responses were friendlier (not aimed at you but in general) that people would stick around?

Own Account Driver:
I don’t mind answering any questions but do wish that more of those that do continued to contribute to the forum afterwards rather than register ask their question and never be heard from again.

totally agree, however I have asked questions but due to some of the replies, I have felt whats the point with this forum? its a shame that it as gone this way, as a member of many forums trucknet is by far the worst for the keyboard warrior.

theres a post re how far have you got with fuel light on, I know its just a bit of light hearted fun but if a new member came on and created a post either “run out of fuel, light came on 50 miles ago” or “how far can I get once fuel light comes on” I guarantee some members would post stupid, insulting comments…

theres a chap I work with whos in his late fiftys and is sort of the boss around the yard, its my first job in the transport industry and ive only been there for 4 weeks and most of the time when I ask him a question he flys off the handle and starts shouting like I should know the answer to everything.
I wouldnt mind but I don’t think they are stupid questions just things like does he know where a certain pallet is in the warehouse that ive had a look for and cant find or if im not sure about something on my paperwork being just a couple of examples.

its not that im useless or anything, Im the first in every morning and do everything that’s asked of me with little or no problems and keep my truck clean and tidy so I cant understand why I get so much abuse when I ask a question.

its not something that bothers me that much as i plan on moving to a bigger company that does more long distance runs in about a year or so rather than just doing local deliveries everyday but i just thought id mention it while we where on the subject.

theres a chap I work with whos in his late fiftys and is sort of the boss around the yard, its my first job in the transport industry and ive only been there for 4 weeks and most of the time when I ask him a question he flys off the handle and starts shouting like I should know the answer to everything.
I wouldnt mind but I don’t think they are stupid questions just things like does he know where a certain pallet is in the warehouse that ive had a look for and cant find or if im not sure about something on my paperwork being just a couple of examples.

its not that im useless or anything, Im the first in every morning and do everything that’s asked of me with little or no problems and keep my truck clean and tidy so I cant understand why I get so much abuse when I ask a question.

its not something that bothers me that much as i plan on moving to a bigger company that does more long distance runs in about a year or so rather than just doing local deliveries everyday but i just thought id mention it while we where on the subject.

Just laugh at him Jay, he’s the one who’s all bitter and twisted. Just remember that he’s the one with a problem, not you. Every company has one of these, all wind and ■■■■ and a bully to boot. They soon change their tune when you point out that there are no cameras or witnesses where you’re stood right now!

It’s a shame that it as gone this way, as a member of many forums trucknet is by far the worst for the keyboard warrior.

You don’t ride a motorcycle then !

If you did, you might have come across a forum called ‘Bike Chat Forum’ (or BCF for short). A forum that exists solely for autoposts, troll posts, sock puppets & the odd occasional passer bye. It has been rumored in some of the ‘real’ bike forums for some time that it is just another subsection of 4chan !

I frequent a few forums myself. Trust me, TNUK is a predictable one. The owner of the forum has a duty to make £money, so some of the postings can be put down to serving their needs, which is generating traffic, so they can sell advertising, & what precious little privacy you thought you once had, TNUK is a small part of the system that strips it away.

the maoster:

theres a chap I work with whos in his late fiftys and is sort of the boss around the yard, its my first job in the transport industry and ive only been there for 4 weeks and most of the time when I ask him a question he flys off the handle and starts shouting like I should know the answer to everything.
I wouldnt mind but I don’t think they are stupid questions just things like does he know where a certain pallet is in the warehouse that ive had a look for and cant find or if im not sure about something on my paperwork being just a couple of examples.

its not that im useless or anything, Im the first in every morning and do everything that’s asked of me with little or no problems and keep my truck clean and tidy so I cant understand why I get so much abuse when I ask a question.

its not something that bothers me that much as i plan on moving to a bigger company that does more long distance runs in about a year or so rather than just doing local deliveries everyday but i just thought id mention it while we where on the subject.

Just laugh at him Jay, he’s the one who’s all bitter and twisted. Just remember that he’s the one with a problem, not you. Every company has one of these, all wind and ■■■■ and a bully to boot. They soon change their tune when you point out that there are no cameras or witnesses where you’re stood right now!

yeah i do laugh sometimes when he contradicts himself and i catch him out he starts muttering and stuttering, it could be worse i only have to put up with it for an hour or two each day so its not so bad and its one of the main reasons i like being a lorry driver, the freedom of being away on your own everyday is hard to beat.

double post

mainly member of landrover sites and other classic cars/vehicles, as well as small holdings/self sufficiency type sites but with these you can ask for help/advice/guidance on the simplest of things and get the answers needed, ok you do get some warriors ect but majority of any replies are genuine helpfull advise, i have done things like strip engines down purely following advice from other members, imagine trying to do something similar through trucknet,


It’s a shame that it as gone this way, as a member of many forums trucknet is by far the worst for the keyboard warrior.

You don’t ride a motorcycle then !

If you did, you might have come across a forum called ‘Bike Chat Forum’ (or BCF for short). A forum that exists solely for autoposts, troll posts, sock puppets & the odd occasional passer bye. It has been rumored in some of the ‘real’ bike forums for some time that it is just another subsection of 4chan !

I frequent a few forums myself. Trust me, TNUK is a predictable one. The owner of the forum has a duty to make £money, so some of the postings can be put down to serving their needs, which is generating traffic, so they can sell advertising, & what precious little privacy you thought you once had, TNUK is a small part of the system that strips it away.

I have some tin foil you can buy :slight_smile:, We have the ability to extract your-mail address’s from the database and spam you with offers, but we don’t seen to have done that, we could sell your e-mail address’s to the various mailing lists. we don’t seem to have done that either. We could do promoted posts on every forum , but we don’t seem to have done that either, yes our sponsors get a highlighted thread for their news but its not exactly intrusive.

Yes we do put up posts that helps our business needs… but we are not exactly covert about it, and make no apology for it, running and hosting this website isn’t free, and we are not a charity, but we cover our costs and keep this website free for you to all use, without selling any of your data -or compromising your privacy, the odd sponsored post isn’t too much to bear for that is it?

Oh and for the more cynical, or just plain nosey - we had a financial target for 2013 for TruckNet - which has already been exceeded - meaning that we will be around for the foreseeable future, sorry to the doomsayers but the facts are we are doing all right, more traffic, more page views. more unique users and six months into the year have past our financial targets, without selling on anything from our database- but some say we are dying- the facts say otherwise

When I got my first gig about 2 years after passing the class2 test.I asked about the bonnet catch.I was told “you are getting technical now”.I found it myself then checked lights had the hazards on doing the walk round.the oaf (gaffer) asked what you doing ,I told him I was counting the tyres.

mainly member of landrover sites and other classic cars/vehicles, as well as small holdings/self sufficiency type sites but with these you can ask for help/advice/guidance on the simplest of things and get the answers needed, ok you do get some warriors ect but majority of any replies are genuine helpfull advise, i have done things like strip engines down purely following advice from other members, imagine trying to do something similar through trucknet,

You probably could it would just take time to go through the wheat and the chaff. I think there’s more people that would help on here then the ones that won’t the problem is its the ones that are abusive or like to take the ■■■■ that stick out and are remembered. As a whole I think it’s actually a good site once you find out who to ignore and who to listen too and once you get the gist off people’s sense off humours and know when there having a laugh and when there just being an arse. Only last week I messaged a question to tachograph as it didn’t warrant a thread and I received a reply which was really helpful to him it was probably a really obvious question but I wasn’t sure off something, I got a straight answer not a load off ■■■■ taking so it is worth being a member for racking the brains off more experienced drivers than myself if nothing else.

As I have said before, look what happens when you finally pluck up the courage to ask a question in the real world!

Agency driver laugh of the week - THE UK PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS FORUM (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

Not sure what your point is? :confused: Are you trying to suggest that I shouldn’t have taken the ■■■■ because he was a thick ■■■■ and too stupid to ask someone? If so then you can gtfo out as well! Sorry but no time or patience for thick ■■■■■.

A lot of people on here regularly have a pop at me for allegedly being a “know it all” which puzzles me somewhat because I’ve never claimed to be and most certainly am not. In fact I’ll often ask on here if there’s something I don’t know that I think one of the members might know the answer to; the auto-retarder question on the MAN artics being one such example. People shouldn’t be too proud/embarrassed to ask and just do it. Being drivers you will probably get some ■■■■-taking going on at the same time but unless it’s a really dumb question like what does the steering wheel do it’ll only be said in jest.

“Know it all” here :stuck_out_tongue: found out he didn’t know it all last night, with a 14’10 trailer in Mexborough. Being the professional that I am :wink: I could’ve just muddled my way around the array of 13’ something bridges in the area to get to the place I wanted but instead I belled up my work mate who I knew had done the drop before to seek advice, but alas, not before 2 mins of non-stop "typical agency muppet! :unamused: ", "call yourself a professional! :unamused: " etc etc. :grimacing:

As others have said, the only dumb question is the one you don’t ask. I think some people take this site too seriously though. :unamused:

Some questions do leave me shaking my head, but not everybody grew up around lorries or has worked in the industry for years.

The day’s of drivers standing around in groups sharing stories seem to have gone too, except the endless drivel the loudmouth in an RDC waiting room has to share at the top of their voice.

So this site is one of the few places “stupid” questions can be asked with the added bonus of anonymity.

I’m often tempted to give a WTF reply, but what’s the point? It doesn’t help anybody, myself included.

This was the reason I suggested a “how to” series of articles to the then Editor of T&D, I think it’s a great idea. Going back a few years I read an article on the Eaton Twin Splitter, soon after I had a lorry with one fitted and knew the basis from that very article.

Maybe this site needs a stand alone forum where “stupid” questions could be asked, it could even be done without revealing the identity of the person asking the question, the mods could remove all the stupid answers. I think it would be a useful tool?

Rob K:
Not sure what your point is? :confused: Are you trying to suggest that I shouldn’t have taken the ■■■■ because he was a thick [zb] and too stupid to ask someone?

The point is that he didn’t know you can adjust steering columns, so didn’t know there was a question to ask. When he finally makes a comment about the odd driving position, he then discovers for the first time that you can adjust them. In future he will look for this and if he can’t find out how to adjust it, will then be in the informed position that there is a question to ask.

Well, there’s a difference between light hearted ribbing/■■■■ taking which is what happens in the main on here & which is fine amongst drivers unless you’re a (insert politically correct word here) & out right nasty bullying which doesn’t happen very often on here.

Some people are just overly sensitive to be fair.


mainly member of landrover sites and other classic cars/vehicles, as well as small holdings/self sufficiency type sites but with these you can ask for help/advice/guidance on the simplest of things and get the answers needed, ok you do get some warriors ect but majority of any replies are genuine helpfull advise, i have done things like strip engines down purely following advice from other members, imagine trying to do something similar through trucknet,

You probably could it would just take time to go through the wheat and the chaff. I think there’s more people that would help on here then the ones that won’t the problem is its the ones that are abusive or like to take the ■■■■ that stick out and are remembered. As a whole I think it’s actually a good site once you find out who to ignore and who to listen too and once you get the gist off people’s sense off humours and know when there having a laugh and when there just being an arse. Only last week I messaged a question to tachograph as it didn’t warrant a thread and I received a reply which was really helpful to him it was probably a really obvious question but I wasn’t sure off something, I got a straight answer not a load off ■■■■ taking so it is worth being a member for racking the brains off more experienced drivers than myself if nothing else.

totally agree karl,ive asked afew questions on here and ive always recieved excellent advice from everyone.its a great source of information as im new to the industry.Its better to ask someone that knows than struggling like ■■■■ and getting it wrong. :unamused: :unamused:


Rob K:
Not sure what your point is? :confused: Are you trying to suggest that I shouldn’t have taken the ■■■■ because he was a thick [zb] and too stupid to ask someone?

The point is that he didn’t know you can adjust steering columns, so didn’t know there was a question to ask. When he finally makes a comment about the odd driving position, he then discovers for the first time that you can adjust them. In future he will look for this and if he can’t find out how to adjust it, will then be in the informed position that there is a question to ask.

Don’t talk rubbish please. :unamused: You’ve got to be a THICK [ZB] to look at an upright ‘stowed’ artic steering wheel and not consider for 1 second that it probably adjusts because you can’t be expected to drive it like that. It’s basic ■■■■■■■ common sense ffs. If someone can’t use their brain properly then they deserve all the ■■■■-taking that they get, even more so if they can’t be bothered to open their mouth and ASK someone about it. :unamused:

Using your steering wheel adjustment as an example then, I know they adjust but I’ve had to look in the handbook a time or two because I can’t find the switch/button to move the flaming thing. Would we all ridicule a driver because he asked, “Where’s the adjuster for this steering wheel for this mate? I’ve looked and looked but I can’t see it.”
I wouldn’t. I might if he asked “What’s this round thing in front of me?”

Using your steering wheel adjustment as an example then, I know they adjust but I’ve had to look in the handbook a time or two because I can’t find the switch/button to move the flaming thing. Would we all ridicule a driver because he asked, “Where’s the adjuster for this steering wheel for this mate? I’ve looked and looked but I can’t see it.”
I wouldn’t. I might if he asked “What’s this round thing in front of me?”

Of course not - well, at least I wouldn’t anyway. I’d have more respect for him because he’d asked! But you’re all missing the point - it was because he didn’t ask is what makes him a knob. Like the ones that set off down the road with the trailer suspension 10’ in the air or with the tyres scraping the mud guards : they know there’s a problem but they’re too stupid to ask anyone so just blunder on regardless.