Why Have You Moved My Opinions?

So YOU really cant put up with debate

some of mine keep getting moved too

As you are having some difficulty understanding I’ll give you a clue.

This forum is for suggestions/criticisms of the TruckNet UK website and forums.

:wink: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

The post that have been moved all fall into the category covered in this, the FEEDBACK FORUM. The clue is in the name. :wink:

if you feel so bloody strong then go and
start your own site where you can do exactly
what you wish to do, unfortunatly for you and
those who belive ROB was not correctly
handled the majoority


so therefore you are not going
to get your way ,which is correct
ROB if he really wishes to return
and be accepted as a member
again ! needs to rethink how he
can become a memeber and
he knows that he has to adhere
to the rules of the site,which he
did not do,and so he got given

SORRY IF ROB really wishes
to come back then HE should
approach those who deal with
this in private and enquire,
AS IT IS NOT a subject which
concerns us(MEMBERS)

Calm yourself down …the amount of times you have mentioned the chap concerened you have given him more publicity than he could muster himself.

And oh by the way don’t tell me what to do old chap :wink:

my opinion is that this site is suitable for your granny and your kids with sensible advice and poilite discussion
if we want to talk zlllcks we can and do use Mals site

my opinion is that this site is suitable for your granny and your kids with sensible advice and poilite discussion
if we want to talk zlllcks we can and do use Mals site

Would that be the site that Mal hasn’t had anything to do with for about 6 months or so. :confused: :confused: :confused:

You’ll find Terry is now the admin on that site. :wink:


my opinion is that this site is suitable for your granny and your kids with sensible advice and poilite discussion
if we want to talk zlllcks we can and do use Mals site

Would that be the site that Mal hasn’t had anything to do with for about 6 months or so. :confused: :confused: :confused:

You’ll find Terry is now the admin on that site. :wink:

But Mal started it, had the gonads to try a new approach to driver’s forums and put in a lot of hard work to get it off the ground, so I think out of respect for that many people still refer to it as Mal’s site even though they are well aware that Terry now runs it.