Why has thread been removed from Feedback Forum

Hi Dave.
As you maybe know I put up a thread yesterday asking why You tube vloggers were allowed to publicise their commercial sideline under the guise of being ‘fans’ and at the same time basically winding up everybody, and it bordering on trolling.

The successful increase of their revenue resulting from exposure on this site WAS actually confirmed later on (on another thread I think) by one of the key players in this game.

My points got a few responses, as it was evident that these guys were basically ■■■■■■■ everybody off, which was the main point of my gripe :bulb: …, rather than any financial gain they may or may not have been benefiting from,.as that side of things did not affect me personally in any way.

Anyway…an answer eventually came back from one of the mods basically saying that no rules had been broken.

However, soon after the thread on main forum in question was later locked, so I can only assume that somebody somewhere had a different opinion to the original mod on this F.back forum.

Just looked this morning on this forum to comment on this , and I see my thread has disappeared without trace, just wondering why this is.
Is it some kind of face saving excercise or what? :smiley:

(Yeh Dave I know…‘I’ve too much time on my hands’ :blush: :laughing: …but my I’m sat at home, my Mrs is at work, and I’ve exhausted Netflix :laughing:
Happy new year btw mate. :wink: )

I think we get enough stick on here (some rightfully deserved) but to keep implying that we started the thread or had anything to do with starting it is wrong!

The ONLY time we come on here is to defend ourselves if a thread is brought to our attention, the thread in question done us no favourites within the TNUK community so I’m pleased it gone and rather it wasn’t posted but we can’t stop other people posting about us.

So please let’s stop insinuating that we come on here to ■■■■ everyone off as that is ridiculous!

I removed the thread Rob AFTER I removed the legend thread, the way I saw it there was no point in this thread if that thread was gone…

Just like there’s no point to this one, but I’ll leave it up for now.

I removed the thread Rob AFTER I removed the legend thread, the way I saw it there was no point in this thread if that thread was gone…

Just like there’s no point to this one, but I’ll leave it up for now.

Ok fair enough, we’ll just move on…, especially seeing as I ain’t Mr Popular any more, on another thread pertaining to this subject :laughing:

Can’t decide whether to put on that I’m being bullied, or do a classic Trucknet flounce off/mince off. :laughing:

Joking btw. :bulb: :wink: :laughing:
Thanks for the explanation.

Hi Dave.
As you maybe know I put up a thread yesterday asking why You tube vloggers were allowed to publicise their commercial sideline under the guise of being ‘fans’ and at the same time basically winding up everybody, and it bordering on trolling.

The successful increase of their revenue resulting from exposure on this site WAS actually confirmed later on (on another thread I think) by one of the key players in this game.

My points got a few responses, as it was evident that these guys were basically ■■■■■■■ everybody off, which was the main point of my gripe :bulb: …, rather than any financial gain they may or may not have been benefiting from,.as that side of things did not affect me personally in any way.

Anyway…an answer eventually came back from one of the mods basically saying that no rules had been broken.

However, soon after the thread on main forum in question was later locked, so I can only assume that somebody somewhere had a different opinion to the original mod on this F.back forum.

Just looked this morning on this forum to comment on this , and I see my thread has disappeared without trace, just wondering why this is.
Is it some kind of face saving excercise or what? :smiley:

(Yeh Dave I know…‘I’ve too much time on my hands’ :blush: :laughing: …but my I’m sat at home, my Mrs is at work, and I’ve exhausted Netflix :laughing:
Happy new year btw mate. :wink: )

Sorry Rob, it wasn’t me.

I was working and staying 250 miles away and with very poor internet access.

I see that you’ve had a good explanation though.

This “LEGENDS” and fanboy thing has been reported by several members, so it’s probably best left on YouTube and Facebook, where those who like that kind of thing can indulge themselves without disturbing the ethos of TN.

As I said, it was just normal drivers doing normal jobs and not really anything for anybody except easily entertained fanboys to get excited about.


Hi Dave.
As you maybe know I put up a thread yesterday asking why You tube vloggers were allowed to publicise their commercial sideline under the guise of being ‘fans’ and at the same time basically winding up everybody, and it bordering on trolling.

The successful increase of their revenue resulting from exposure on this site WAS actually confirmed later on (on another thread I think) by one of the key players in this game.

My points got a few responses, as it was evident that these guys were basically ■■■■■■■ everybody off, which was the main point of my gripe :bulb: …, rather than any financial gain they may or may not have been benefiting from,.as that side of things did not affect me personally in any way.

Anyway…an answer eventually came back from one of the mods basically saying that no rules had been broken.

However, soon after the thread on main forum in question was later locked, so I can only assume that somebody somewhere had a different opinion to the original mod on this F.back forum.

Just looked this morning on this forum to comment on this , and I see my thread has disappeared without trace, just wondering why this is.
Is it some kind of face saving excercise or what? :smiley:

(Yeh Dave I know…‘I’ve too much time on my hands’ :blush: :laughing: …but my I’m sat at home, my Mrs is at work, and I’ve exhausted Netflix :laughing:
Happy new year btw mate. :wink: )

Sorry Rob, it wasn’t me.

I was working and staying 250 miles away and with very poor internet access.

I see that you’ve had a good explanation though.

This “LEGENDS” and fanboy thing has been reported by several members, so it’s probably best left on YouTube and Facebook, where those who like that kind of thing can indulge themselves without disturbing the ethos of TN.

As I said, it was just normal drivers doing normal jobs and not really anything for anybody except easily entertained fanboys to get excited about.

Thanks for replying Dave,
As you say it’s been sorted since my o/p, ,threads have been locked, posts have been moderated, instigative members have disappeared …and I have had my wings politely and well and truly clipped from one of your lads. :laughing:

So unless I get any undue (or even due :smiley: ) criticism off any members on here over it, my gob is well and truly shut on the subject.
Cheers mate.

Thanks for replying Dave,
As you say it’s been sorted since my o/p, ,threads have been locked, posts have been moderated, instigative members have disappeared …and I have had my wings politely and well and truly clipped from one of your lads. :laughing:

So unless I get any undue (or even due :smiley: ) criticism off any members on here over it, my gob is well and truly shut on the subject.
Cheers mate.

Hi Rob,

Yes, it’s a non-event that’s all done and dusted now. :smiley: