Why does the site not get rid of old discussions?

Moderators quite rightfully can decide whether a topic is suitable for discussion, and I simply want to ask whether members can remove posts that they don’t want to enter into discussion anymore? I posted a subject about excel, and the post had been answered very well, and I now feel that the post should be taken down. I can’t remove the post, so I have had to edit it in such a way that it makes no sense. I understand fully that the site owners, can edit my words should they be offensive etc, but I really should also have the right to edit my own words and even delete them if they are no longer relevant right? (sorry in advace for being a pain)

I don’t see a reason for removing topics, forums don’t work that way and in fact I don’t know any that I am a member of, and that is quite a large number, that do work like that.

Although you may have had an answer to your query it doesn’t mean the thread is no longer relevant, another member may have the exact same problem and the thread, no matter how old, would provide the answer for them. By editing your question after you have received the answer you want deprives other members that opportunity.

The whole forum is an information resource and about the sharing of information. What may not be relevant for one member can be very useful to several others.

If you go to your original post and edit the subject line by putting SOLVED in front of it that should stop any additions. It also lets people see an answer has been found to the problem which may be of help to someone with a similar problem. With regard to removing it most forums have an auto prune which will delete old posts after a certain length of time. I don’t know if this forum has it activated though.