Why does registered users keep going down?

When I logged on earlier, there were 10003 registered users, Ive just noticed that there are 9999 registered users? :open_mouth:

ANSWER HERE :slight_smile:

TN is like Hula Hoops, Skateboards and CBs, one day its in the next day its out.

its dropped by about 50 today

its down to 9950 now

Spam-bot membership applications have to be weeded out manually.
It can take some time and sometimes takes several days to catch up.

Below 9800 now

I was bored :wink:

Denis F:
I was bored :wink:

You’d best go and have a bath, or maybe you could tell me what’s nibbling the croquet hoops.? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

As I know [zb] all about computers and thought photobucket was something you used to put your old photo’s in till you could be bothered to walk to the bin, what is a “spammer”? What do they do? And why are they bad?

isn’t a spammer something you use on muts and bolts…now where did I put my falsh teef… :unamused:

the maoster:
As I know [zb] all about computers and thought photobucket was something you used to put your old photo’s in till you could be bothered to walk to the bin, what is a “spammer”? What do they do? And why are they bad?

Spam is the internet version of junk mail.
A spammer is someone who is paid to send out junk mail.

If we allowed spammers access to the site, they would post on every thread with advertisements for a wide variety of products, none of which are relevant to anyone with any sense.
Threads would have so many posts from spammers that the site would be useless for finding out anything. We would all have to spend so much time looking for genuine posts.
Have a look in your email in-box for examples.

Here’s a link to the Wikipedia entry for spam.

Think were over 10000 users now been over 10000 for over a week now