Why do they do it?

Sounds like bad driving all round.Why did he do it you ask? Maybe totally unaware or maybe to wind you up and it sounds like he did just that.
Why did you do what you did? You are meant to be the professional and all you needed to do was ease off leaving a good gap from him and he probably would have accelerated away in no time then you could have returned to speeding on the limiter.
As it is your blood pressure was probably sky high and the car driver was thinking there’s an other dozy truck driver I have wound up.

Playing the car drivers game you mean?

Why the ■■■■ should you be walked over just because your classed as a ‘‘professional’’ ?

The only thing the OP did wrong was not going over the top of him!

Why do bad drivers usually have bad attitudes as well?

the maoster:


the maoster:
On these dark nights I have developed a new weapon in my armoury to deal with this sort of problem; I don’t bother moving into lane 2 because obviously they’ll speed up, leaving me out there impeding other traffic, I don’t flash my lights 'cos you just end up getting brake checked or irate over someone who really isn’t worth it. My new weapon is my headlight adjuster! I merely raise my headlights, the fool in front knows I’m not flashing him, but suddenly it’s uncomfortable for him to be there, he puts his foot down and bogs off into the distance. Result. :smiley:

Very professional…and you admit to something like that on a forum.It is no wonder truck drivers are generally despised these days.

Oh shut up you incredibly tedious little man.

What a good idea! I shall try that! :laughing:

Why do bad drivers usually have bad attitudes as well?

You trolling?

Theres a worse scenario than that that begs the question and I had one today.
Trundling along with the cruise set at 52 on the A38 an old bint overtakes me and pulls infront of me about 15 feet off my bumper.
I could imediately tell that she was a class act by way she was steering with one hand resting on her lap, too tired to use her free hand to flip the indicator on to signal her intention so the next move should really have come as no surprise.
She then imediately slows to 40 becuase the exit she wanted was (still) about a mile infront. ■■■■■■■ screw drivers :angry:
And no, I didn’t give her any abuse, just counted to 10 and carried on.

This is why I hate being a truck-driver. I’d rather be working in an office somewhere, as you don’t get random members of the public giving you abuse as you go about your daily job of work.

au contraire. in an office you still have to deal with other members of the public giving you abuse, acting strangely and talking rubbish, but you have to refer to them as “colleagues” and laugh at their jokes or else find an ally who shares your pain and misery and spend all day emailing each other about how you despise person X.

i’ve worked in an office for donkeys years and the grass definitely isn’t any greener over here. I’ve just had to listen to three middle-aged women have a conversation about their favourite fruits.

“i eat blueberries almost every day”
“i had a blueberry cheesecake yesterday. i eat a lot of satsumas”
“i wanted to get some satsumas but they didn’t have any. i find clementines too sweet”

repeat until fade


Why do bad drivers usually have bad attitudes as well?

You trolling?

Certainly not,been involved with trucks all my life…just sick of bad driving and bad attitudes.I see it everyday from car and truck drivers.
What happened to being courteous and patient instead of being angry and arrogant.

Some drivers just will not back off.Everyone is at fault apart from them.Sad state of affairs.

whats the big drama about being left in lane 2 :question: .....wait till its clear,and then with a slight nudge on the steering wheel move back across…you hav`nt lost any road speed…so why all the fuss :question:

Normally just play the same game if this happens but using a slower vehicle in lane one and a queue of vehicles in lane two. Time it right so that as you catch up the slower vehicle you join the traffic in lane two which boxes the offending vehicle in behind the slower vehicle.
Either that or just let them go and don’t rise to the bait as sure as eggs is eggs you normally catch them up five miles down the road and just pass them no problems.

whats the big drama about being left in lane 2 :question: .....wait till its clear,and then with a slight nudge on the steering wheel move back across…you hav`nt lost any road speed…so why all the fuss :question:

Nice to see someone has a bit of common sense.

Then head light adjuster is for when you are empty or loaded, as the beam goes up or down, i have never used mine, it is set on the nought position all the time.

So either you’re ‘one of those’ that drives around loaded with the beam set stupidly high dazzling everyone else or when empty, the top of the beam is about 5’ in front of you, allowing you to see precisely ■■■■ all in the distance :laughing: :wink: Have to ‘turn mine up’ on the Scania when empty with the mid-lift up, otherwise i’m ‘one of those’ with the beam just off the front bumper…it’s way to low if not adjusted

whats the big drama about being left in lane 2 :question: .....wait till its clear,and then with a slight nudge on the steering wheel move back across…you hav`nt lost any road speed…so why all the fuss :question:

If he wasn’t being held up, why did the OP find himself in a position to overtake?

i was generalizing

OP asks ‘Why do they do it?’ Anyones guess I suppose. Maybe one reason is they not with it then suddenly HGV is alongside/thundering past and it wakes them up and they want to be out of the way. God knows about them slowing up after.

My car many years ago used to suddenly slip out of 5th gear on m/way and it took a couple of seconds to get the speed back, but I thinks that’s probably rare.

I had to do some homework a couple of weeks ago as I needed to change my car. Alarmingly I was reading up about certain cars that will suddenly lose speed and other such problems occuring. Quite a few cars have been recalled as you may be aware of. Maybe it’s the crappy electric system on certain cars.

No mention of the dreaded Nissan Micra on this post yet .

After carrying out my own tedious experiment i noticed that when you put your indicator on to overtake, the flashing of the indicator seems to wake them from the trance and they speed up as you go to pass them. However if i just pull out without indicating* nine times out of ten they wont even realise your passing.

*NOTE: I only attempt this when the road behind is clear of approaching vehicles and it is safe to carry out the manovure.

the maoster:
On these dark nights I have developed a new weapon in my armoury to deal with this sort of problem; I don’t bother moving into lane 2 because obviously they’ll speed up, leaving me out there impeding other traffic, I don’t flash my lights 'cos you just end up getting brake checked or irate over someone who really isn’t worth it. My new weapon is my headlight adjuster! I merely raise my headlights, the fool in front knows I’m not flashing him, but suddenly it’s uncomfortable for him to be there, he puts his foot down and bogs off into the distance. Result. :smiley:

I assume you drive a scania? I miss my headlight adjuster from my old scanny :frowning:

A lot of the time drivers in there own little world , radio on foot starts to come off accelerator , suddenly big loud lorry starts coming past wakes them up a bit and down goes the foot again , others are doing other things texting on the phone , sorting out the paperwork on passenger seat , all these ive seen , just make sure you keep an eye on em and are ready for the crap driving they do ,
hopefully they pull away eventually and can get on with your day :wink:

What happened after he gave you the finger?

I think he got bored with me & accelerated away.

i just knock a couple mph off the c/control and let them play their game with someone else, i cant be bothered with their games.