Why do drivers in full time employment buy inferior buscuits


Rob K:

It’s the kids on peanuts rob, they take anything they can to make their wage better.

My weeks wages :laughing:

Yes and my wage goes as fast seems to melt in my hand :slight_smile:

Perhaps that’s why employers are going for cheaper labour options Rob. It’s not because your rates are too high, it’s because companies don’t want pay extra and get a thief into the bargain as well. You think a driver goes out without gloves? No, he goes back to the office to get a new pair saying that ■■■■ agency driver pinched mine. And while he’s there he mentions that his pen and his polo mints have taken wing an’ all.

Pennies as you say, and not worth getting your knickers in a twist over, but it’ll be remembered the next time the office wants an agency driver.

It happened to me when I worked for Eddie. My ancient bridge map and a few A-Z’s went missing after an agency drove it. Nothing devastating and nothing that could be proved. It was an inconvenience caused by a prick of an agency driver who couldn’t keep his hands to himself, which probably cost him in the end. The depot manager requested the agency that they don’t send this fellow in future.

I really hope your post was in jest Rob. I thought you were better than that.

Anybody who admits to driving for Eddie deserves their cab desecrating!

Anybody who admits to driving for Eddie deserves their cab desecrating!

Why is that then?

The company im on for don’t use agency, they cant risk having sub standard drivers behind the wheel of their lorries.

Simple you eat it you replace it as that regular driver may be in the same situation following day and think i no what i will have those and to find out when looking forward to them that some swines eaten then then i would have a few chosen words to say .

at our place dont have agency but occasinioaly use someone elses truck simple i just go out do job dont go routing through there stuff or leaving it a ■■■■ tip but if have to night out just take basics and kip on top bunk if the fridge has beer then they are doomed :laughing: same rule applies replace it


I got caught doing that once, with a packet of savoury ones. The guy who saw me said I was [zb] crackers.

Well I thought it was funny :stuck_out_tongue:

To the OP, malted milk are the food of the gods you Palestine.

Or possibly even a Philistine !!! :smiley:


Rob K:

It’s the kids on peanuts rob, they take anything they can to make their wage better.

My weeks wages :laughing:

Bloody hell …A WHOLE PACKET ?



I got caught doing that once, with a packet of savoury ones. The guy who saw me said I was [zb] crackers.

Well I thought it was funny :stuck_out_tongue:

To the OP, malted milk are the food of the gods you Palestine.

Or possibly even a Philistine !!! :smiley:



I got caught doing that once, with a packet of savoury ones. The guy who saw me said I was [zb] crackers.

Well I thought it was funny :stuck_out_tongue:

To the OP, malted milk are the food of the gods you Palestine.

Palestine or Philistine… ■■

Aye them an’all!