Why do drivers in full time employment buy inferior buscuits

Thanks, confirms what I always thought :imp:

I now leave absolutely NOTHING in my cab now after bits have gone missing including a little cash, pens, hi-vis, and food and even a cushion !!.

Not all agency drivers are the same. Iā€™ve never taken anything from anyones cab nor eaten their biscuits. I have had to put up with climbing into a cab then wrenching my guts up because of the stink of feet and BO from the regular driver. Iā€™ve also had to drive some real health hazards too as well as doing a daily check and put a gallon of oil in (yes, a gallon) because the regular driver never checks it.

Own Account Driver:
I used to get boxes of broken biscuits off the gatehouse at United Biscuits in Ashby when I used to go in there years ago. Anyone know if they still do that?

A few places do. Best for me was going to Tunnocks up near Glasgow. A guy would always come back with a paper bag full of caramel wafers.

I found a selection packet of biscuits on my coach on the overhead racks once, thought it was fair game to consume them :laughing: :laughing:

Full time drivers are under no legal, moral or contractual obligation to feed agency drivers.

Iā€™m agency and I do not poke around someoneā€™s cab even on the most boring of boring drops.

I live by the rule treat others (and their property) how you would like to be treated and its stood me well. Iā€™ve never had a complaint made against me and Iā€™m proud of that.

As for biscuits, what is one manā€™s dream is anotherā€™s nightmare but you shouldnā€™t be looking/taking anyway.

I used to enjoy playing biscuit roulette when I was on agency, interesting to see who were the decent drivers leaving me jammie-dodgers or hob-nobs. Just a shame there were a few tight drivers whoā€™d leave rich teas. What kind of gift is that meant to be?!

Doing a day on the agency today, got to my first collection and been on a bay for a couple of hours now. Starting to feel a bit peckish and this place Iam at is in middle of nowhere and run by 1 man and is dog.

On investigation of the cab is a half opened packet of malted milk biscuits (who the hell buys them)

Is it considered bad form to reach over and eat a couple?

The last time I found myself in this situation all the previous driver had left me were those pink wafer efforts which I found repulsive.
So come on guys think of the agency lads and buy some decent buscuits eh!

I think your joke got a little lost on this lot, I thought it was funny :laughing:

And those cheap multi packs of crisps. :grimacing:

JLS Driver SOS:

Doing a day on the agency today, got to my first collection and been on a bay for a couple of hours now. Starting to feel a bit peckish and this place Iam at is in middle of nowhere and run by 1 man and is dog.

On investigation of the cab is a half opened packet of malted milk biscuits (who the hell buys them)

Is it considered bad form to reach over and eat a couple?

The last time I found myself in this situation all the previous driver had left me were those pink wafer efforts which I found repulsive.
So come on guys think of the agency lads and buy some decent buscuits eh!

I think your joke got a little lost on this lot, I thought it was funny :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: didnt realise it was a joke now I feel so much less aggitated, or maybe not.The reason his ā€œjokeā€ is a little lost on us lot, is due to bitter expierience, all us full time guys have stories of our personal effects being rifled and pilfered, and to be honest thats no joke. I know some top quality agerncy guys, the ones you ask to have on your motor, who youā€™d more than happily leave a full biscuit barrel for, they Iā€™m affraid are a rarity. :unamused:

eddie snax:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: didnt realise it was a joke now I feel so much less aggitated, or maybe not.The reason his ā€œjokeā€ is a little lost on us lot, is due to bitter expierience, all us full time guys have stories of our personal effects being rifled and pilfered, and to be honest thats no joke. I know some top quality agerncy guys, the ones you ask to have on your motor, who youā€™d more than happily leave a full biscuit barrel for, they Iā€™m affraid are a rarity. :unamused:

Yep lost on me too.

Since my friend another core guy i shared with on nights died, i have just stripped my cab of all personal things and stuck a hasp on the bunk and put everything in there. The cab is just an empty shell now. No offense to agency bods we have plenty of good guys on the books, but we also have plenty of fannys.

some of the trampers at stobarts used to tie the bed up so you couldā€™nt lay on it during your shift (fasten it up with a bike lock).
not much good if you get stuck out of hours,but hey,theyā€™re in a nice warm bed while youā€™re laying over the seats and gear stick.
should of made a point of squirting nob juice over the end of the bed :astonished:

Iā€™m not sure why so many full-timers get themselves worked up over it. Itā€™s not like itā€™s their own truck, itā€™s owned by the company and they just drive it. If they leave anything in it then itā€™s fair game imho. I canā€™t remember the last time I had to buy a new pair of gloves as I mustā€™ve collected tons of them by now from the side of the seat. Pens are another thing that you can never have too many of.

If they leave stuff out like bags of wine gums, packets of gum or polos etc then itā€™s obvious they donā€™t mind sharing them with other people otherwise theyā€™d have taken them out when not working :confused: . Same with tea bags, I donā€™t see the harm in helping yourself to make a brew. Weā€™re talking about pence when it comes down to it. Whereā€™s the harm ffs. :unamused:

My feet tend to get sweaty and whiff a bit if I take my boots off so what I usually do is just leave my boots on when I get on the bunk for a kip and just loosen the laces, obviously after Iā€™d made sure to get rid of the worst of any mud or grease on them.

It wouldnā€™t have been the first time Iā€™ve nicked the AAs out of their stupid electronic air freshener squirter and put them in my torch when my own batts have run out. They shouldnā€™t have those electric air fresheners in the cab anywas as they ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  choke you to death :angry: .

They should just ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  chill out and realise thereā€™s more important things to worry about in life. :unamused:

Itā€™s the kids on peanuts rob, they take anything they can to make their wage better.

Itā€™s the kids on peanuts rob, they take anything they can to make their wage better.

Rob K:
Iā€™m not sure why so many full-timers get themselves worked up over it. Itā€™s not like itā€™s their own truck, itā€™s owned by the company and they just drive it. If they leave anything in it then itā€™s fair game imho. I canā€™t remember the last time I had to buy a new pair of gloves as I mustā€™ve collected tons of them by now from the side of the seat. Pens are another thing that you can never have too many of.

If they leave stuff out like bags of wine gums, packets of gum or polos etc then itā€™s obvious they donā€™t mind sharing them with other people otherwise theyā€™d have taken them out when not working :confused: . Same with tea bags, I donā€™t see the harm in helping yourself to make a brew. Weā€™re talking about pence when it comes down to it. Whereā€™s the harm ffs. :unamused:

My feet tend to get sweaty and whiff a bit if I take my boots off so what I usually do is just leave my boots on when I get on the bunk for a kip and just loosen the laces, obviously after Iā€™d made sure to get rid of the worst of any mud or grease on them.

It wouldnā€™t have been the first time Iā€™ve nicked the AAs out of their stupid electronic air freshener squirter and put them in my torch when my own batts have run out. They shouldnā€™t have those electric air fresheners in the cab anywas as they [zb] choke you to death :angry: .

They should just [zb] chill out and realise thereā€™s more important things to worry about in life. :unamused:

You wouldnā€™t do any of the above if the driver was there watching you though would you !! & to admit ā€˜nickingā€™ AAs just sums you up as the total tool that you come across as.

Chocolate Hob-Nobsā€¦ now thereā€™s a real biscuit. I could eat a whole packet of those in one go :smiley:


I got caught doing that once, with a packet of savoury ones. The guy who saw me said I was [zb] crackers.

Well I thought it was funny :stuck_out_tongue:

To the OP, malted milk are the food of the gods you Palestine.

Palestine or Philistineā€¦ ā– ā– 

Doing a day on the agency today, got to my first collection and been on a bay for a couple of hours now. Starting to feel a bit peckish and this place Iam at is in middle of nowhere and run by 1 man and is dog.

On investigation of the cab is a half opened packet of malted milk biscuits (who the hell buys them)

Is it considered bad form to reach over and eat a couple?

The last time I found myself in this situation all the previous driver had left me were those pink wafer efforts which I found repulsive.
So come on guys think of the agency lads and buy some decent buscuits eh!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Rob K:

Itā€™s the kids on peanuts rob, they take anything they can to make their wage better.

My weeks wages :laughing:

Rob K:
They should just [zb] chill out and realise thereā€™s more important things to worry about in life. :unamused:

Rob, youā€™re a wind up merchant, you allways have been. and actualy you probably do none of what you claim, but youā€™re welcome to gloves as are lot hand them out like conffetti.

Off on a tangent, years ago my wife brought some real cheap Tea bags, they were rubbish, so I took them to work and left them with the fitters (pre warned them). They left them in the tea room, and they had vannished in a couple off hours, Mr light fingers was welcome to them though :wink: