Why are us on moderation not able too reply too messages

What does pre mod actually mean? Vern and Harry have posted OK.

Their post appears once a mod has seen it and approved it. Vern posted the posted above at 17:48 and I saw it at 19:42 and immediately approved it and it then appeared. How long it takes to appear depends on how long before a mod sees it.

Also I was interested in buying that number plate in the for sale section but could not post.

The For Sale forum is read only, you have to reply by email. As Tacho said people post them in other forums and when it’s seen it’s moved and any replies are posted before it is seen and moved.

Thanks coffee and tacho.

Probably couldn’t afford that number plate but it’s very appealing.

Harry Monk:

Speaking very generally, there are many reasons that people can get put on pre-mod, but it’s usually for some kind of rule-breaking.

Oh I don’t know, sometimes it can be because somebody finally responds to months of admin-permitted trolling, but because the troll and the decision-taker regularly kiss each others back passages on Facebook, and because the decision- taker is incapable of making it beyond ten in the morning without falling into an alcoholic stupor, he doesn’t make a very rational call.

The sentence to pre mod seems rather long, big vern must be a year and harry heading that way, how much longer do they have to serve?

The longer the better as far as I’m concerned. :wink:

DITTO!!! :laughing:

DITTO!!! :laughing:

Harry Monk:

The sentence to pre mod seems rather long, big vern must be a year and harry heading that way, how much longer do they have to serve?

The longer the better as far as I’m concerned. :wink:

See,Vince and Vern,you two think alike,I reckon you’d get on well.