Whose football ground #2? [Got by Dave the Renegade]

Does anybody know whose football ground is this?

Crewe Alex?


Alex, Alex, who the ■■■■ is Alex ? :slight_smile:

Crewe Alex?

Sorry Paul, it’s not Crewe Alex :frowning:


Sorry mate, it’s not Bradford :frowning:

Hillsborough ?

Tranmere Rovers.

Hillsborough ?

Sorry mate, it’s not Hillsborough :frowning:

Dave the Renegade:
Tranmere Rovers.

Nice try Dave, but I’m much further from home than Tranmere. :wink:

Glasgow Rangers Ibrox.

Oak well, Barnsley fc?

Dave the Renegade:
Glasgow Rangers Ibrox.

Sorry Dave, it’s not Glasgow Rangers. :frowning:

Oak well, Barnsley fc?

Sorry Jacko123, it’s not Barnsley.

I’m further to the North. :wink:

Celtic Park.

Dave the Renegade:
Celtic Park.

Sorry Dave, it’s not Celtic Park… you need to be a bit further North. :wink:

Tulloch Caledonian Stadium Inverness.

Dave the Renegade:
Tulloch Caledonian Stadium Inverness.

Spot on Dave, we have a winner!! :smiley:

Pan to the right from where I took the first pic, and this is what you’d see:

Football ground #2_.jpg


Dave the Renegade:
Tulloch Caledonian Stadium Inverness.

Spot on Dave, we have a winner!! :smiley:

Pan to the right from where I took the first pic, and this is what you’d see:


I couldn’t think of many Scottish football grounds much further north than that one Dave. :laughing:
Cheers Dave.