Whos done the furthest one hit home?

load ireland fri pm/sat am catch 0915 rosslare to pembroke dock,tip rome x4 plus anything upto another 15 drops,load prato,modena verona and milan tip dublin fri am and start the sorru process again and that was every week,now i gotta sensible job!!!1 that was only last year and if vosa are watching i’m a compulsive liar!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

that was only last year and if vosa are watching i’m a compulsive liar!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

As are we all :wink:

Was I following you, or were you following me, I was pulling for Smithy around 86 when Jimmy Ellis, Johnny Austin and the two Kiwi birds were there amongst others Oh and moany Bill ( used to go on about when he was on for PIE) and Soapy was on the gate, do you remember when his Caravan caught fire, he lost everything. Dave Baker was the fitter.
I did quite a few Pavia loads, but I was mainly on Portugal, tipping Algarve and Lisbon, re-loading Oporto. Running Swiss was great werent it, and Friday night in Giovannis was good too, “who wants some more awfull wine and f###ing cheese” Parked on a 1in4 hill for the night, leaning backwards. Mind you atleast you didnt fall out of your bunk!!!
Then I went on for Roy Bradford, and then on for Astran, where I stayed until I got out of transport.
Do you remember Dave Chamberlain?? he could drink a pallet of Efes between Kapik and the Londra, I never knew how he could get passed the TIR control at Tuzla…but he did.
It all comes flooding back dont it.

I wish to remain anonymous with this one :stuck_out_tongue:

I got loaded early in Lodz Poland should have loaded monday but the guys loaded me on saturday morning and called the customs man at home.he came on his bike and sealed me up and did my papers. I was in Dover Monday morning.

I left Evzoni one morning and apart from a coffee at the National my next stop was Nurnburg cos I fell off my perch for 3 hours. Then non stop to Dover.

That road from Gevgeghlia to Nis was a poxy road wasnt it, and then that bit from Belgrade- Slavonski Brod was crap too, infact all of Yugo was crap except for the National Belgrade.
Commie Bloc was good until they all started to be allowed out, then all the borders got clogged up didnt they. Only the lucky ones were allowed to go Austria, how many days and nights were spent in queues at Rajka, Tompa, Ruse, Nadlac, Calafat and on and on…I was in no-mans land going into Rumo from Hungary at Nadlac one trip had only been there about two days, creeping slowly along. it was about 5am and I was walking up the line to see what the Rumos were doing and to see if anyone was asleep and I could jump the queue a bit, and the passenger door of a yellow Rynarts burst open and this Rumo bird jumped out, being sick. I dont know what she had swallowed but I could just imagine Abi laying there all satisfied like, puffing on a Marlborough.!! Chok Guzel…

My last trip on my own was going into Romania through Varsand. About 5km from the border close to a Raba dealer. Volancamion IIRC my Daf let go of all its vital fluids and pressures. This was Saturday afternoon As was the norm, I stripped the engine in a layby / bus stop and discovered nothing very serious. I walked about 7 kms back into Hungary and bought some fresh oil. I replaced the sump and refilled the engine.

When I started it, there was a bang, a lot of smoke and bits of shrapnel flying everywhere. The reason the engine had lost its oil pressure was that a conrod had split right down the oilway and peeled apart like a banana skin.

That evening several Brits passing by stopped to help, saw whart a state I was in and left me beer and food :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks Chaps.

On Monday I was towed into the Raba dealer and the foreman was convinced he could fit on of the Perkins engines in my tilt to the Daf :smiley: Instead I had called the cavalry and Jogger John came from the UK bobtail and we took my trailer to Izmit but that is another long story for another day :wink:

Well we all had the same objective, and that was to get the job done, by what ever means necessary, and then sort out our problems eh!
I was taking an old Y reg 1628 Merc down to Doha to sell one trip, while my Scania was being refurbished. I got to Ingoldstadt for the train to Italy, to avoid any problems in Germany ( I was using a night permit)and my electrical suzie wrapped itself round the prop, right under the flange into the gearbox. Got it clear and thought no more of it. I managed to get right down to the othr side of Damascus, on the motorway to Derraa and I heard a big bang and the unit jumped and shuddered to a halt. The Gear box oil seal must have got damaged when the suzie wrapped round the prop. Blew the gearbox to pieces.
I didnt stop under the bridge on the convoy coz I was so slow that I wanted to have a head start when I got to Derraa, so I just kept going. I had some explaining to do when the convoy caught me up!! I managed to get a tow truck to tow me to the border and then one of the lads who was coming home empty left his trailer and pulled mine down to Doha and tipped it for me. I sold the unit to a Lebanese mate of mine at Derraa, and flew down to Doha from Amman, because the Saudis didnt allow me in as a passenger at Haditha. When I got to Doha, I sold the trailer and flew back to blighty. What a palava, but the job got done…and Astran paid me.

Oh I just remembered when I used to do Portugal, when I was on for Smithy,
( Eurotrans Rainham) Oporto - Dover, leave Friday night about 10.30 after I cleared with shoes,Sunday afternoon Ferry from Boulogne to Dover, clear and straight up to British Shoe at Leicester, to tip Monday morning, then back down to Rainham.
Some would not agree with all this but thats how it was then," got to get home to load and ship out!!!"

Leaving Sunday 12.00 Porto and delivery Tuesday 08.00 in Graz :sunglasses:

I once did jabbekke services from the train!

Oh no i stopped at the new Texaco garage for a packet of ■■■■…

loaded merter (remember merter gavin) cleared 1am friday morn erenkoy istanbul,stopped for coffee at geiselwind 10pm sat night,ollox to the ban,heerlen sunday morn 5am.sleeeeeeeeeeeep,tipped woodgreen monday morn for an extra £200,then got bollocked by roy…another 1…wednesday moscow,tunde told me we were at an allnighter friday night,arrived 1 am sat morn blackburn allnighter.aaarrrghhhhh…last of all hook of holland sat 8am tip kiev monday dinner,regular for peter king…calling in at appeldorn for a bit of skunks finest of course

Do I remember Merter, only Roys golden boys loaded there didnt they!!
Hows married life keeping you both ? how many kids have you got. I still remember your wedding and the party after. I did one hit back to Horsham after that, it was really foggy, outside and inside my BMW( Dutch fog inside) I am married now with a 14 month baby daughter.
Im going to post a pic of you polishing your chrome stacks in the Londra!! do you remember that.
I have often wondered where you are and what you are upto. Last thing I knew was that Pilkington job you were doing, then you were going to Almata werent you? How long did you run down there. Check out my Efes Kontrol post, I put the cartoon that Johnny Neville drew on there.
We had some good trips didnt we. Do you remember your first trip to Portugal, with me and Catweezle, you two had to catch me up in France somewhere. Then Roy let you come to Istanbul after that. Catch you later.

allwrite bud,dont doubt i was bein a sado an polishing my stacks,them days are long gone.Only did the one to uzbeck,then did azerbyjan lots of russia and ukraine then onto shipping and driving trucks to doha,finished with all that 3 years ago.Now i run to plymouth approx 20 times a month with my own truck,home every night and the dosh is good.We stil live in the same place but we are emmigrating to perth australia in march 08,looking forward to that.Nice to hear you have a baby daughter,We saw some pics of you in the carribian on this site looks and sounds like your havin a good one.Always wandered how you got on.We have two kids,boy of 7 and a girl of 3 so keepin buisy as you do.Will get some pics of fam an trips of various places and people you aint seen for a while.Till then bud,take care.

Shipped out Harwich- hook sunday morning. Tipped Moscow post office Wed morning (Chrismas day) empty back to Braintree got back Saturday lunch :open_mouth: :open_mouth: time. £1450 trip money not a bad week. :wink:

Missed our ferry at Portsmouth due to too many holiday makers, we were actually on the ramp, and as we had the Sunday driving ban, my then partner and I had to drive for 27 hours non stop to miss the driving ban, and we would have missed our return trip and been out of schedule.

took me a while to understand your txt,realising what you were on about,only i didnt do mine in zeeby i did mine in babelhawa no mans landand a dutchman i had drivin for me asked me in the middle of the conversion"oh i didnt know you could get disposables"as i was lobbing the old ones near alfys foulkes old cab.we got all the latest technoligy in swansea nowerdays…when we were parked at homs he then told me he has been trainin to be a copper in nl.that was the last trip he did for me…godfredoma

Exeter to Burton on Trent last night . Tired and dark .

The last services in Swiss before the French border (lake Lusaune) to Calais not stop 11 hours, me bladder was the size of a basket ball by the time I got there :laughing:

The last services in Swiss before the French border (lake Lusaune) to Calais not stop 11 hours, me bladder was the size of a basket ball by the time I got there :laughing:

It would have been Bologna to Calais, but the swiss cops made sure I pulled into the services cos it was a quarter past ten at night

am irish so, out on friday nights lane-fleetwood. of fleetwood at 6.00 am saturday morning, down to euro tunnel, turned a guy an calais, back on to train up til stranar, 19:50 hss to belfast, drop trailer in the yard, at 22.00 went lift a traler got on the mid night boot to caryanin, tip in heathrow the next morning, loaded in peterbourgh and tip in belfast. at 10 that night then home to bed

r slicker:
reggio calabria load 18.00 friday. in yard 18.00 sunday night. in norwich

Porto Sun 12.00 to Graz Tue 07.59