Who's changed their mind

you;ve all heard this

old duffer to new driver
i was in Baghdad before you were in your dads bags
i’ve forgotton more than you know

and thats the whole point of the drivers CPC

So your one of the suckers thats done his 35 hours got his card and …NOW , thinks he knows it all, and can tell me and god knows how many other old codgers on here we know jack all, you mite have the card…you may have got it free ! or been a good boy and payed out of your own pocket…but dont be under any illusion, you cant buy experience my friend . :sunglasses: :laughing: cpc my arse.

Not me I’ve done one module and it was bs learned nothing.I passed my c then c+e 10 in 2003,full ADR twice since,have my operators cpc national+international,got my road freight license,recently paid for a ‘waste carriers license’ a £132 piece of paper to add to all my other useless at the minute to me bits of paper.It is imo just a money racket keeping loads of pen pusher types in ‘jobs’.

The current form of the DCPC is ■■■■■■■■ for sure.

But I don’t agree that ‘experienced’ drivers can’t learn anything new. Everyone can. But I do agree that in the current form the CPC is pretty useless to most and a tax on drivers. :slight_smile:

I was wondering who might have changed their mind, Or got different views about the Dcpc.
I know most were dead against it, But about 50% of drivers have done the 35 hours anyway.
I still have no intention of doing it, But i’m sure some of you that had similar views may have thought about it and think it’s a great idea now.

Basically, if you don’t do it then you won’t be driving a truck in two years’ time. It isn’t going away. VOSA are already enforcing it.

In the short term it will be cheaper to buy an acoustic guitar and learn to play “I fought the law and the law won”, you might get a few coins, in the longer term if you want to drive a truck for a living then you will have to do it.

Yes it’s boring, yes it’s crap, yes it is just a tax on our jobs, I completely agree. But it isn’t going away.

Harry Monk:

I was wondering who might have changed their mind, Or got different views about the Dcpc.
I know most were dead against it, But about 50% of drivers have done the 35 hours anyway.
I still have no intention of doing it, But i’m sure some of you that had similar views may have thought about it and think it’s a great idea now.

Basically, if you don’t do it then you won’t be driving a truck in two years’ time. It isn’t going away. VOSA are already enforcing it.

In the short term it will be cheaper to buy an acoustic guitar and learn to play “I fought the law and the law won”, you might get a few coins, in the longer term if you want to drive a truck for a living then you will have to do it.

Yes it’s boring, yes it’s crap, yes it is just a tax on our jobs, I completely agree. But it isn’t going away.

That EU legislation that was going to prevent car modification disappeared because it was an unworkable load of ■■■■■■■■ if the deadline comes and food’s not getting on the shelves because of it this’ll go the same way.

I can remember you paying to do it yourself but you can end up like the bloke that’s ■■■■■■ away a fortune on a Scania convincing themselves it was money well spent.

I have done two modules and to be honest I think it’s a complete waste of time and an insult to long serving drivers,maybe someone doing their test and starting off could learn something from it but apart from that I see it as a complete waste of time and money :imp:
I don’t know about the UK but here in Ireland it seems anybody that can read can be a dcpc instructor,the last one I was on was about driving technique etc,the instructor asked me to explain ‘brake blending’,I did as he asked and he told me my explanation was wrong!
I said “oh really? well you explain it to us then!” he franticly started reading the book and when he finished he apoplogised and told me I was right and that he was a gym instructor and was doing the guy running the course a favour by taking the class and had no clue whatsoever about trucks or transport!!!
To say we found it hard to justify paying him 60 euro each at the end of it is an understatement :open_mouth:

what’s brake blending?

Own Account Driver:
That EU legislation that was going to prevent car modification disappeared because it was an unworkable load of ■■■■■■■■ if the deadline comes and food’s not getting on the shelves because of it this’ll go the same way.

I can remember you paying to do it yourself but you can end up like the bloke that’s ■■■■■■ away a fortune on a Scania convincing themselves it was money well spent.

I don’t know about car modification so can’t really comment on that. Come deadline day I reckon about 90% of truck drivers will have a DCPC and the other 10% will just be hung out to dry.

Harry Monk:

Own Account Driver:
That EU legislation that was going to prevent car modification disappeared because it was an unworkable load of ■■■■■■■■ if the deadline comes and food’s not getting on the shelves because of it this’ll go the same way.

I can remember you paying to do it yourself but you can end up like the bloke that’s ■■■■■■ away a fortune on a Scania convincing themselves it was money well spent.

I don’t know about car modification so can’t really comment on that. Come deadline day I reckon about 90% of truck drivers will have a DCPC and the other 10% will just be hung out to dry.

when they changed the motorbike test into 2 parts about 4 / 5 years ago, the deadline came and the some test centers weren’t ready, so they put the date back 6 months, on hearing this having thought i’d left it too late, i got it booked sharpish!!

i could see it being delayed, but not dropped

Harry Monk:

Own Account Driver:
That EU legislation that was going to prevent car modification disappeared because it was an unworkable load of ■■■■■■■■ if the deadline comes and food’s not getting on the shelves because of it this’ll go the same way.

I can remember you paying to do it yourself but you can end up like the bloke that’s ■■■■■■ away a fortune on a Scania convincing themselves it was money well spent.

I don’t know about car modification so can’t really comment on that. Come deadline day I reckon about 70% of truck drivers will have a DCPC and the other 30% will just hang up their keys.

Changed it to my forecast, time will tell though. :laughing:

I still think the whole thing will ultimately unravel for a couple of reasons firstly in a computer age where internet based distance learning is becoming the norm the whole set-up is outdated from the get go. I could understand classroom based learning if courses were doing something practical but most aren’t. The main reason it will unravel is the point that DCPC trainers suddenly hit a work drought once the panic is over plenty of them will need to spend money out on overheads they can’t get out of and will cut the arse out of prices or just offer it back pocket cash even if the driver doesn’t turn up.

Why would the other 10% be hung out to dry Harry your not stupid enough to believe driving is the only job on planet earth are you.Could be an ideal opportunity for some guys
to go out and achieve a new life,new career,the CPC or the lack of it might just be the push they need.

Come to Canada, no such nonsense required here!

No i have not changed my mind ,said from the start “it’s just another tax” and still think it is …granted we all learn somthings from it but why is it not free ,reason imho is government bodies are being run to selfund and generate monnies.


I`ve just done mine but it was done for free by the company i was working for otherwise I would have signed on instead :laughing:

Quite useful too as i`m bogging off to Canada in 2 weeks :sunglasses: open to offers if anyone needs a DCPC card (joke btw for all those with no sense of humour) :laughing:

I dont understand why so many drivers are moaning about something which is will ultimately make the job alittle bit more professional, i get the points about drivers having to pay for it out of their own pockets, doing it on rest days etc but many companies do pay for it. Most skilled jobs require regular training so why should ours be any different.

I was wondering who might have changed their mind, Or got different views about the Dcpc.
I know most were dead against it, But about 50% of drivers have done the 35 hours anyway.
I still have no intention of doing it, But i’m sure some of you that had similar views may have thought about it and think it’s a great idea now.

Havent done any yet!!! limey but i dont think there is no option really is there apart from sucking it and doing it i dont see the point of it as its a complete farce imho… you can sit the same module each day and gain this stupid Dcpc
Again in my eyes its yet another money rackett scheme what isnt much use to most out there,
maybe the guys who have jsut passed there test it may help them in a lot of ways I.e tacho rules, maybe loading etc but for those who has done it 5~30yrs what can they teach them unless they are complete numptys
but its here to stay like it or not so theres no real point either do it or loss the right to drive legally

‘…I dont understand … drivers … moaning about something which is will … make the job a little bit more professional…’

1 All this hassle and threats of ‘no-job’ for a ‘…little bit…’ more professionalism?

In my back yard that indicates spineless cowardice to outside bullies: What’s wrong with the UK peeing it’s own boundaries :open_mouth:

Besides, if I sideswipe you off the road and take your wallet would you not bleat :question:

2 The fact is that the DCPC is being forced on the UK - thus it is not on UK terms or to satisfy UK needs because it is being dictated from abroad without any significant input from UK professional experts. Nor is it significantly sanctioned by UK politicians who, in the case of Lib-Lab-Consters, capitulate either because they know the futility of questioning Big Brother in Brussels or they’re too lazy.

Or, those same politicians believe that UK driver training needs are the same as Latvia’s, Greece’s or Portugal’s, etc - in which case why don’t UK politicians insist on bringing those nation test standards up to the UK’s :question: :neutral_face:

How is that ‘…professional…’ Governmental leadership :question:


Happy Keith:
No change: It remains an expensive federal tactic to homogenise an entire geograhical region by dictatorial administrators regardless of national sensibilities.

So it’s all about the black helicopters and tinfoil hats? … Is it ■■■■■■■■. It’s an exercise in raising revenues, not regional subjugation…’

:bulb: A rude troll? :bulb:

3 If it were ‘…an exercise…’ in revenue raising then it too has failed by indicating the EU’s ineptitude even further.

Because, if the EU wants more money from the former Great British zone of the EU they simply tell Cameron ‘Give us more money, Cameron’ and he does :wink:


you;ve all heard this

old duffer to new driver
i was in Baghdad before you were in your dads bags
i’ve forgotton more than you know

and thats the whole point of the drivers CPC

So your one of the suckers thats done his 35 hours got his card and …NOW , thinks he knows it all, and can tell me and god knows how many other old codgers on here we know jack all, you mite have the card…you may have got it free ! or been a good boy and payed out of your own pocket…but dont be under any illusion, you cant buy experience my friend . :sunglasses: :laughing: cpc my arse.

Hmm, I’ve got the experience and the CPC (all three)…

Me and a couple of the other drivers at our place are trying to make sure that the newer (not younger) drivers get practical training that makes all our lives easier, hopefully they’ll get a DCPC card out of it too.

Personally, I don’t care if they keep the DCPC or not. All I want is colleagues (of any age) who can work well and keep us in business.

What exactly, are you doing to make your industry a better place to work…?

A Sucker

I’ve got my card (didn’t pay for it) but still think it is a waste of time.

Because of a previous company going under then a few bad decisions on my part I’m actually worse off.

The dcpc card is not worth a toss unless you have good references to go with it (I don’t)
At least I’m not out of pocket cos mine was paid for

alte hase:
The dcpc is such an obvious and an outrageous ‘in your face’ counterfeit ‘non law’ LAW, designed for and to be administered by those accruing generous incomes doing state created ‘non jobs’, its not just pointless its pointedly pointless, simply an efficient revenue raising strategy to finance the ‘non jobs’ and effective at driving home the ‘state’ to citizen message that you are the controlled and they are the controllers, leaving the citizen in no doubt that they can be made to comply with any directive their new EU fuehrers care to dream up, including the utterly pointless, which is the whole point, being in possession of it simply proves the point, anyone boasting about possessing a dcpc will cause me to create a good distance between myself and such a brainwashed moron, if I get one I can think of nothing that I’ve been forced to do during the past 40 years of professional hgv driving of which I will be more ashamed.

Great post mate.

alte hase:
The dcpc is such an obvious and an outrageous ‘in your face’ counterfeit ‘non law’ LAW, designed for and to be administered by those accruing generous incomes doing state created ‘non jobs’, its not just pointless its pointedly pointless, simply an efficient revenue raising strategy to finance the ‘non jobs’ and effective at driving home the ‘state’ to citizen message that you are the controlled and they are the controllers, leaving the citizen in no doubt that they can be made to comply with any directive their new EU fuehrers care to dream up, including the utterly pointless, which is the whole point, being in possession of it simply proves the point, anyone boasting about possessing a dcpc will cause me to create a good distance between myself and such a brainwashed moron, if I get one I can think of nothing that I’ve been forced to do during the past 40 years of professional hgv driving of which I will be more ashamed.

Outstanding post, I agree with everything you’ve said there entirely.