Who works for these rates?

Spoke to a well known freight forwarder from north west yesterday(19/05) asking for a load out of Glasgow area back south and was offered £210 to Wakefield, £230 to mansfield and finally a massive £260 to Lutterworth. After not much thought i declined the loads and was then asked why? WHY? Take a blind guess. I was then told ‘other companies do it’ At this point i had to check to make sure somebody had not registered us as as a charity, any how in the end i gave it a wide birth and collected a load from a little further south. Who works for these rates ■■?

Desperate people, and sadly there are a few about at the moment

Sad isn’t it, Haulage is going down the pan for this very reason, someone out there will pull those loads and the whole time that happens then rates are just going to keep coming down and down. It’s pathetic take this metaphor: Haulage is the countries blood supply doing basically what blood cells do, now what happens when those red blood cells are gone? The body (Country) dies. Come 2012 when the cabotage rules are abolished the european hauliers will come over and haul cheaper and before we know it the only domestic work we will have is bins and milk. Sad really and even the bins are being taken over by the french. GORDON BROWN is responsible for this, ALL OF IT, go to hell BROWN!!!

Glasgow to lutterworth £260 :open_mouth: you’d want twice that.

Glasgow to lutterworth £260 :open_mouth: you’d want twice that.

The rates out of scotland have allways been crap its always been £250 ish back to yorkshire in the 6 yr ive been running

lee hawke:

Glasgow to lutterworth £260 :open_mouth: you’d want twice that.

The rates out of scotland have allways been crap its always been £250 ish back to yorkshire in the 6 yr ive been running

couple of years back used to load bricks ex chryston to middlesborough/darlington area for £250 (as a backload rate),then load out same area back for notts/leics/derbys for £300+…granted it’s all brick/block crane offload,but i sure as hell wouldn’t of touched any of it at a penny less,i used to get £750+ for essex to edinburgh/glasgow to get me up there… :unamused:

If I quote on any scotch work I try to get round trip money.Scotland is proper hard work.What makes me laugh is some scotch firms pay guys £280-£300 for loads out of scotch, but they wont back load out of England back to scotch for less than £350 with their own vehicles.Guess they know we want the load.

Clever folk them jocks!!!

We run a mix of vans, 7.5s and artics. Even on a backload for a van out of Glasgow back down to Manchester I’d look for about £150.00. Lutterworth if I was backloading to our Herts depot for a van, I’d be OK at the £250.00 mark. I’d rather run a truck back empty than do that, having said that, we are lucky that we can get decent rates up so we don’t have to rely on a backload. For as long as I can remember this has been the problem in this industry that there is always someone willing to drop that bit further and then it becomes the standard rate.

Was there/is there a system in the US where loads couldn’t be offered under a certain p.p.m? Or am I dreaming again? It would mean that you would have to compete on service instead of cutting rates.

Was there/is there a system in the US where loads couldn’t be offered under a certain p.p.m? Or am I dreaming again? It would mean that you would have to compete on service instead of cutting rates.

Hi albion, I’m not sure about the US, but IIRC, the Germans had some kind of fixed rates system quite a while ago…

there is an urban myth that hauliers that run bent also cut rates. Well it’s a load of [zb]. you see if a customer wants a job doing in a certain time, which they know can’t be done legaly, then they will be willing to pay premium rates to get it done.

those hauliers who run at rates such as those listed in this thread are a much more serious threat to the industry than those who run bent from time to time. these are the [zb]ing cowboys.

I agree with all of the above, I had a couple of vans also up until 2004 and Belsill was a regular run from Leicester, backload rate we used to get was £150 then, and that was generally only one pallet, we used to get £250 from Dyce back to Loughborough. Truckwork I wouldn’t know, the company I pulled for was always loaded both ways anyway.

As long as there is some money on the job someone will do it. :frowning:

Scotland is a bugger to get work out of, many a time I had vehicles sit there most of the day tryin to get a decent rate out, virtually impossible! Wouldnt do Scotland unless it was decent money goin up to run back empty.

there should be no such thing as a back load rates…hauilers are the own worst enemy coz theres alway somebody that will do the load… :imp:

the rates are getting terrible, i used to get a backload from glasgow to castleford £310,a guy started charging £190 how do you compete?thats for 26tn

there should be no such thing as a back load rates…hauilers are the own worst enemy coz theres alway somebody that will do the load… :imp:

totaly agree with you on that jody. a load is a load never mind which bloody way it is going!

AA Route planner…Glasgow to Lutterworth = 322 miles

Rate of £260-00 Divided by mileage of 322 = A MASSIVE .807 ppm

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

How the hell do they get somebody to do that…theyre earning ■■■■ all

The fact is there is about five times more haulage volume going north to Scotland compared to what comes south from Scotland. Anyone with loads coming south can afford to skimp on what they pay you because there is plenty of trucks empty daily north of the border all looking for backloads.

My lot send about 4 - 6 loads a day to Scotland from Somerset, we subcontract what we can but if we are forced to send our own motors then they end up coming south empty to the NW or Yorkshire. It’s the lessers of two evils - no point in wasting time trying to find a backload south that doesn’t exist; or you take whatever pish poor money is offered if you can find a load.

It’s just market economics, it’s nowt to do with Gordron Brown, and I’m certainly not his biggest fan… :open_mouth:

Regular loads south for proper money are gold dust, good luck if you can find them.