M40 this morning, in front of me was an artic over taking another artic. Coming into the a34 junc and the truck overtaking is about halfway past,the other starts indicating to move over onto the two lanes for the m40. The overtaking truck still in middle lane the other is then trying to what looks like force him to move over to let him on. The overtaking truck puts indicator on for the a34 while rapidly running out of road! In the end they both just got in the lanes they wanted with alot of horn blasting and light flashing from the Truck being overtook! I thought the truck being overtook should have knocked it off to let him past then move over without the bullyboy tactics. The overtaking truck should have maybe stayed in that lane if he required the a34 junc what do you think?
Both firms do the same sort of work as us (fridges into rdcs) and they are normally pally and wave to each other!
I think it was the one who was overtaking, if hes wanting the next junction, and hasnt got the power to get past the other truck, then hes at fault. Why even contemplate blaming the truck being overtaken, saying he should back off, its not what i would do, as i dont read minds, what is the intention of an overtaking truck…exactly…question answered.
The usual standard of professional driving then from 2 morons.
And then we have other so called professionals not knowing who was in the wrong.
Kinda confirms the sad state of drivers today.
Both are wrong.
The truck in lane one should have knocked it off a bit so he could pull into lane two for the m40 regardless of whether the other bloke wanted to carry on or go down the 34. In fact he should have knocked it off a couple of clicks to let the other bloke by.
The truck in lane two shouldn’t have been there, He knew the 34 was coming up, He should have hung back for a mile or two.
Highway Code says the vehicle being overtaken should slow down to allow the other vehicle to complete the manouvre if necessary.
But it also says you should only overtake if it’s safe to do so.
So, both at fault. One for initiating an overtake he didn’t have room to complete, and the other guy for ‘punishing’ him for it like a self-righteous road captain.
Ha Ha!
No I think it was written by someone who wanted to stop people having accidents.
What it’s saying is that two wrongs don’t make a right.
Ha Ha!
No I think it was written by someone who wanted to stop people having accidents.
What it’s saying is that two wrongs don’t make a right.
You can’t legislate against idiocy though. Both of them need a good slap
2 wrongs don’t make a right!!!
Both, here’s why.
Truck being overtaken should have been out a lot earlier and read the road better and kept his eye on any faster trucks behind gaining on him, he should have worked out that if the truck approaching behind wanted the M40 then he will be effectively boxed in… Sometimes someone will have to come off the limiter so if he didnt want it to be him then he should have been out into lane 2 a lot earlier.
Truck that is overtaking should not have started a maneuver a mile before he wanted to exit the motorway and judged speed/time and distance better than he did.
Yes, a truck thats being overtaken should back off and let him go if its taking a while BUT this shouldnt come into the forward planning of the truck that is overtaking, all of his planning should be under the impression that the truck he is going to overtake WONT back off.
2 wrongs don’t make a right!!!
I used to hear that several times a day at school.
As annoying as it is, if a vehicle is in front then I try and give way to it. Happened to me last night near the end of the A55 in North Wales where it splits for queesnferry (I think, 2 lanes become 3 and the first lane splits left and the other 2 head toward the M56). There was a McBurneys solo unit behind who pulled out as soon as he could and blocked me from moving over. He slowy crept past and I had to back off to move over safely. Some people will do anything to get ahead.
Looking at it from another perspective;
I pulled out to overtake a slower lorry. Was about halfway past and we went past a joining slip road with an artic about to join which was slightly ahead of the wagon I was overtaking but not ahead of me. The guy in the middle had no option but to back off. I couldn’t go anywhere, if I had backed off I would of caused confusion, I didn’t see the joining slip road (think it was somewhere around the bottom end of the M60/M56. The guy I was overtaking was probably cursing me but what can you do.
As annoying as it is, if a vehicle is in front then I try and give way to it. Happened to me last night near the end of the A55 in North Wales where it splits for queesnferry (I think, 2 lanes become 3 and the first lane splits left and the other 2 head toward the M56). There was a McBurneys solo unit behind who pulled out as soon as he could and blocked me from moving over. He slowy crept past and I had to back off to move over safely. Some people will do anything to get ahead.
Looking at it from another perspective;
I pulled out to overtake a slower lorry. Was about halfway past and we went past a joining slip road with an artic about to join which was slightly ahead of the wagon I was overtaking but not ahead of me. The guy in the middle had no option but to back off. I couldn’t go anywhere, if I had backed off I would of caused confusion, I didn’t see the joining slip road (think it was somewhere around the bottom end of the M60/M56. The guy I was overtaking was probably cursing me but what can you do.
He can curse all he wants, he didnt have to back off, it was both of yours right of way. The adjustment should have been made from the vehicle joining the carriageway, simples.
Pair of knob heads. I put myself in exactly the same situation on the M4 earlier. I wanted the M25 Clockwise and as the junction appeared we were neck and neck.
Didn’t even think about it, backed off straight away and eased in behind him. It’s a long junction and I probably could’ve made it but why risk it. And to gain what.
If it’s an RDC they run into regular they should pretty much know from experience where they are on the motorway, the few extra seconds to wait behind the truck he wanted to overtake would have made little to no difference to the arrival time. We’ve all got caught out at junctions and link roads it’s no big thing to wait or slow down bit, trucks don’t take prisoners and getting home to what matters in life is always the best option.
Both knobs.
Yep, I feel this cuts out a lot of the waffle.
It does make me laugh, peoples determination to stick on cruise on the limiter at all costs. Its not speed, the truck wont explode if you slow down.